7 research outputs found

    Cystatin S western blot of cell homogenates.

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    <p>Lanes 1–3 are cell homogenates where cells were incubated with saliva, C = control. The centre lane in Day 4 contains a molecular weight standard, whilst day 8 and 16 have WMS added.</p

    MUC5B western blot of cell homogenates.

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    <p>Lanes 1–3 are cell homogenates where cells were incubated with saliva, C = control (no saliva incubation).</p

    IgA Binding to HT29 and HT29-MTX cells from matched control IgA alone and WMS over 20 minute incubation period.

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    <p>Significantly more IgA bound to HT29-MTX cells from WMS then from IgA, *P<0.01. Significantly more IgA also bound to HT29-MTX then to HT29-MTX cells from IgA alone, *P<0.001.</p

    Concentration of IgA bound to equal protein levels of HT29 and HT29-MTX cell lines from UWMS at days 4, 8 and 16.

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    <p>Significantly more IgA is bound to HT29-MTX cells compared to HT29 cells at day 16 and also significantly more compared to the same cell line at day 4, where *P<0.05 Day 16 HT29-MTX compared to day 4 HT29-MTX, **P<0.01 day 16 HT29-MTX compared to Day 16 HT29.</p

    SDS-PAGE gel and wsetern blots of cell homogenates.

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    <p>Panel A shows a gel stained with CBB and PAS of control cells where no saliva or IgA was bound. H indicates HT29 cells with the number indicating the time point, M indicates the HT29-MTX cells. Other lanes include the molecular weight standard, UWMS (W), PS (P), buccal cell homogenate (B) and TR146 cells (T). Boxes highlight mucus band of the MUC5AC. Panel B shows blots of the same samples, probing for MUC5AC and a cell loading control β-actin.</p

    Concentration of IgA bound to equal protein levels of HT29 and HT29-MTX cell lines from PS at days 4, 8 and 16.

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    <p>There does appear to be an increase in IgA binding as the MUC5AC later increases on the HT29-MTX cells but this increase is not significant.</p

    HT29 cell layers at day 4, 8 and 16 and HT29-MTX cells at days 4, 8 and 16, with melamine formaldehyde particles and TRITC 4 added, shows mucus layer on the HT29-MTX only and high lights cell membranes.

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    <p>HT29 cells at day 8 and 16 don’t show any mucus production like the day 4 time point. Arrows are described by labels alongside them, with double-ended arrows highlighting cell and mucus thickness.</p