50 research outputs found

    Last Men Standing: Chlamydatus Portraits and Public Life in Late Antique Corinth

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    Notable among the marble sculptures excavated at Corinth are seven portraits of men wearing the long chlamys of Late Antique imperial office. This unusual costume, contemporary portrait heads, and inscribed statue bases all help confirm that new public statuary was created and erected at Corinth during the 4th and 5th centuries. These chlamydatus portraits, published together here for the first time, are likely to represent the Governor of Achaia in his capital city, in the company of local benefactors. Among the last works of the ancient sculptural tradition, they form a valuable source of information on public life in Late Antique Corinth

    Richter (Gisela M. Α.). Greek Portraits III. How were likenesses transmitted in ancient times? Small portraits and near-portraits in terracotta, Greek and Roman.

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    Hanfmann George M.-A. Richter (Gisela M. Α.). Greek Portraits III. How were likenesses transmitted in ancient times? Small portraits and near-portraits in terracotta, Greek and Roman.. In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 39, fasc. 3, 1961. Langues et litteratures modernes - Moderne taal- en letterkunde. pp. 866-867

    Richter ( Gisela M. Α.). Greek Portraits, A Study of Their Development.

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    Hanfmann George M.-A. Richter ( Gisela M. Α.). Greek Portraits, A Study of Their Development. . In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 34, fasc. 3, 1956. pp. 817-818

    Richter ( Gisela M. Α.). Greek Portraits, A Study of Their Development.

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    Hanfmann George M.-A. Richter ( Gisela M. Α.). Greek Portraits, A Study of Their Development. . In: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, tome 34, fasc. 3, 1956. pp. 817-818

    Nouvelles fouilles de Sardes

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    Hanfmann Georges M.A. Nouvelles fouilles de Sardes. In: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 129ᵉ année, N. 3, 1985. pp. 497-519

    H. Stern. — Le calendrier de 354.

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    Hanfmann George M.-A. H. Stern. — Le calendrier de 354. . In: Syria. Tome 31 fascicule 3-4, 1954. pp. 327-330

    The Third Campaign at Sardis (1960)

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    A Near Eastern Horseman.

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    Hanfmann George M.A. A Near Eastern Horseman.. In: Syria. Tome 38 fascicule 3-4, 1961. pp. 243-255