4 research outputs found

    Urut Melayu

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    Development of a continuous professional development training module based on multicultural counselling competency for professional counsellors in Malaysia

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    The aim of this study was to develop a continuous professional development training module based on multicultural counselling competency for professional counsellors in Malaysia. The research methodology comprised three phases: (i) training need assess- ment using survey method, (ii) module design and development and (iii) module eval- uation using an experimental design. First, the Multicultural Counselling Competency Survey-Malaysian Counsellor Edition questionnaire was used to collect data from 116 professional counsellors from various work settings. The results clearly indicated the need for continuous professional development training to enhance counsellors’ multicultural counselling competency. The development of the training module adopted Sidek’s model, a Malaysian-based framework for module development. The developed training module was then evaluated for its effectiveness through analysing its content validity and reliability. Results revealed that the training module scored high content validity value of 77.2% (0.77) and satisfactory reliability level (alpha Cronbach’s coefficient value of 0.75). The overall findings of the present research imply that the continuous professional development training module is necessary for enhancing mul- ticultural counselling competency of Malaysian professional counsellors

    Garis panduan penggunaan fasiliti Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) bagi tujuan latihan pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) untuk Program Optometri

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan bidang optometri terdapat banyak IPT yang menyediakan program mengikut keperluan bidang tersebut di peringkat ijazah, sarjana dan kedoktoran. Ini menyebabkan KKM menerima banyak permohonan dari IPT bagi menempatkan pelajar-pelajar mereka untuk menjalani latihan di fasiliti KKM. Latihan yang komprehensif dan teratur amat diperlukan bagi melahirkan tenaga kerja yang kompeten. Sejajar dengan objektif tersebut, KKM sentiasa berusaha untuk menyediakan prasarana pembelajaran yang kondusif bagi memenuhi keperluan latihan. Sehubungan dengan itu, satu garis panduan yang komprehensif diperlukan sebagai panduan penggunaan fasiliti KKM oleh pelajar IPT dalam negara. Penyelarasan yang sistematik perlu diwujudkan bagi mencapai objektif yang telah ditetapka