306 research outputs found
From Grain to Feed
Horse beans are used as an example of grain, which have potentials to substitute fish meal in fish feed. After several grinding and fractionation steps it was possible to obtain a protein-rich horse bean fraction with a yield of 19 %. This fraction contained 55.9 % protein. The high protein content together with the amino acid profile makes the fraction very suitable as a substitute to fish meal in fish feed. The protein-rich fraction was used as a successful additive in extruded fish pellets
Spiser kvæg som en grønthøster, eller er de kræsne
De fire arter, som studene selekterede positivt, var alle naturarter, nemlig alm. kvik, manna-sødgræs, alm. hønsetarm og fløjlsgræs. Af de arter, som studene selekterede negativt, var der to kulturarter, rød svingel og engrapgræs, samt to naturarter, mosebunke og knæbøjet rævehale. Studenes selektion var ikke knyttet til kvalitet for foderværdi i form af fordøjeligt organisk stof, råprotein eller cellevægsindhold (NDF)
Response of primiparous and multiparous buffaloes to yeast culture supplementation during early and mid-lactation
Strains of live Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast have exhibited probiotic effects in ruminants. This study investigated the effects of the dietary yeast supplement, S. cerevisiae (Yea-Sacc1026), on primiparous (PP) and multiparous (MP) Egyptian buffaloes in early to mid-lactation. Lactating buffaloes were fed either a basal total mixed ration (TMR, control; 4 PP and 8 MP) or the basal TMR plus 10 g Yea-Sacc1026 per buffalo cow per day (yeast; 4 PP and 8 MP). The feeds were given from 15 days prepartum to 180 days postpartum. Feed intake, body weight, and milk yields (MY) were recorded, and milk and blood samples were collected for analyses. Feces were collected from days 45 to 47 during early lactation and from days 90 to 92 during mid-lactation to determine apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and crude fiber (CF). Energy corrected milk yield (ECM), feed conversion, and energy and nitrogen conversion efficiency were calculated. Yeast treated MP buffaloes consumed more DM (P ≤ 0.041) and CP than the untreated control group. Apparent digestibility of DM and OM were significantly greater at mid-lactation for treated versus control group (P = 0.001). Crude fiber digestibility was greater in MP than in PP buffaloes (P = 0.049), and yeast supplemented MP cows had a greater CF digestibility than control MP buffaloes at mid-lactation (P = 0.010). Total blood lipids decreased after yeast supplementation (P = 0.029). Milk yields, ECM, fat and protein yields increased for yeast treated MP buffaloes (P ≤ 0.039). The study concluded that the response to yeast supplementation in buffalo cows is parity dependent. Multiparous buffaloes respond to yeast supplementation with an increased DM intake and CF digestibility without significant weight gains, allowing a greater ECM yield with less fat mobilization. Supplementing buffaloes with yeast culture may increase milk production in early lactation and results in a more persistent milk production during mid-lactation. Feed conversion and energy and nitrogen conversion efficiency may be increased with the use of yeast supplementation in Egyptian buffaloes
Comparative methane estimation from cattle based on total CO<sub>2</sub>Â production using different techniques
The objective of this study was to compare the precision of CH4 estimates using calculated CO2 (HP) by the CO2 method (CO2T) and measured CO2 in the respiration chamber (CO2R). The CO2R and CO2T study was conducted as a 3 × 3 Latin square design where 3 Dexter heifers were allocated to metabolic cages for 3 periods. Each period consisted of 2 weeks of adaptation followed by 1 week of measurement with the CO2R and CO2T. The average body weight of the heifer was 226 ± 11 kg (means ± SD). They were fed a total mixed ration, twice daily, with 1 of 3 supplements: wheat (W), molasses (M), or molasses mixed with sodium bicarbonate (Mbic). The dry mater intake (DMI; kg/day) was significantly greater (P < 0.001) in the metabolic cage compared with that in the respiration chamber. The daily CH4 (L/day) emission was strongly correlated (r = 0.78) between CO2T and CO2R. The daily CH4 (L/kg DMI) emission by the CO2T was in the same magnitude as by the CO2R. The measured CO2 (L/day) production in the respiration chamber was not different (P = 0.39) from the calculated CO2 production using the CO2T. This result concludes a reasonable accuracy and precision of CH4 estimation by the CO2T compared with the CO2R
Legemiddelgjennomgang i sykehjem. Bruk av elektronisk kommunikasjon for tverrfaglig samarbeid
Beskriver et forprosjekt som hadde til hensikt å prøve ut klinisk farmasøyt som bistår sykehjem med legemiddelgjennomgang via digital kommunikasjon.I dette forprosjektet har kommunene Hemne og Meldal i samarbeid med SINTEF Teknologi og samfunn og sykehusapotekene i Midt-Norge lagt grunnlaget for en ny tjeneste. Prosjektet er også nasjonalt forankret gjennom Sjukehusapoteka i Vest HF, Sykehusapoteket i Namsos, Helsedirektoratet, Apotekerforeningen, Løvåsen sykehjem og Trondheim / Rindal Kommune. Tjenesten går ut på at kliniske farmasøyter bistår sykehjemmet med gjennomgang av beboernes legemidler gjennom digital kommunikasjon. Det er etablert en reell interesse og forankring nasjonalt og internasjonalt av fremtidige løsninger som økonomisk bærekraftige og kvalitetssikrede tjenestetilbud for en pasientsentrert legemiddelgjennomgang. Som en del av videreføringen av prosjektet er det sendt en søknad til Forskningsrådets utlysning IKT Pluss, søknadstype "Innovasjon i offentlig sektor". Får vi avslag på søknaden til Forskningsrådet vil en OFU søknad være et naturlig valg i videreføringen
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