6 research outputs found


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    The research examines the prospects for using the potential of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine to study green technology innovations during economic development under martial law. Based on the study, it is proved that technological innovations in the agricultural sector contribute to economic development and improve the quality of agricultural land. The article analyses the successful implementation of the case of LLC Yuzhef-Mykolayiv Biogas Company, which has successfully restructured the production of a sugar plant and produces biogas and digestate with further processing into electricity and fertiliser. The modern capacities of the studied enterprise are highlighted, which allow to produce 2800 m3 of biogas and ensure the production of 5200 kWh of electricity, while consumption does not exceed 150 kW, at a load of 80%. The volume of digestate produced per year is 100,000 tonnes. In the regional context, innovative environmental technologies aimed at improving the quality of agricultural land have been introduced. An effective mechanism of spatial synergy with adaptation of this practice at most sugar factories through restructuring of production - creation of biogas production facilities on the basis of sugar factories - is proposed. As a long-term development perspective, the paper presents further creation of alcohol production facilities to use excess heat energy from mini-thermal power plants for the production of alcohol and bioethanol. Furthermore, this study confirms the non-linear effect of economic development; a significant result shows that the impact of green technology innovations on improving the quality of agricultural land (soil humus content, amount of mineral and organic fertilisers, pesticides, area of land under organic production, etc.) contributes to the increase in the level of regional economic development of the agricultural sector. The article clarifies the intermediary role of economic development of the agro-industrial complex. The results of the study implement the tasks of sustainable development, such as improving the environment through the innovation of green technologies and achieving regional synergy in green development

    Ecological suitability peas (Pisum sativum) varieties to climate change in Ukraine

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    Saabunud / Received 19.05.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 29.09.2021 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 29.09.2021 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Ihor Kupchuk [email protected] varieties of peas can realize about 50% of their productive potential. One of the main reasons for this is the wrong choice of variety for specific ecological growing conditions. Therefore, the purpose and task of our research are to analyze the current range of peas, included in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for cultivation in Ukraine in terms of their real productivity and resistance to drought and disease in the context of climate change in the direction of drought and temperature rise. Assessment of agroecological stability of pea varieties was carried out by elaboration of the State Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Distribution in Ukraine for 2020, 2010 and Official Descriptions of Plant Varieties and Suitability Indicators submitted in the official bulletins "Protection of Plant Variety Rights" published in Information and reference system "Variety". The most resistant to disease in Ukraine are varieties of peas 'Verbal', 'Prystan', 'Есо', 'Atanas', 'Haiduk'. Varieties are marked by the highest drought resistance 'Verbal', 'Album', 'Alssas', 'Kampus'. The most productive varieties were peas 'Kosmai', 'Album', 'Haiduk', 'Trendy'. The increase in the average annual air temperature in Ukraine during 2001–2020 by 19.3% (8.2–9.9 °C) led to a decrease in the yield of peas by 13.7%, but an increase in the score of resistance of pea varieties to diseases by 25.0%, the score of drought resistance – by 18.8%. Comparison of indicators of disease resistance, drought resistance and productivity of pea varieties for 2020 and 2010 showed that the score of resistance of pea varieties sown to diseases in the period from 2010 to 2020 increased from 6.3 to 8.4 points, i.e. by 25.0%. Drought resistance of pea varieties in 2020 compared to 2010 increased from 6.5 to 8.0 points, which is 18.8%. At the same time, the grain productivity of pea varieties in 2020 compared to 2010 decreased from 3.57 t ha–1 to 3.08 t ha–1, which is 13.7%

    Assessing the Bioenergy Potential of the Agro-Industrial Complex to Ensure the Energy Independence of the Industry

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the bioenergy potential of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine to ensure the energy independence of the industry. The article analyzes the structure of the world-wide supply of primary energy and determines the share of renewable energy sources (hereinafter – RES) in this structure. The expediency of using biomass for the development of bioenergy in Ukraine is substantiated. The classification of the main sources of biomass for energy production is characterized, which, first of all, include primary wood, agricultural waste (dry and wet residues), energy plants, food and industrial waste. The formation of primary agricultural waste in Ukraine is studied, starting from the gross harvest of the main crops and waste coefficients. The theoretical bioenergy potential of primary crop waste in Ukraine in terms of equivalent fuel based on the heat of combustion of waste from the corresponding crops is calculated. The technical bioenergy potential of crop waste has been determined using the coefficients of technical accessibility, the basis of which is the existing technologies for the collection and processing of agricultural waste into energy. An assessment of the economic potential of crop waste for energy production is carried out, the computed technical potential of crop waste and the coefficient of energy use of waste have been taken as the basis for the calculation. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that in Ukraine, the primary waste of such crops as corn for grain, sunflower, wheat, rapeseed and soybeans has the greatest potential for use for energy purposes. The main barriers that hinder the development of bioenergy in Ukraine and slow down the pace of achieving energy independence of the agro-industrial complex are identified. The main ways to overcome the identified barriers are proposed, which should stimulate the use of the bioenergy potential of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine

    Influence of the Type of Root on the Rooting of Viburnum opulus

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    The purpose of the study was to establish the optimal type of cuttings for the technology of root propagation of Viburnum opulus. The cuttings were harvested from native Viburnum opulus mother plants under the conditions of the nebulizing installation of the winter garden of the «Podillia» botanical garden of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. According to the research results, it was established that the rooting and further development of rooted green Viburnum opulus cuttings of the Velikoplidna variety depends on the type of cutting. Analyzing the influence of the type of cutting on the rooting of cuttings of the Velikoplidna variety in the investigated time of cutting, it should be noted the high rooting of cuttings in the variant with three nodes. A gradual decrease in the number of nodes led to a significant decrease in the rooting of green cuttings. Green cuttings of the Velikoplidna variety harvested during the period of mass flowering from the basal part of the shoot with three nodes were characterized by significantly higher rooting, number and length of the root system compared to cuttings harvested from the medial and apical parts. Green cuttings of the Velikoplidna variety harvested during the period of intensive growth of shoots from the medial part of the shoot with three nodes were characterized by significantly higher rooting, number and length of the root system compared to cuttings harvested from the basal and apical parts. Green cuttings of the Velikoplidna variety harvested during the period of slow growth of shoots from the apical part of the shoot with three nodes were characterized by significantly higher rooting, number and length of the root system compared to cuttings harvested from the basal and medial parts

    Efficiency of the Use of Lawn Grasses for Biology and Soil Conservation of Agricultural Systems in the Conditions of the Ukraine’s Podillia

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    The aimed of this study is to scientifically substantiate the peculiarities of the formation of lawn cultural phytocenoses of the Podillia zone of Ukraine based on the analysis of the qualitative state of the existing grass stand. The conducted research is devoted to biodiversity, namely soil conservation. The conducted research is devoted to modern trends in the development of adaptive technologies for growing lawn grasses, which are based on a number of basic directions, which take into account both the features of innovative changes and the technological renewal of mechanization tools, and the main trends in the development of green farming aimed at ensuring the environmental friendliness of the products obtained, soil conservation while ensuring the appropriate levels economic and energy efficiency. The use of lawn grasses as an integral aesthetic decorative element of landscape design is at the same time an ecological and remedial factor of influence on the surrounding natural environment, which is quite widely used in Ukraine and the world. Dense lawn coverings trap dust, increase air humidity, improve the microclimate of the environment due to the phytoncides released by them, thereby improving the air, preventing erosion and improving the agrophysical properties of the soil. Determination of agrophysical soil parameters of total porosity, capillary porosity and aeration porosity was carried out. It has been established that the highest quality lawns form a grass stand with a density of more than 120 vegetative shoots per 1 dm-2. The use of all types of plants contributed to the general growth of both the general sparability, including its subcategories, and the sparability of aeration. At the same time, the specified feature of the formation of spar was noted for gray forest soils in the conditions of the experimental field. This ultimately contributed to a decrease in soil density

    Formation of the Yield of Matricaria recutita and Indicators of Food Value of Sychorium intybus by Technological Methods of Co-Cultivation in the Interrows of an Orchard

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    This study was aimed at theoretical generalizations and experimental results of research on the influence of the combined cultivation of medicinal plants wild chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) and root chicory (Sychorium intybus L.) in the rows of gardens, which actualizes the issue of increasing productivity in industrial orchards. We the authors strive strove to increase the efficiency of growing research crops using fruit plantations, thereby ensuring a shortened payback period for capital investments spent on their creation. The conducted scientific studies have shown that the effect of aster yield on the content of bioactive substances in medicinal plant raw materials depends on the type of soil and climatic conditions of the studied territory, the cultivar, the sowing period, the genetic characteristics of the seeds, and the sowing conditions. The purpose of the conducted research was to determine the patterns of crop formation of the presented medicinal plants in the inter-row orchard according to the elements of agricultural techniques of cultivation in under the agroecological conditions of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine. As a result of the conducted research, the expediency of cultivating existing plants on the area of the allotted plot was confirmed. The optimal timing of autumn sowing for cultivar ‘Perlyna Lisostepu’ with a seeding rate of 6 kg/ha and a yield of dry mass of inflorescences of 1.81 t ha−1 was studied. The main indicators of the seedless method of planting chicory root crops of the second year for wintering in the open ground were established, while 35-40 t ha−1 of high-quality root crops were obtained. Using the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the raw materials of chamomile medicinal cultivars ‘Perlyna Lisostepu’ and ‘Bodegold’ were investigated for the content of flavonoids, chamazulene and its derivatives, as one of the important indicators of the quality of the essential oil, as the component composition of the root chicory cultivars ‘Umansky-99’ and ‘Umansky-97’, in relation to the quantitative ratio hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids in a 1:1 infusion. Accumulation of inulin continued throughout the growing season of root chicory, reaching the optimal content at the beginning of technical ripeness, and the highest rate was 11.5–17.51% in the sub-winter sowing period