37 research outputs found

    Bacterial mechanosensitive channels: models for studying mechanosensory transduction

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    Significance: Sensations of touch and hearing are manifestations of mechanical contact and air pressure acting on touch receptors and hair cells of the inner ear, respectively. In bacteria, osmotic pressure exerts a significant mechanical force on their cellular membrane. Bacteria have evolved mechanosensitive (MS) channels to cope with excessive turgor pressure resulting from a hypo-osmotic shock. MS channel opening allows the expulsion of osmolytes and water, thereby restoring normal cellular turgor and preventing cell lysis. Recent Advances: As biological force-sensing systems, MS channels have been identified as the best examples of membrane proteins coupling molecular dynamics to cellular mechanics. The bacterial MS channel of large conductance (MscL) and MS channel of small conductance (MscS) have been subjected to extensive biophysical, biochemical, genetic, and structural analyses. These studies have established MscL and MscS as model systems for mechanosensory transduction. Critical Issues: In recent years, MS ion channels in mammalian cells have moved into focus of mechanotransduction research, accompanied by an increased awareness of the role they may play in the pathophysiology of diseases, including cardiac hypertrophy, muscular dystrophy, or Xerocytosis. Future Directions: A recent exciting development includes the molecular identification of Piezo proteins, which function as nonselective cation channels in mechanosensory transduction associated with senses of touch and pain. Since research on Piezo channels is very young, applying lessons learned from studies of bacterial MS channels to establishing the mechanism by which the Piezo channels are mechanically activated remains one of the future challenges toward a better understanding of the role that MS channels play in mechanobiology

    Deutsche Literaturgeschichte

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    Functional similarities between heterogeneously and homogenously expressed MscL constructs

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    The mechanosensitive channel of large conductance MscL is a well-characterized mechanically gated non-selective ion channel, which often serves as a prototype mechanosensitive channel for mechanotransduction studies. However, there are some discrepancies between MscL constructs used in these studies, most notably unintended heterogeneous expression from some MscL expression constructs. In this study we investigate the possible cause of this expression pattern, and compare the original non-homogenously expressing constructs with our new homogeneously expressing one to confirm that there is little functional difference between them. In addition, a new MscL construct has been developed with an improved molar extinction coefficient at 280 nm, enabling more accurate protein quantification

    Structure of the dengue virus glycoprotein non-structural protein 1 by electron microscopy and single-particle analysis

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    The flavivirus non-structural protein 1 (NS1) is a glycoprotein that is secreted as a soluble hexameric complex during the course of natural infection. Growing evidence indicates that this secreted form of NS1 (sNS1) plays a significant role in immune evasion and modulation during infection. Attempts to determine the crystal structure of NS1 have been unsuccessful to date and relatively little is known about the macromolecular organization of the sNS1 hexamer. Here, we have applied single-particle analysis to images of baculovirus-derived recombinant dengue 2 virus NS1 obtained by electron microscopy to determine its 3D structure to a resolution of 23 Å. This structure reveals a barrel-like organization of the three dimeric units that comprise the hexamer and provides further insights into the overall organization of oligomeric sNS1

    SwarmPS: Rapid, semi-automated single particle selection software

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    Single particle analysis (SPA) coupled with high-resolution electron cryo-microscopy is emerging as a powerful technique for the structure determination of membrane protein complexes and soluble macromolecular assemblies. Current estimates suggest that ∼104–105 particle projections are required to attain a 3 Å resolution 3D reconstruction (symmetry dependent). Selecting this number of molecular projections differing in size, shape and symmetry is a rate-limiting step for the automation of 3D image reconstruction. Here, we present SwarmPS, a feature rich GUI based software package to manage large scale, semi-automated particle picking projects. The software provides cross-correlation and edge-detection algorithms. Algorithm-specific parameters are transparently and automatically determined through user interaction with the image, rather than by trial and error. Other features include multiple image handling (∼102), local and global particle selection options, interactive image freezing, automatic particle centering, and full manual override to correct false positives and negatives. SwarmPS is user friendly, flexible, extensible, fast, and capable of exporting boxed out projection images, or particle coordinates, compatible with downstream image processing suites