124 research outputs found

    In depth compositional analysis of ceramic (Bi2O3)0.75(Er2O3)0.25 by AES and XPS

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    The chemical composition of dense ceramics of erbia-stabilized δ-Bi2O3 was analyzed by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) depth profiling using Ar+ ion sputtering. The relative sensitivity factors (rsf) and sputter rates of bismuth and erbium in this material have been determined by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and chemical analysis. These results, supplemented by data from angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ARXPS), shows a bismuth enrichment at the surface. Evidence has been found for reduction of the bismuth-oxide at the outermost part of the surface layer

    Celgetal goed bruikbaar voor opsporen chronische celgetalproblemen

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    Veel melkveehouders hebben een abonnement op het celgetalprogramma van het NRS. Dit betekent dat bij een proefmelking niet alleen de standaardmetingen gedaan worden, maar dat ook het aantal cellen in de melk gemeten wordt. Koeien worden op basis van een te hoog celgetal geattendeerd. Ook is het mogelijk met het celgetal-B.O. programma bacteriologisch onderzoek (B.O.) uit te voeren bij koeien met attenties. De resultaten van dit programma zijn beoordeeld op twee bedrijven: een bedrijf met een laag tankmelkcelgetal en een bedrijf met een hoog tankmelkcelgetal. Het bleek dat dat celgetalprogramma op beide bedrijven de meeste koeien met chronische celgetalproblemen attendeerde. De resultaten van het celgetal-B.O. programma vonden op beide bedrijven de belangrijkste bacteriën. Op een bedrijf met een laag celgetal waren echter meer melkmonsters negatief

    Determination of complex dielectric functions of ion implanted and implanted‐annealed amorphous silicon by spectroscopic ellipsometry

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    Measuring with a spectroscopic ellipsometer (SE) in the 1.8–4.5 eV photon energy region we determined the complex dielectric function (ϵ = ϵ1 + iϵ2) of different kinds of amorphous silicon prepared by self‐implantation and thermal relaxation (500 °C, 3 h). These measurements show that the complex dielectric function (and thus the complex refractive index) of implanted a‐Si (i‐a‐Si) differs from that of relaxed (annealed) a‐Si (r‐a‐Si). Moreover, its ϵ differs from the ϵ of evaporated a‐Si (e‐a‐Si) found in the handbooks as ϵ for a‐Si. If we use this ϵ to evaluate SE measurements of ion implanted silicon then the fit is very poor. We deduced the optical band gap of these materials using the Davis–Mott plot based on the relation: (ϵ2E2)1/3 ∼ (E− Eg). The results are: 0.85 eV (i‐a‐Si), 1.12 eV (e‐a‐Si), 1.30 eV (r‐a‐Si). We attribute the optical change to annihilation of point defects

    Genome-wide approaches for identification of nuclear receptor target genes

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    Large-scale genomics analyses have grown by leaps and bounds with the rapid advances in high throughput DNA sequencing and synthesis techniques. Nuclear receptor signaling is ideally suited to genomics studies because receptors function as ligand-regulated gene switches. This review will survey the strengths and limitations of three major classes of high throughput techniques widely used in the nuclear receptor field to characterize ligand-dependent gene regulation: expression profiling studies (microarrays, SAGE and related techniques), chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by microarray (ChIP-on-chip), and genome-wide in silico hormone response element screens. We will discuss each technique, and how each has contributed to our understanding of nuclear receptor signaling

    Beter werken met cijfers

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    Steeds weer blijken er grote verschillen te zijn tussen de bedrijfsresultaten van melkveebedrijven in eenzelfde jaar: f 50.000 verschil is zeker geen uitzondering. Deze verschillen worden ten dele veroorzaakt door verschillen in bedrijfsopzet, zoals bijvoorbeeld bedrijfsgrootte en grondsoort. Daarnaast blijken de verschillen in melkproductie per koe en in graslandgebruik een groot deel van de inkomensverschillen te verklaren

    Applicability and reproducibility of acute myeloid leukaemia stem cell assessment in a multi-centre setting

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    Leukaemic stem cells (LSC) have been experimentally defined as the leukaemia-propagating population and are thought to be the cellular reservoir of relapse in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Therefore, LSC measurements are warranted to facilitate accurate risk stratification. Previously, we published the composition of a one-tube flow cytometric assay, characterised by the presence of 13 important membrane markers for LSC detection. Here we present the validation experiments of the assay in several large AML research centres, both in Europe and the United States. Variability within instruments and sample processing showed high correlations between different instruments (Rpearson  > 0·91, P < 0·001). Multi-centre testing introduced variation in reported LSC percentages but was found to be below the clinical relevant threshold. Clear gating protocols resulted in all laboratories being able to perform LSC assessment of the validation set. Participating centres were nearly unanimously able to distinguish LSChigh (>0·03% LSC) from LSClow (<0·03% LSC) despite inter-laboratory variation in reported LSC percentages. This study proves that the LSC assay is highly reproducible. These results together with the high prognostic impact of LSC load at diagnosis in AML patients render the one-tube LSC assessment a good marker for future risk classification

    Applicability and reproducibility of acute myeloid leukaemia stem cell assessment in a multi-centre setting

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    Leukaemic stem cells (LSC) have been experimentally defined as the leukaemia-propagating population and are thought to be the cellular reservoir of relapse in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Therefore, LSC measurements are warranted to facilitate accurate risk stratification. Previously, we published the composition of a one-tube flow cytometric assay, characterised by the presence of 13 important membrane markers for LSC detection

    Experimental design and statistical rigor in phylogenomics of horizontal and endosymbiotic gene transfer

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    A growing number of phylogenomic investigations from diverse eukaryotes are examining conflicts among gene trees as evidence of horizontal gene transfer. If multiple foreign genes from the same eukaryotic lineage are found in a given genome, it is increasingly interpreted as concerted gene transfers during a cryptic endosymbiosis in the organism's evolutionary past, also known as "endosymbiotic gene transfer" or EGT. A number of provocative hypotheses of lost or serially replaced endosymbionts have been advanced; to date, however, these inferences largely have been post-hoc interpretations of genomic-wide conflicts among gene trees. With data sets as large and complex as eukaryotic genome sequences, it is critical to examine alternative explanations for intra-genome phylogenetic conflicts, particularly how much conflicting signal is expected from directional biases and statistical noise. The availability of genome-level data both permits and necessitates phylogenomics that test explicit, a priori predictions of horizontal gene transfer, using rigorous statistical methods and clearly defined experimental controls