1 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Concept Map dan Mind Map untuk Mengembangkan Kemampuan Penalaran dan Penguasaan Konsep

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    This study purposes to reveal the role of concept maps and mind maps to the improvement of reasoning and mastering concept ability of high school students on the circulatory system material. The method was quasy experimental with The matching Pretest-Posttest Group Design. The population was entire class XI in SMAN 24 Bandung. The samples determined using cluster random sampling was class XI-1 and class XI-2. Class XI-1 given learning with concept maps, while the XI-2 given learning with mind maps. The instruments was questions form of reasoning and mastering concepts, questions of TOLT, questionnaire, and the results of students concept maps and mind maps. Measured aspects of reasoning and mastering concepts was cognitive dimension on the revised Bloom's taxonomy. The results showed 51.4% of the students in the map concept class was at concrete level and 48.6% was at transition level. While in mind map class, 81.8% of students was at concrete level, and 18.2% was at transition level. The average increasement of reasoning and mastering concepts from pretest and posttest. in concept map class was 0.33 (moderate) and map mind class was 0.32 (moderate).The results of t-test analysis was significant value of tcount (0.66) > 0.05. its mean there was no significant differences from concept map and mind map class. Based on the result, showed that both of these learning tools can be used to develop reasoning and mastering concepts ability, although there was no significant difference between the results of the use of concept maps and mind maps