887 research outputs found

    Fourier spectroscopy and planetary research

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    The application of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) to planetary research is reviewed. The survey includes FTS observations of the sun, all the planets except Uranus and Pluto, the Galilean satellites and Saturn's rings. Instrumentation and scientific results are considered and the prospects and limitations of FTS for planetary research in the forthcoming years are discussed

    High spectral resolution ground-based observations of Venus in the 450-1250 cm sup-1 region

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    The thermal emission of Venus was recorded during the winter of 1970-1971, and in 1973 using the 2.7m telescope at McDonald Observatory. The double beam Michelson interferometer installed at the Coude focus was used. The spectrum was recorded between 400/cm and 1,400/cm. For the 1970 observations, the spectral resolution was 0.25/cm and the linear spatial resolution was 3/4 of the disk of Venus. In 1973 the spectral resolution was 0.20/cm with a spatial resolution 1/3 of the planetary disk. In addition to Venus, the moon, the sky adjacent to each object, and the zenith sky were recorded to help eliminate the absorption and emission effects of the earth's atmosphere

    When do generalized entropies apply? How phase space volume determines entropy

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    We show how the dependence of phase space volume Ω(N)\Omega(N) of a classical system on its size NN uniquely determines its extensive entropy. We give a concise criterion when this entropy is not of Boltzmann-Gibbs type but has to assume a {\em generalized} (non-additive) form. We show that generalized entropies can only exist when the dynamically (statistically) relevant fraction of degrees of freedom in the system vanishes in the thermodynamic limit. These are systems where the bulk of the degrees of freedom is frozen and is practically statistically inactive. Systems governed by generalized entropies are therefore systems whose phase space volume effectively collapses to a lower-dimensional 'surface'. We explicitly illustrate the situation for binomial processes and argue that generalized entropies could be relevant for self organized critical systems such as sand piles, for spin systems which form meta-structures such as vortices, domains, instantons, etc., and for problems associated with anomalous diffusion.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    The TIROS II Radiation Experiment

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    The TIROS II meteorological satellite was placed into orbit on November 23, 1960. It contains two television cameras and equipment for a family of electromagnetic radiation experiments, including a medium resolution radiometer. The medium resolution radiometer is a cluster of five sensors which have their optical axes inclined 45 deg. to the spin axis of the satellite. The spin of TIROS II provides the scanning motion. The five radiometer channels are sensitive to the following spectral bands: 6 to 6.5; 8 to 12; 0.2 to 6; 8 to 30; and 0.55 to 0.75 microns

    Mars: Mariner 9 spectroscopic evidence for H2O ice clouds

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    Spectral features observed with the Mariner 9 Interferometer Spectrometer are identified as those of water ice. Measured spectra are compared with theoretical calulations for the transfer of radiation through clouds of ice particles with variations in size distribution and integrated cloud mass. Comparisons with an observed spectrum from the Tharsis Ridge region indicate water ice clouds composed of particles with mean radius 2.0 microns and integrated cloud mass 0.00005 g/sq cm

    The Nimbus 4 Infrared Spectroscopy Experiment, IRIS-D. Part 1: Calibrated Thermal Emission Spectra

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    Calibrated infrared emission spectra of earth and atmosphere using high resolution interferometer spectrophotometer on Nimbus 4 satellit

    Schumpeterian economic dynamics as a quantifiable minimum model of evolution

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    We propose a simple quantitative model of Schumpeterian economic dynamics. New goods and services are endogenously produced through combinations of existing goods. As soon as new goods enter the market they may compete against already existing goods, in other words new products can have destructive effects on existing goods. As a result of this competition mechanism existing goods may be driven out from the market - often causing cascades of secondary defects (Schumpeterian gales of destruction). The model leads to a generic dynamics characterized by phases of relative economic stability followed by phases of massive restructuring of markets - which could be interpreted as Schumpeterian business `cycles'. Model timeseries of product diversity and productivity reproduce several stylized facts of economics timeseries on long timescales such as GDP or business failures, including non-Gaussian fat tailed distributions, volatility clustering etc. The model is phrased in an open, non-equilibrium setup which can be understood as a self organized critical system. Its diversity dynamics can be understood by the time-varying topology of the active production networks.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Generalized information entropies depending only on the probability distribution

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    Systems with a long-term stationary state that possess as a spatio-temporally fluctuation quantity β\beta can be described by a superposition of several statistics, a "super statistics". We consider first, the Gamma, log-normal and FF-distributions of β\beta. It is assumed that they depend only on plp_l, the probability associated with the microscopic configuration of the system. For each of the three β−\beta-distributions we calculate the Boltzmann factors and show that they coincide for small variance of the fluctuations. For the Gamma distribution it is possible to calculate the entropy in a closed form, depending on plp_l, and to obtain then an equation relating plp_l with βEl\beta E_l. We also propose, as other examples, new entropies close related with the Kaniadakis and two possible Sharma-Mittal entropies. The entropies presented in this work do not depend on a constant parameter qq but on plp_l. For the plp_l-Gamma distribution and its corresponding Bpl(E)B_{p_l}(E) Boltzmann factor and the associated entropy, we show the validity of the saddle-point approximation. We also briefly discuss the generalization of one of the four Khinchin axioms to get this proposed entropy.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Spectrometry: Report of panel

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    Spectroscopic measurements are required to define the spectral background and provide the detailed spectral information that is essential for the design of species-specific systems and the analysis of data obtained from them. This function of spectroscopic measurements is expected to be an important part of any tropospheric remote-sensing program, and both emission and absorption spectroscopy are relevant in this context. The data from such observations are of value to tropospheric science in their own right, during the initial phases while species-specific techniques and instruments are under development. In addition, there are a number of unresolved problems in tropospheric radiative transfer and spectroscopy which presently limit the accuracy and reliability of all remote sensing methods. Only through a supporting program of spectroscopic measurements can progress be made in improving the understanding of these aspects of radiative transfer and ultimately reaching the desired confidence in the accuracy to species-specific monitoring techniques
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