24 research outputs found

    Implementation of Charging Policy High Leadership Positions Openly in the Environment Government Province Riau Islands

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    Placing employees as officials in the position of Primary High Officials should have the ability, skills and expertise to agree on the objectives of the Open Selection policy to obtain competent and accountable officials. Open Selection is set in PERMENPAN RB No.13 of 2014 the Procedure for Filling Open High Leadership Positions in the Government Environment. This research was conducted aimed at: a. Understand and implement the Primary Open Position (JPT) Open Selection policy; b. Understand, analyze and find what model of policy implementation is applied in the implementation of the Primary Open Position Selection (JPT) Primary; c. Understand and analyze the inhibiting and supporting factors in the implementation of Primary Leadership Open Selection (JPT) Primary in the Riau Islands Province Government Environment. The study was conducted based on the post-positivism paradigm and asked for quasi-qualitative. In this study there were 4 (four) informants who understood and many understood the research. The method used is through interviews and document searches, while the data are analyzed using the interactive model of Miles and Huberman which cannot be operated linearly, while still being simultaneous. The results showed the importance of the Bureaucracy and Budget and Political Policy Implementation of the Open Selection Position of the High Leadership (JPT) of the Riau Islands Province based on communication variables, resources, bureaucratic structure, disposition and achievement system, connected with the ability of the bureaucracy and thus political funding an area. Next, the importance of implementing a quality system to improve the quality of regional government birmentation and ASN. The inhibiting factors of the Open Selection Policy relating to humans, the budget, the long time, the implementation that is not available by KASN, has nothing to do with quality assurance and indicators that support credibility and there are no Kukk Evaluation Guidelines. While supporting factors are the availability of supporting rules, support from the governor with morale is also a policy. Increase participant participation and generally accept the results of open selection. Another support is the open selection of the selection committee, adequate infrastructure and technology provided by Riau Islands Province. Keywords: Policy Implementation, Open Selection, High Leadership Position DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-9-06 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Public Policy Evaluation on the Implementation of Free Trade Zone (FTZ) Using Enclave Model in Karimun Island

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    Implementation of Public Policies on the Establishment and Development of Free Trade Zones by Enclave Model on Karimun’s Island according to Law No. 36 of 2000 aims to encourage international trade traffic activities that bring foreign exchange to the Country and able to provide great influence and benefits for Indonesia, to be able to open the widest possible employment opportunities, increase tourism and investment, both foreign and domestic, currently are over the age of ten years. Various problems have arisen in policy implementation so far which are closely related to the Policy itself, starting from the Formulation process to its implementation. Referring to these conditions, this research aims to analyze comprehensively how the policy formulation process and effectiveness in the implementation of the Free Trade Zone on Karimun Island as well as the Policy Evaluation as intended in order to formulate a more effective and targeted policy alternative model. This study uses a qualitative research method by evaluating policy implementation using a model developed by George C. Edwards III, that policy implementation is influenced by four variables, namely communication, attitudes, sources, and bureaucratic structures. The research results obtained that two models of application or implementation of the Free Trade Zone status, namely the Comprehensive Model which applied in Batam and the Enclave Model which applied in Bintan and Karimun. Especially the Enclave model which is applied at Karimun still not optimized in its implementation. The implementation of FTZ on Karimun Island for ten years has not been running perfectly and need of improvements in terms of legal regulations and the organizational structure of the implementing institution, namely the Region Concession Body. In terms of performance, the Policy Implementer, BP Kawasan Karimun in recent years has not been able to bring in new investors and the value of imports is only slightly lower than the value of exports so that the increase in foreign exchange from exports is insignificant. Answering this problem, the researcher proposes a Theoretical Model for the Application of the Status of the Free Trade Zone through the Multi Stages Plan where with this model the implementation of the policy will be more effective and right on target Keywords: FTZ, Economic, Karimun, Enclave DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-3-05 Publication date: April 30th 202

    The Existence of Integrated Service Units in Improving Management and Public Services Quality at Universities in Indonesia

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    The study aims to analyze and gather information about the implementation of an Integrated Service Unit (ULT) to improve quality management and service quality at universities in Indonesia. The context for this research is the highly competitive and tight competition for quality management and public service quality among universities in the last decade. In response to the low quality of higher education administration services in Indonesia, the concept of service bureaucratic reform led to the establishment of Integrated Service Units. The research type is library research or literature review, where the researchers rely on existing literature to gather data. The research follows a descriptive qualitative approach with observation tools to analyze the existence of Integrated Service Units that have a high presence in the world of university administration services and have received awards or appreciation from the government. The results of the research indicate that the services implemented by the Integrated Service Units have quality management and service quality that adhere to established standards and principles of public service. The infrastructure of the service system is built using an electronic-based service system (SPBE). The activities are carried out in an integrated manner and are closely connected with other work units to provide cross-unit services in the university or faculty. The service process is completely digitized, using applications developed by each tertiary institution. Keywords: integrated service unit, quality management, service qualit

    If Building Commitment for Knowledge-Based Decision to Create Quality Management : The Role of Transformational Leadership in Higher Education Governance Good in Developing Countries: A Literature Review

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    This paper explores, especially through a systematic literature review, the role of transformational leadership in universities in developing countries in relation to university governance. This paper argues that this role needs to be explored because transformative leadership of tertiary institutions in developing countries is still little researched and provides debate with local cultural perspectives. This paper reviews the Google Scholar database, SAGE journals, Taylor and Francis journals, and Emerald journals with the keywords "Transformational leadership" AND "higher education". Articles selected by inclusion criteria are carried out in developing countries, conducted between 2016-2020, and are limited to only the 2 7 most relevant articles. Inthis article, as many as 27 research results were analyzed qualitatively. Three main themes specifically emerge as the role of transformational leadership in universities in developing countries. This role includes: as a driver and provider of infrastructure for participatory knowledge-based decision making, a drive for stakeholder commitment to carry it out, and a guarantor of quality-based higher education governance. Keywords: transformational leadership, universities, developing countries, decision making, organizational commitment, quality management DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-9-02 Publication date:September 30th 202

    POLICY FORMULATION MODEL BASED ON DELPHI ENGINEERING (Case Study of Bioterrorism in Law Number 5 Year 2018)

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    As time goes on, spreading terrorism does not only use violence or destruction on certain objects, but has changed its form based on the goal to be achieved. Bioterrorism is an example of the terrorism method by using the means of living things in carrying out their actions.Until now, the terrorism crime prevention law seems to be difficult to ensnare the perpetrators who commit crimes that lead to the actions of the Bioterror. The initial estimation of researcher is to lead to the definition of terrorism which is still cramp. This research uses Qualitative Descriptive Phenomenology Method Case Study.Based on the results of the study, the roots of the problems that occur in the policy formulation process which imply that the terrorism law has not been optimal are 1) inadequate human resources, 2) the involvement of weak network groups have not been optimal, and 3) retrieval using statistical methods.The conclusion of this study is to get optimal results therefore the policy formulation processes that need to be done are: human resource improvement, involvement of weak network groups in policy formulation, and the use of new methods namely Delphi techniques in the decision-making process at the executive level. Keywords: terrorism, bioterrorism, policy formulation, Delphi. DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-7-07 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Increasing Accountability for Operational School (Bos) Cost Management Funds (Study at Sumenep High School 2, Bluto 1 High School and Sumenep Vocational School 1)

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    The School Operational Assistance Program (BOS) is a government policyintended for the purpose of freeing the cost of education for studentsless able and lighten the burden on students in the future. This study aims to analyze the planning, use and supervision of School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds in SMAN 2 Sumenep, SMAN 1 Bluto and SMKN 1 Sumenep. In this study a qualitative approach was used. The object of this research was carried out in three objects that have different characteristics, namely SMAN 2 Sumenep, SMAN 1 Bluto and SMKN 1. Methods of data collection techniques used three data collection techniques, namely: (1) in-depth interviews (in-depth interview), (2) observation, and (3) documentation study. In this study data analysis was performed as recommended by Miles and Huberman (1992), and Mantja (1997), namely: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusions. The results showed (1) In the administration of financial components and operational financing in schools, SMAN 2 Sumenep, SMAN 1 Bluto and SMKN 1 Sumenep have been implemented well starting from the planning, implementation, accountability and reporting stages. (2) Accountability and transparency in the management of BOS funds have also been running well (3) There is a mutual relationship between transparency and accountability in managing BOS funds. Transparency can encourage increased accountability in the management of BOS funds. While accountability will be difficult to implement without transparency in the process of managing BOS funds. Keywords: BOS, BOS Management, Accountability DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-1-06 Publication date: January 31st 202

    The Effects of Personality Competence and Social Competence Towards Cadet’s Characters in Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of personality competence and social competence towards cadet’s characters in Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. In conducting the study, the writers uses a causal research with a quantitative approach. The population consist of 96 cadets from Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. Using surfeited sampling technique, the total samples taken by the writers are as much as 96 people. In collecting the data, the writers distribute questionnaires in which it will be analyzed using a Multiple linear regression analysis technique. The results taken from this study are: (1); Personality Competence significantly affect the characters of cadets in Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic; (2) Social Competence significantly and positively affect the characters of cadets in Surabaya Aviation Polytechnic. Keywords: Personality Competence, Social Competence, Cadet Character DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-12-03 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Implementation of Volcano Eruption Disaster Management Policy in Magelan Indonesia

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    Mount Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and is located in Magelang. Klakah village is located in the Boyolali regency and is included in the Merapi disaster prone area, while Gantang village is located in the Magelang regency, which is included in the safe zone, away from the threat of Merapi. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the “sister village” policy in the event that Mount Merapi erupts in the Magelang and Boyolali districts. This research was conducted using qualitative methods with data obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation with five research subjects: Klakah village FPRB, Gantang village FPRB, Klakah-Gantang twin village facilitator, Magelang district BPBD, and Boyolali district BPBD. The results showed that based on the indicators of the sister village policy implementation, the sister village has been running since 2019, but there are several indicators that have not been implemented optimally. Thus, there needs to be better cooperation between the BPBD, sister village, and NGOs so that the implementation of the sister village policy can be carried out optimally. The implementation of the sister village policy resulted in the following proposals: (1) an information system, (2) resource assessment, (3) disposition in the form of a committee, and (4) a contingency plan structure. Keywords: policy, implementation, Sistem village, disaster management, eruption

    CTH: Communication of Organic Adhocracy Empowerment of MSMEs Large Family

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    This study aimed to understand the organization and communication process of the Cooperative Trading House (CTH) which encouraged micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to be more involved in communication to enhance business opportunities. This research used an interpretive paradigm with the Grounded Method Theory (GMT) approach. The data were collected through interviews and documentation. Researchers conducted interviews with 17 key informants including the head of the main organization, expert staff, owners of MSMEs, and trainers. Then, the data were analyzed by a quasi-qualitative design. The results showed that CTH was an adhocracy with an organic structure configuration; a small organization with a basic structure, but it seemed considerable with nearly 7 million members of MSMEs. Grounded Theory is a non-profit organization such as CTH which can survive and take a strategic role as the head of a large family sustainably by merging into the members' business; involve expert staff, consultants, entrepreneurs, trainers, mentors, and other professionals in the project team; implement empowerment business communication patterns with a spirit of brotherhood, friendship, cooperation to live and nurture, and strengthen each other for the sake of mutual progress; develop ethics of honesty, mutual trust, mutual interest, and fairness in profit sharing. Research findings are discussed in an organizational and communication context. Keywords: Cooperative Trading House, MSMEs, organizational communication DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-2-03 Publication date:March 31st 202

    IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PROGRAM CSR DI KOTA MATARAM (Study Arranging Implementation Policy Model of CSR in Community Empowerment)

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    Development is a process of conscious, planned and sustainable change,   In general, the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the city of Mataram has not met the expectations, given that not all companies carry out the same obligations, generally the implementation of CSR is still limited to voluntary. For the City Government of Mataram, CSR is believed to be able to help local governments overcome the limitations of fiscal capacity, specifically to overcome poverty problems which are currently still relatively high, which in 2016 reached 9.80%. Realizing the importance of the existence of CRS, the Government of the City of Mataram has provided support by issuing regulations in the form of Local regulation No. 2/2014 on Corporate Social Responsibility and facilitating the establishment of a CSR forum, but the Mataram City CSR Forum was not effective, it was also in line with the stagnation of the NTB Province CSR forum so that CSR had not yet appeared on the surface. This was the background of the implementation of this research. This study aims to examine the potential of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for community empowerment in the city of Mataram, using a descriptive approach with the object of research is the process of implementing CSR program policies using elements of policy implementation according to Van Meter and Van Horn. The findings of this study indicate that CSR policy implementation is seen as a potential that can be optimized as an alternative source of development funding, CSR policies have been implemented with reference to the Van Meter and Van Horn public policy models. but there are still some shortcomings so that CSR does not appear on the surface, namely: (1). Implementation of CSR programs by companies still overlaps with regional government programs; (2). There is no accurate database; (3). An integrated system of coordination has not yet been created, because the CSR forum is not functioning and (4). financial resources support is inadequate. To create an ideal model for managing CSR programs in community empowerment, it is necessary to establish a special CSR management agency that will bridge the obligations of companies and governments as regulators in community empowerment by implementing the CSTA (Control Sustainability Transparency Account) model in managing CSR for community empowerment to achieve targets such as economic development. Keywords: CSR, Corporate, Special Institutions, Local Government, Community   Empowerment, CSTA. DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-6-10 Publication date:June 30th 201