53 research outputs found

    Active Collision Avoidance for Planetary Landers

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    Present day robotic missions to other planets require precise, a priori knowledge of the terrain to pre-determine a landing spot that is safe. Landing sites can be miles from the mission objective, or, mission objectives may be tailored to suit landing sites. Future robotic exploration missions should be capable of autonomously identifying a safe landing target within a specified target area selected by mission requirements. Such autonomous landing sites must (1) 'see' the surface, (2) identify a target, and (3) land the vehicle. Recent advances in radar technology have resulted in small, lightweight, low power radars that are used for collision avoidance and cruise control systems in automobiles. Such radar systems can be adapted for use as active hazard avoidance systems for planetary landers. The focus of this CIF proposal is to leverage earlier work on collision avoidance systems for MSFC's Mighty Eagle lander and evaluate the use of automotive radar systems for collision avoidance in planetary landers

    Ares I-X Flight Test Validation of Control Design Tools in the Frequency-Domain

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    A major motivation of the Ares I-X flight test program was to Design for Data, in order to maximize the usefulness of the data recorded in support of Ares I modeling and validation of design and analysis tools. The Design for Data effort was intended to enable good post-flight characterizations of the flight control system, the vehicle structural dynamics, and also the aerodynamic characteristics of the vehicle. To extract the necessary data from the system during flight, a set of small predetermined Programmed Test Inputs (PTIs) was injected directly into the TVC signal. These PTIs were designed to excite the necessary vehicle dynamics while exhibiting a minimal impact on loads. The method is similar to common approaches in aircraft flight test programs, but with unique launch vehicle challenges due to rapidly changing states, short duration of flight, a tight flight envelope, and an inability to repeat any test. This paper documents the validation effort of the stability analysis tools to the flight data which was performed by comparing the post-flight calculated frequency response of the vehicle to the frequency response calculated by the stability analysis tools used to design and analyze the preflight models during the control design effort. The comparison between flight day frequency response and stability tool analysis for flight of the simulated vehicle shows good agreement and provides a high level of confidence in the stability analysis tools for use in any future program. This is true for both a nominal model as well as for dispersed analysis, which shows that the flight day frequency response is enveloped by the vehicle s preflight uncertainty models

    Australian cardiac rehabilitation exercise parameter characteristics and perceptions of high-intensity interval training: a cross-sectional survey

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    Purpose: This study explored current demographics, characteristics, costs, evaluation methods, and outcome measures used in Australian cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs. It also determined the actual usage and perceptions of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Methods: A cross-sectional observational web-based survey was distributed to 328 Australian CR programs nationally. Results: A total of 261 programs completed the survey (79.6% response rate). Most Australian CR programs were located in a hospital setting (76%), offered exercise sessions once a week (52%) for 6–8 weeks (49%) at moderate intensity (54%) for 46–60 min (62%), and serviced 101–500 clients per annum (38%). HIIT was reported in only 1% of programs, and 27% of respondents believed that it was safe while 42% of respondents were unsure. Lack of staff (25%), monitoring resources (20%), and staff knowledge (18%) were the most commonly reported barriers to the implementation of HIIT. Overall, Australian CR coordinators are unsure of the cost of exercise sessions. Conclusion: There is variability in CR delivery across Australia. Only half of programs reassess outcome measures postintervention, and cost of exercise sessions is unknown. Although HIIT is recommended in international CR guidelines, it is essentially not being used in Australia and clinicians are unsure as to the safety of HIIT. Lack of resources and staff knowledge were perceived as the biggest barriers to HIIT implementation, and there are inconsistent perceptions of prescreening and monitoring requirements. This study highlights the need to educate health professionals about the benefits and safety of HIIT to improve its usage and patient outcomes

    High-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training within cardiac rehabilitation:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Aerobic capacity has been shown to be inversely proportionate to cardiovascular mortality and morbidity and there is growing evidence that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) appears to be more effective than moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) in improving cardiorespiratory fitness within the cardiac population. Previously published systematic reviews in cardiovascular disease have neither investigated the effect that the number of weeks of intervention has on cardiorespiratory fitness changes, nor have adverse events been collated.We aimed to undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) within the cardiac population that investigated cardiorespiratory fitness changes resulting from HIIT versus MICT and to collate adverse events.A critical narrative synthesis and meta-analysis was conducted after systematically searching relevant databases up to July 2017. We searched for RCTs that compared cardiorespiratory fitness changes resulting from HIIT versus MICT interventions within the cardiac population.Seventeen studies, involving 953 participants (465 for HIIT and 488 for MICT) were included in the analysis. HIIT was significantly superior to MICT in improving cardiorespiratory fitness overall (SMD 0.34 mL/kg/min; 95% confidence interval [CI; 0.2-0.48]; p6-week duration. Programs of 7-12 weeks' duration resulted in the largest improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness for patients with coronary artery disease. HIIT appears to be as safe as MICT for CR participants

    Mission Design for the Lunar Pallet Lander

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    Due to lighting conditions, the program decided to only fly to the north pole in June 2022 and south pole in December 2022. Starting with the June 2022 landing sites at the north pole, a trajectory scan was run for one landing per day for the latitudes from 85 up to 88 degrees at 0.5 degree increments. Each landing site was at lunar dawn, which determined the landing sites longitude as described in the previous section. The results of the June 2022 scan showed that LPL had the capability to reach a landing site at least once per day for the region examined as see in in Figure 12. There appears to be a correlation between the landing sites altitude and the propellant remaining above the landers FPR, Figure 13. This is most likely due to the >10 km altitude constraint at SRM burnout. This constraint was applied to keep the lander high above the lunar terrain to avoid mountains, but can be relaxed when the full terrain data is added. Figure 12. June 2022 Nominal Usable Propellant Remaining vs Landing Date/time Similarly, the December 2022 landing sites were run showing that LPL was also capable of reaching a landing site at the Moon at least once per day. Figure 14 shows the results of the December scan, however, there were 3 landing sites that LPL could not reach. Two were very low in altitude (-5 and -4 km in altitude), which looking at the altitude trends in Figure 15, indicates that these sites may not be feasible with the current mission design. It may be possible to achieve the low altitude landing sites by lowering the SRM burnout altitude constraint, but that requires detailed terrain modeling, planned for a future phase of the analysis. The third non-reachable landing site is most likely due to an optimization error, as its altitude was high enough, at -2 km, that it should not have been a problem for the lander to arrive there. More analysis is required to verify this observation

    Guidance, Navigation, and Control for NASA Lunar Pallet Lander

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    The NASA Lander Technology project is leading the development and integration of the Lunar Pallet Lander (LPL) concept. The objective is to demonstrate precision landing by delivering a payload to the lunar surface within 100 meters of a landing target. Potential landing sites are selected near the lunar pole where water may be present in permanently shadowed regions that could enable future in-situ resource utilization. The LPL is part of a sequence of missions aimed at maturing the necessary technologies, such as lunar precision landing sensors, that will enable the next generation of multi-ton lunar payloads and human landers. This paper provides an overview of the Mission Design, Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) algorithms, and sensor suite. The results show the LPL simulated trajectory and landing precision performance under nominal and dispersed conditions. The landing precision simulation confirms the need to rely on high-accuracy navigation techniques and sensors such as Terrain Relative Navigation (TRN) and the Navigation Doppler Lidar (NDL), currently being developed for space applications. The results also demonstrate the ability of the guidance and control system to perform a soft lunar touchdown by combining thrust vector control during the solid rocket motor deceleration phase, and pulse engine control, for the liquid powered descent phase

    Flight Testing of Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems on the Mighty Eagle Robotic Lander Testbed

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    During 2011 a series of progressively more challenging flight tests of the Mighty Eagle autonomous terrestrial lander testbed were conducted primarily to validate the GNC system for a proposed lunar lander. With the successful completion of this GNC validation objective the opportunity existed to utilize the Mighty Eagle as a flying testbed for a variety of technologies. In 2012 an Autonomous Rendezvous and Capture (AR&C) algorithm was implemented in flight software and demonstrated in a series of flight tests. In 2012 a hazard avoidance system was developed and flight tested on the Mighty Eagle. Additionally, GNC algorithms from Moon Express and a MEMs IMU were tested in 2012. All of the testing described herein was above and beyond the original charter for the Mighty Eagle. In addition to being an excellent testbed for a wide variety of systems the Mighty Eagle also provided a great learning opportunity for many engineers and technicians to work a flight program

    Elastic Model Transitions: A Hybrid Approach Utilizing Quadratic Inequality Constrained Least Squares (LSQI) and Direct Shape Mapping (DSM)

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    A method for transitioning linear time invariant (LTI) models in time varying simulation is proposed that utilizes a hybrid approach for determining physical displacements by augmenting the original quadratically constrained least squares (LSQI) algorithm with Direct Shape Mapping (DSM) and modifying the energy constraints. The approach presented is applicable to simulation of the elastic behavior of launch vehicles and other structures that utilize discrete LTI finite element model (FEM) derived mode sets (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) that are propagated throughout time. The time invariant nature of the elastic data presents a problem of how to properly transition elastic states from the prior to the new model while preserving motion across the transition and ensuring there is no truncation or excitation of the system. A previous approach utilizes a LSQI algorithm with an energy constraint to effect smooth transitions between eigenvector sets with no requirement that the models be of similar dimension or have any correlation. This approach assumes energy is conserved across the transition, which results in significant non-physical transients due to changing quasi-steady state energy between mode sets, a phenomenon seen when utilizing a truncated mode set. The computational burden of simulating a full mode set is significant so a subset of modes is often selected to reduce run time. As a result of this truncation, energy between mode sets may not be constant and solutions across transitions could produce non-physical transients. In an effort to abate these transients an improved methodology was developed based on the aforementioned approach, but this new approach can handle significant changes in energy across mode set transitions. It is proposed that physical velocities due to elastic behavior be solved for using the LSQI algorithm, but solve for displacements using a two-step process that independently addresses the quasi-steady-state and non-steady-state contributions to the elastic displacement. For structures subject to large external forces, such as thrust or atmospheric drag, it is imperative to capture these forces when solving for elastic displacement. To simplify the mathematical formulation, assumptions are made regarding mass matrix normalization, constant external forcing, and constant viscous damping. These simplifications allow for direct solutions to the quasi-steady-state displacements through a process titled Direct Shape Mapping. DSM solves for the displacements using the eigenvalues of the elastic modes and the external forcing and returns a set of elastic displacements dictated by the eigenvectors of the post-transition mode set. For the non-steady-state contributions to displacement we formulate a LSQI problem that is constrained by energy of the non-steady state terms. The contributions from the quasi-steady-state and non-steady state solutions are then combined to obtain the physical displacements associated with the new set of eigenvectors. Results for the LSQI-DSM approach show significant reduction/complete removal of transients across mode set transitions while maintaining elastic motion from the prior state. For time propagation applications employing discrete elastic models that need to be transitioned in time and where running with full a full mode set is not feasible, the method developed offers a practical solution to simulating vehicle elasticity
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