2,874 research outputs found

    Ab-initio GMR and current-induced torques in Au/Cr multilayers

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    We report on an {\em ab-initio} study of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and current-induced-torques (CITs) in Cr/Au multilayers that is based on non-equilibrium Green's functions and spin density functional theory. We find substantial GMR due primarily to a spin-dependent resonance centered at the Cr/Au interface and predict that the CITs are strong enough to switch the antiferromagnetic order parameter at current-densities ∌100\sim 100 times smaller than typical ferromagnetic metal circuit switching densities.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Anomalously High Recruitment of the 2010 Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) Year Class: Evidence of Indirect Effects from the Deepwater Horizon Blowout in the Gulf of Mexico

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    Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) exhibited unprecedented juvenile recruitment in 2010 during the year of the Deepwater Horizon well blowout, exceeding the prior 39-year mean by more than four standard deviations near the Mississippi River. Abundance of that cohort remained exceptionally high for two subsequent years as recruits moved into older age classes. Such changes in this dominant forage fish population can be most parsimoniously explained as consequences of release from predation. Contact with crude oil induced high mortality of piscivorous seabirds, bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), waders, and other fish-eating marsh birds, all of which are substantial consumers of Gulf menhaden. Diversions of fresh water from the Mississippi River to protect coastal marshes from oiling depressed salinities, impairing access to juvenile Gulf menhaden by aquatic predators that avoid low-salinity estuarine waters. These releases from predation led to an increase of Gulf menhaden biomass in 2011 to 2.4 million t, or more than twice the average biomass of 1.1 million t for the decade prior to 2010. Biomass increases of this magnitude in a major forage fish species suggest additional trophically linked effects at the population-, trophic-level and ecosystem scales, reflecting an heretofore little appreciated indirect effect that may be associated with major oil spills in highly productive marine waters

    Identification of anthranilate and benzoate metabolic operons of Pseudomonas fluorescens and functional characterization of their promoter regions

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    BACKGROUND: In an effort to identify alternate recombinant gene expression systems in Pseudomonas fluorescens, we identified genes encoding two native metabolic pathways that were inducible with inexpensive compounds: the anthranilate operon (antABC) and the benzoate operon (benABCD). RESULTS: The antABC and benABCD operons were identified by homology to the Acinetobacter sp. anthranilate operon and Pseudomonas putida benzoate operon, and were confirmed to be regulated by anthranilate or benzoate, respectively. Fusions of the putative promoter regions to the E. coli lacZ gene were constructed to confirm inducible gene expression. Each operon was found to be controlled by an AraC family transcriptional activator, located immediately upstream of the first structural gene in each respective operon (antR or benR). CONCLUSION: We have found the anthranilate and benzoate promoters to be useful for tightly controlling recombinant gene expression at both small (< 1 L) and large (20 L) fermentation scales

    Nanopore sequencing of clonal IGH rearrangements in cell-free DNA as a biomarker for acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    BackgroundAcute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is the most common pediatric cancer, and patients with relapsed ALL have a poor prognosis. Detection of ALL blasts remaining at the end of treatment, or minimal residual disease (MRD), and spread of ALL into the central nervous system (CNS) have prognostic importance in ALL. Current methods to detect MRD and CNS disease in ALL rely on the presence of ALL blasts in patient samples. Cell-free DNA, or small fragments of DNA released by cancer cells into patient biofluids, has emerged as a robust and sensitive biomarker to assess cancer burden, although cfDNA analysis has not previously been applied to ALL.MethodsWe present a simple and rapid workflow based on NanoporeMinION sequencing of PCR amplified B cell-specific rearrangement of the (IGH) locus in cfDNA from B-ALL patient samples. A cohort of 5 pediatric B-ALL patient samples was chosen for the study based on the MRD and CNS disease status.ResultsQuantitation of IGH-variable sequences in cfDNA allowed us to detect clonal heterogeneity and track the response of individual B-ALL clones throughout treatment. cfDNA was detected in patient biofluids with clinical diagnoses of MRD and CNS disease, and leukemic clones could be detected even when diagnostic cell-count thresholds for MRD were not met. These data suggest that cfDNA assays may be useful in detecting the presence of ALL in the patient, even when blasts are not physically present in the biofluid sample.ConclusionsThe Nanopore IGH detection workflow to monitor cell-free DNA is a simple, rapid, and inexpensive assay that may ultimately serve as a valuable complement to traditional clinical diagnostic approaches for ALL

    Managing the Socially Marginalized: Attitudes Towards Welfare, Punishment and Race

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    Welfare and incarceration policies have converged to form a system of governance over socially marginalized groups, particularly racial minorities. In both of these policy areas, rehabilitative and social support objectives have been replaced with a more punitive and restrictive system. The authors examine the convergence in individual-level attitudes concerning welfare and criminal punishment, using national survey data. The authors\u27 analysis indicates a statistically significant relationship between punitive attitudes toward welfare and punishment. Furthermore, accounting for the respondents\u27 racial attitudes explains the bivariate relationship between welfare and punishment. Thus, racial attitudes seemingly link support for punitive approaches to opposition to welfare expenditures. The authors discuss the implications of this study for welfare and crime control policies by way of the conclusion

    Caregiving, residence, race, and depressive symptoms

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the psychological responses to caregiving between black and white dementia caregivers measured by self-reports of depressive symptoms evaluating the impact of sub-components of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and residential arrangements of the caregiving dyad. The method included 87 intergenerational family caregivers enrolled in the Duke Caregiver Study (50 white and 37 black). Total CES-D and the four sub-components were modeled as dependent measures in separate linear regressions. Three models were examined. The first model tested race, living arrangements, and their interaction. The second model adjusted for age, gender, education, income, health status, cultural justification for caregiving, crime concerns, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and glycosylated hemoglobin. A third model added adjustment for caregiver burden. The results showed that there was a significant race by residence interaction for CES-D, somatic symptoms and depressive affect such that when the dyads are living apart – with the care recipient in their own home or in an institutional setting – whites reported more depressive symptoms than blacks. When the dyads lived together, this was reversed, and blacks reported higher depressive symptoms than whites. To conclude, all the parameters such as race, living arrangements, and the components of depression need to be taken into account to understand the impact of caregiving on the emotional health of caregivers

    On the nature of surface roughness with application to contact mechanics, sealing, rubber friction and adhesion

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    Surface roughness has a huge impact on many important phenomena. The most important property of rough surfaces is the surface roughness power spectrum C(q). We present surface roughness power spectra of many surfaces of practical importance, obtained from the surface height profile measured using optical methods and the Atomic Force Microscope. We show how the power spectrum determines the contact area between two solids. We also present applications to sealing, rubber friction and adhesion for rough surfaces, where the power spectrum enters as an important input.Comment: Topical review; 82 pages, 61 figures; Format: Latex (iopart). Some figures are in Postscript Level

    Relationship between resident workload and self-perceived learning on inpatient medicine wards: a longitudinal study

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    BACKGROUND: Despite recent residency workload and hour limitations, little research on the relationship between workload and learning has been done. We sought to define residents' perceptions of the optimal patient workload for learning, and to determine how certain variables contribute to those perceptions. Our hypothesis was that the relationship between perceived workload and learning has a maximum point (forming a parabolic curve): that either too many or too few patients results in sub-optimal learning. METHODS: Residents on inpatient services at two academic teaching hospitals reported their team and individual patient censuses, and rated their perception of their learning; the patient acuity; case variety; and how challenged they felt. To estimate maximum learning scores, linear regression models with quadratic terms were fit on learning score. RESULTS: Resident self-perceived learning correlated with higher acuity and greater heterogeneity of case variety. The equation of census versus learning score, adjusted for perception of acuity and case mix scores, showed a parabolic curve in some cases but not in others. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that perceived resident workload is complex, and impacted by additional variables including patient acuity and heterogeneity of case variety. Parabolic curves exist for interns with regard to overall census and for senior residents with regard to new admissions on long call days

    Droplet‐target laser‐plasma source for proximity x‐ray lithography

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    A compact, high-brightness and practically debris-free laser-plasma soft x-ray source for proximity x-ray lithography is described. The target of the source is small liquid fluorocarbon droplets injected into vacuum with a piezoelectrically vibrated nozzle. Emission from helium- and hydrogenlike fluorine in the 1.2-1.7 nm wavelength range was determined to similar to 2X10(12) photons/(sr-pulse). which corresponds to a conversion efficiency of similar to 5% of the 70 mJ laser pulse. Exposure of a copolymer of PMMA-MAA confirms the measured photon flux. Debris production was approximately 70 pg/sr pulse. The applicability of the source for dedicated lithography systems is discussed. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics

    Simplified plant analysis risk (SPAR) human reliability analysis (HRA) methodology: Comparisons with other HRA methods

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    The 1994 Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) human reliability analysis (HRA) methodology was developed for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) in 1994 by the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). It was decided to revise that methodology for use by the Simplified Plant Analysis Risk (SPAR) program. The 1994 ASP HRA methodology was compared, by a team of analysts, on a point-by-point basis to a variety of other HRA methods and sources. This paper briefly discusses how the comparisons were made and how the 1994 ASP HRA methodology was revised to incorporate desirable aspects of other methods. The revised methodology was renamed the SPAR HRA methodology
