5 research outputs found

    Detection of PCNA ubiquitination by acceptor photobleaching FRET.

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    <p>A. A <i>usp1</i> DT40 cell before and after bleaching of the mRFP acceptor. B. Whole cell spectrum, of the cell shown in A, with excitation at 515 nm (Ex515/ΣλmRFP) before (black line) and after (grey line) photobleaching. C. Whole cell spectrum with excitation at 407 nm (Ex407/ΣλCFP) before and after photobleaching. Inset panel shows a zoomed in region covering the wavelengths around the mRFP emission maximum at 607 nm. D. Ensemble averages from 30 cells of the indicated genotype before and after photobleaching of mRFP. Intensity was normalised to pre-photobleach maximum.</p

    Direct visualisation of PCNA ubiquitination by spectral imaging of fixed DT40 cells.

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    <p>A. Example images of cell mixtures with regions of interest, red circle  =  cell expressing mRFP-PCNA only, blue circle  =  CFP-ubiquitin only and green circle  =  both. B. Ensemble average spectra from cells expressing mRFP-PCNA and/or CFP-ubiquitin. Key as above. The emission maximum of mRFP is 607 nm. C. Relationship of directly excited intensity of a fluorophore to its potential, indirect, contribution to the FRET signal (see text).</p

    Detection of PCNA ubiquitination <i>in vivo</i> by spectral imaging FRET.

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    <p>A. Reference spectra acquired with the Nikon C1-si for CFP (Ex407/ΣλCFP, blue line), mRFP (Ex515/ΣλmRFP, red line) and autofluorescence (‘Junk’) generated by excitation with the 407 nm laser (green line). The dip in the CFP and ‘Junk’ spectra at 515 nm are due to the metal finger protecting the PMT array from the 515 nm laser line. B. Correction of CFP spectral bleedthrough by spectral unmixing. The X axis plots the intensities of the CFP spectral signal (ΣλCFP) following excitation with 407 nm light from whole cells against the Y axis which plots the corresponding mRFP bleedthrough signal, <sup>407</sup>ΣλmRFP. C. Direct excitation of mRFP by 407 nm light. The X axis plots the intensities of the CFP spectral signal (ΣλCFP) following excitation with 407 nm light from whole cells against the Y axis which plots the corresponding mRFP signal, ΣλmRFP. D. Example of unmixed spectral images of DT40 taken with 407 nm light (left hand panel) and 515 nm light (right hand panel) 20 minutes after UV irradiation through a 3 µm microporous filter. In the left hand image, the unmixed CFP (<sup>407</sup>ΣλCFP) and mRFP (<sup>407</sup>ΣλmRFP) channels are superimposed and <sup>407</sup>ΣλmRFP enhanced to allow it to be seen in the merge i.e. this image depicts the position of the two signals but not their absolute intensities. E. Uncorrected FRET ratio image (<sup>407</sup>ΣλmRFP∶<sup>407</sup>ΣλCFP). LUT  =  look-up table. F. FRET ratio image determined after pixel-by-pixel correction for direct excitation of mRFP by the 407 nm laser. G. FRET ratio with the threshold applied H. Derivation of the FRET threshold. Scatter plot of ΣλCFP when excited with 407 nm light against the raw FRET ratio derived from the algorithm in D applied to a <i>usp1</i> cell field (red) and a <i>pcna</i>K164R cell field (blue). The dotted line (at a ratio of 0.1) shows the upper cut off for 99% of the pixels for the <i>pcna</i>K164R cell. I. An example of a cell with a focal accumulation of PCNA that does not result in a FRET signal demonstrating the independence of the FRET signal from mRFP bleedthrough. See also legend to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0009008#pone-0009008-g005" target="_blank">Figure 5D</a>.</p

    FRET between CFP and mRFP in solution.

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    <p>A. Absorbance and emission spectra of CFP and mRFP. The spectra are normalised to the excitation or emission maximum. The overlap (Jλ) between CFP emission and mRFP excitation is shown in green. The overlap in the emission spectra is shown in black. B. Schematic of the CFP-mRFP fusion protein. Before cleavage with TEV protease FRET can take place between CFP and mRFP resulting in energy from the excited CFP being transferred to the mRFP, diminishing the direct emission by CFP at 478 nm and stimulating emission of RFP at 607 nm. Following cleavage, energy transfer is lost resulting in an increase in 478 nm emission by CFP. C. Cleavage of the mRFP-TEV-CFP fusion protein by TEV protease. An aliquot of the reaction was taken from the spectrophotometer at the point at which the CFP emission peak had plateaued following addition of TEV protease. Aliquots were run on SDS-PAGE, stained with Coomassie Blue and transferred for Western blotting with anti-CFP and anti-RFP. D. FRET between CFP and mRFP. Spectra of the CFP-TEV-mRFP fusion protein before (red line) and after (green line) cleavage with TEV protease. The purple line shows the blank control and blue line the emission of the mRFP component of the fusion protein when directly excited at 584 nm.</p

    Expression of fluorescently tagged PCNA and ubiquitin in DT40 cells.

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    <p>A. The genetics of PCNA monoubiquitination. PCNA is monoubiquitinated at lysine 164 by RAD6/RAD18. The monoubiquitin can be cleaved from PCNA by USP1. Thus, when ubiquitin is conjugated to PCNA, FRET may take place between the CFP attached to ubiquitin and mRFP attached to PCNA. No FRET should be seen in a <i>pcna</i>K164R cell line and the signal should be exaggerated in a <i>usp1</i> line. B & C Expression of CFP-ubiquitin and mRFP-PCNA in DT40. B. FACS plots. C. Western blots.</p