169 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dengan Komitmen dan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Intervening Variabel pada CV. Solusi Offset YOGYAKARTA (Studi Kasus pada Karyawan CV. Solusi Offset YOGYAKARTA)

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    The Study was aimed to describe the influence (1) the influence of quality of work life on the performance of employees CV. Offset Solutions Yogyakarta, (2) the influence of quality of work life on to job satisfaction CV. Offset Solutions Yogyakarta, (3) the influence of quality of work life to organizational commitment CV. Offset Solutions Yogyakarta, (4) the influence of organizational commitment to the performance of employees CV. Offset Solutions Yogyakarta, (5) the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance CV. Offset Solution Yogyakarta. The type of research is exsplanatory research. Its population were 50 employees CV. Offset Solution Yogyakarta. Number of samples were 50 respondents by using saturated sampling technique (census). Methods of data collection were conducted with questionnaire media, while data analysis techniques used simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The result of the research shows that (1) the quality of working life does not affect the organizational commitment, (2) the quality of work life affect the job satisfaction, (3) the quality of working life has no effect on employee performance, (4) organizational commitment has no effect on employee performance, (5) job satisfaction affect on employee performance. The results of the study were determined by significance level α = 5%. &nbsp

    Peran Suami Terhadap Istri Yang Menderita Kista Ovarium Di Purwokerto

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    Analisis Tindakan Perawatan Yang Dilakukan Pada Pasien Dengan Phlebitis Di RSUD PROF DR. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto

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    Intravenous therapy is commonly used to treat patients and it is received through a peripheral cannula by most hospitalized patients. A consequence of intravenous (IV) devices is that risk of nosocomial infection is increased, particularly septicemia. Inflammation, hard vein and thrombophlebitis, and local tenderness are common complication of IV therapy. This can lead to enhanced morbidity and mortality rates. Some treatments to cure phlebitis patients have been done to eradicate phlebitis patients during hospital stay. However, mostly phlebitis treatments have not been standardized as procedure at hospital. Therefore, this study will analyse nurses\u27 treatment when they are performing phlebitis patient care that mostly done at Margono Soekardjo Hospital. The purpose of the study was to analyse nurses\u27 treatment when caring phlebitis patients that mostly were done at medical and surgical ward Margono Soekardjo Hospital of Purwokerto This study utilized survey. Of 38 nurses at Teratai and Asoka wards at Margono Soekardjo Hospital were involved in this study. Respondents were chosen by quaote sampling method. Criteria of respondents were nurses at surgical ward who have graduated from DIII nursing with 1 year experience in clinical setting The study show that nurses tend to elevated phlebitis area to cure phlebitis as the first choice at (26%), furthermore, by warm compress and range of motion of the area of phlebitis have the second and the third rank at (23%) and (18%) respectivel

    Analysis of the Role of Technical Implementing Unit of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Forestry Decentraliztion Implementation

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    The role of Technical Implementing Unit (TIU) is one of prominent issues of decentralization. A study was carried out to identify decentralization issues in South Sulawesi and East Java Provinces as well as to measure stakeholder attitudes towards the existence of TIU. The results showed that the existance of BKSDA, BTN, BPA, BPKH, and Balai Diklat LHK are recognized importantly. Meanwhile, BPHP and BPDASHL are considered to be less important in the region because their functions and authorities can be delegated to the provincial and regent/city governments. Similiar recognition applied to BPTH and Balai Litbang LHK. The emerging issue of decentralization in East Java is the placement of local officials which is inconsistent with their competence, lacking of funding from APBD for forestry developmentt, high demand from public to be enganged in the management of the forest, and overlapping authority. Meanwhile in South Sulawesi the capacity of local forestry agencies are impaired, authority is misused, and consolidation of the region is delayed, ego among vertical instituions ego and poor coordination. Based on the indicator of good forest governance, it is measured that the attitude of stakeholders and organizational capacity in East Java and South Sulawesi is neutral and good respectively

    Tata Hubungan Kerja Antar Institusi dalam Pengurusan Hutan di Daerah

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    Sejak desentralisasi diterapkan, terjadi Perubahan jenis dan kewenangan institusi. Salah satu konsekuensi dari hal tersebut adalah Perubahan tata hubungan kerja antara institusi pusat, institusi di tingkat provinsi dan institusi di tingkat kabupaten. Dalam tulisan ini disajikan hasil analisis tata hubungan kerja institusi yang menangani pengurusan hutan pada masa desentralisasi. Kajian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dan Kabupaten Sanggau, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa banyaknya UPT yang ada di daerah menimbulkan dualisme pemerintahan di daerah dan mempengaruhi kemandirian otonomi. Tata hubungan kerja antara Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi dan UPT dirasakan masih kurang. Masingmasing pihak kurang bekerjasama tapi \u27sama-sama bekerja\u27. Hubungan antara pemerintah provinsi dan pemerintah kabupaten belum menyentuh hubungan teknis, tetapi masih terbatas dalam hal penganggaran dan penempatan pejabat di kabupaten. Beberapa hal yang dapat disarankan dari kajian ini adalah pemerintah pusat diharapkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemerintah daerah melalui mekanisme pembinaan. Perlu ada koordinasi dan komunikasi yang baik antara pemerintah provinsi dan UPT Departemen Kehutanan di daerah untuk meningkatkan kinerja keduanya

    The Perception of Senior High School Students in Banyumas District Towards Profession and Education of Nursing Bachelor

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    The profession of Nursing has declared it’s self as an independent profession in National nursing Workshop in 1983. Nursing profession nowadays is still in the process of professionalism. One effort to support the professionalism of nursing is by carried out a bachelor degree of nursing in universities. The student of senior high school as a row input of bachelor degree of nurse, probably has particular perception about profession and education of nursing bachelor. The Purpose of this research was to find out a description about perception of senior high school students in third grade towards profession and education of nursing bachelor. This research was using a descriptive method. Populations of research were all students of senior high school third grade in banyumas district, annual period of 2005 / 2006. Samples were taken by grade random sampling according groups proportionally. Instrument that used to measure the perception was a stuctured questionnaire with Likert scale. The instrument was tested for it’s reliability and validity. Questionnaire composed with 11 items covering the matter of nursing profession, and 4 items for education of nursing bachelor. The answer of each items furthermore being counted with percentage. Each score was divided with the highest score, then the percentage of each item was consulted with evaluation category by Arikunto (1996). The Result of this research showed that the perception of senior high school students in banyumas district towards profession of nurse, was enough (70,7%). Meanwhile, the perception towards education of nursing bachelor was either enough (71,8%). The conclusion was that the perception of senior high school at third grade in Yogyakarta district annual period 2005 / 2006 was good enough

    Dinamika Kebijakan Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan: sebuah Analisa Isi Perubahan Kebijakan Penggunaan Kawasan Hutan

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    Penetapan kawasan hutan untuk kepentingan di luar sektor kehutanan dilakukan melalui mekanisme tukar menukar dan pinjam pakai kawasan hutan. Kedua kebijakan ini senantiasa mengalami Perubahan. Penelitian ini mengkaji Perubahan isi dari kedua kebijakan tersebut, faktor apa yang mendorongnya serta bagaimana implementasinya. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah analisis dokumen peraturan terkait penggunaan kawasan hutan dilengkapi dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan isi kebijakan penggunaan kawasan hutan meliputi kepentingan yang diakomodasi meluas pada kepentingan komersil, kriteria kawasan hutan yang ditukar, masa berlaku ijin pinjam pakai, kriteria lahan pengganti/lahan kompensasi, rasio lahan pengganti dan kegiatan pemantauan dan evaluasi. Beberapa faktor pendorong terjadinya Perubahan meliputi fakor ekonomi, politik dan sosial. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pemantauan dan evaluasi yang optimal menjadi salah satu kunci untuk mengatasi masalah implementasi kebijakan tukar menukar kawasan huhtan maupun pinjam pakai kawasan hutan
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