1,850 research outputs found

    ENLT 523.01: The Literature of Natural History

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    EVST 505.01: The Literature of Natural History

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    NASE NE Space Grant / EPSCOR Native American Outreach: Tracing a Successful NASA / Tribal Partnership

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    The involvement of the NASA Nebraska Space Grant (NNSG) with the Native American community began over 4 years ago. Primary participants have included faculty and researchers from the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO); administration, faculty, and staff of 4 Nebraska reservations schools and 2 tribal colleges, and close to 1,000 Native American youngsters. Over these past years, numerous activities and projects have been undertaken; all have been exceedingly successful. Included among these programs and initiatives are educational, motivational, and infrastructure-building activities

    Undergraduate Research: A Liberal Arts Education

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    Review of NASA Nebraska Space Grant Native American Effort

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    During that last few years, great strides have been made in the Native American outreach activities of the NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium. This briefing will cover the following sections: Three Pillars Intra-state Activities Inter-state Efforts Western Region Program

    Highlights Associated with the NE NASA EPSCoR and Space Grant Minority/Diversity Outreach Initiative

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    1997 Formed Nebraska Native American Working Group (NNAWG) of trial college presidents and reservation school superintendents Visited the each of the reservation schools and tribal colleges developing relationships Hosted the first of many field trips for NA students to Sioux City Airport. The first year 250 5th and 6th grade students attended 1998 In concert with the NNAWG, developed academic science outreach programs for NA children at reservation schools Held a grant writing workshop for faculty and staff at NA schools and colleges Held the second Aeronautics Day at Sioux City Airport for 150 5th grade students Sent 4 teachers to an Aeronautics Teacher’s Workshop at Augustana College 1999 Sent a Nebraska team of educators to NASA Ames for a two-week teacher workshop Held the third Aeronautics Day at Sioux City Airport for 150 5th grade students Continued relationship with administrators and principals at reservation schools about academic impact of NASA on school science 2000 Initiated the first Family Science demonstration project at Santee School Held the fourth Aeronautics Day at Sioux City Airport for 150 5th grade students Began discussion with Little Priest Tribal College (LPTC) and Winnebago Schools about possible Family Science demonstration at those schools 2001 Continued the Family Science project at Santee; started two new programs at Winnebago and Walthill Worked with Nebraska Indian Community College (NICC) and LPTC to define how to make Native American students more competitive in mathematics and science Sent another NE team to NASA Ames for two week summer workshop Convened a Nebraska Native American Aeronautics Education Summit at Sioux City; attended by 35 educators, administrators, faculty, and researchers 2002 Continued Family Science at Santee, Winnebago, and Walthill Have recruited a GIS demonstration team from NICC at Santee and Santee Community Schools for a July 2002 project Hosted the 5th Annual Aeronautics Day at Sioux City Airport Have begun initial planning for a K -14 mathematics and science co-ordination effort. Enhancements will use NASA materials 2003 Established the Native Institute for Managing Application in Geospatial Education (IMAGE) at LPTC Faculty at LPTC developed initial STEM learning objectives for curriculum Efforts from previous years were monitored and maintained 2004 Implemented a Geo Family Science demonstration project program for grades 7 and 8 at the Winnebago Public Schools Held the first Geospatial Boot Camp at LPTC 2006 Briefed NSF officials in Washington, DC for possible grant funding to expand LPTC STEM initiat

    The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) Native American Outreach Program

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    The NASA Nebraska Space Grant and Experimental Program to Stimulate Research (EPSCoR) has, under the leadership of Dr. Hank Lehrer of the UNO Aviation Institute, initiated the Nebraska Native American Outreach Program (NNAOP). The NNAOP focuses on the use of aeronautics to improve the math, science, and technology skills of not only K -12 students but for higher education students as well. The three pillars of the initiative are Infrastructure and Partnership Building, Motivation of Students, and Curriculum Enhancement/Teacher Training

    Faculty, Student, and Minority Outreach Activities: A Nebraska Initiative for Aerospace Research and Industrial Development (NIARID) Emerging Focus

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    The NIARID has a specific goal to Amotivate talented Nebraska youth and in particular those from under-represented populations, to pursue post-secondary and graduate-level education and careers in aerospace science and industry through the development of intriguing research-related outreach activities and assistantships.@ An additional emerging segment of this cluster will also focus on the development of the research capabilities of junior faculty members at affiliate institutions with particular emphasis on the utilization of student research assistants from specific minorities
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