60 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Mobile Broadcast Informasi Perkuliahan Berbasis Android

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    Informasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting di era modern seperti sekarang ini. Hal ini juga berlaku dalam informasi di lingkungan perkuliahan. Pentingnya informasi perkuliahan yang update, dapat dilihat dari banyaknya mahasiswa yang datang untuk melihat informasi perkuliahan yang diikutinya di papan pengumuman setiap harinya.Pada skripsi ini, akan dibuat sebuah aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi perkuliahan yang update secara realtime. Pemberian informasi perkuliahan tersebut berupa broadcast informasi perkuliahan, upload file, dan share calendar perkuliahan. Selain itu juga ada saling kirim komentar, sehingga dapat langsung bertanya apabila ada yang kurang jelas dari informasi yang diberikan.Aplikasi ini menggunakan Google Cloud Messaging untuk mengirimkan broadcast informasi perkuliahan. Agar broadcast informasi dapat sampai secara realtime dan mudah diakses maka aplikasi ini dibuat pada mobile device berbasis Android, sehingga broadcast informasi akan sampai langsung begitu ada koneksi internet. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, aplikasi ini sudah berjalan dengan baik pada mobile device berbasis Android dan memberikan informasi perkuliahan yang update dan realtime

    Perencanaan Dan Pembuatan Program Sistem Pakar Untuk Spesifikasi Jenis Anjing

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    Until now dogs always have a position as a human friend. With many kind of dogs so an expert was needed to identified the type of dogs based on the characteristics of the dog. But an human expert also have difficulties to identify because there are so many kind of dogs. Therefore, a system is needed to help the identification process. It is a system which can adopt the abilities of experts to identify the dog. With all the technological advancement these days, it have been developed a technology which able to adopt the process and human thinking. This particular technology is called Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence have many kind of application, one of them is an Expert System which have abilities to adopt a Knowledge Base from inputing data from experience of the expert on specific term. Principally, all the database of dogs with its characteristics will be added on a Knowledge Base. This base is take form as a database group, where the Inference Engine on the Expert System will work on these data to describe a specific dog based on the characteristic inputed by user through the user interface. This identification system to describe the dog was made using Delphi programming. On this program, searching kind of dog will be do by inputing characteristics of the dog that user want to find, then the program will find on Knowledge Base which dogs that match on that characteristics

    Aplikasi Sharing Informasi Masyarakat Dan Forum Opini Publik

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    Surabaya is the capital city of this province, East Java. Therefore, it is not a surprise when Surabaya has the largest population throughout East Java. With the Surabaya's characteristic, there are always many urban problems which is occurred everyday. These urban problems become more complex along with the growth of population in Surabaya. With the increasing of the population, then there'll be more to happen some urban problems such as traffic jam, garbage control, broken infrastructure, lawlessness, renovation of city structure, and many more. Because of that, the effect of various urban issues can be minimalized if there's some contribution from the citizen theyself. The contribution can be information sharing about urban problem to others so the citizen knows where it occurs, when it happen, and what they should do. Besides that, it would be nice if there's a facility of public discussion forum so the citizen can directly discuss about problem they are facing right now.After the testing of this application, it has various benefit such as location-based urban problems reporting, public discussion forum, and a social media where citizen meets and greets each other

    Aplikasi Crowdfunding Sebagai Perantara Penggalangan Dana Berbasis Website Dan Facebook Application

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    To realize an idea, either for business or social purposes wouldrequire a lot of things, such as funding and publication. Fundraising itself is not quick and easy, it takes a lot of people(crowd) to raise funds quickly. Moreover, gathering a lot ofpeople needs publications that generally use social media. Thisresearch is intended to create application that can meet theserequirements, which is a fundraising application that applying the concept of crowdfunding and is connected to social media - Facebook.This application is a web-based application and can be accessed from Facebook Application. Another publications features are login with Facebook, share to Facebook, and newsletter features. From the results of the implementation and testing, we can conclude that this system is capable of running its function as fundraising intermediaries and also publish a fundraising project via Facebook and newsletter

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Jaringan Komputer Berbasis Android

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    Nowadays, in the era that technology grows rapidly, computer network is not something new to be learnt. Almost every company uses a computer network to facilitate the transfer of data and information. Internet, the huge computer network, is popular and is not a novel matter to most people. Many devices can interact with each other using internet. Computer networks themselves have components that mutually support each other, including Server and Router. An understanding of computer networks can be used to perform the analysis when there is a problem in the network.Therefore, this thesis was made with the aim of helping people to understand how a computer network works. This application is supported by the distributuin of structured subjects, making them easier to undertand. Each subject also includes images corresponding to the subject being discussed.The experimental results show that the application can work well on different Android devices. Everytime the application is started, the user needs to provide connection for the system to download data, text, and images

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Website Untuk Penyusunan Materi Pelajaran Secara Online

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    The development of technology, especially the Internet makes information services evolved. With the internet, information can be easily shared and accessed by many people . These developments have broad impact on all sectors , including in the field of education . The use of the Internet can be used as a container for distributing information better lesson.Applications developed using HTML5 with the help of jquery to display on a web browser on a desktop or web browser table . Meanwhile, to beautify the appearance of the website can also use javascript and CSS3 . As for data storage to be able to use a MySql database.Applications website for breastfeeding online course material is used to make subject matter accessible to many people. In addition, by making the delivery of better material information with the video

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Tracker Position Dan Alert Pada Mobile Device Berbasis Android Yang Dapat Dipantau Via Website

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    Saat ini jaman sudah sangat maju terutama di bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, sehingga menjadikan hubungan antar manusia menjadi lebih dekat dan mudah serta tidak dibatasi oleh jarak karena adanya device atau smartphone yang semakin canggih dan popular. Android merupakan salah satu sistem operasi yang ditanamkan dalam device dan smartphone tersebut. Menyadari semakin pentingnya device tersebut untuk menunjang aktivitas sehari - hari maka dibuatlah aplikasi untuk melacak serta mengontrol device yang dapat dilakukan oleh pemilik apabila terjadi kehilangan.Aplikasi ini dapat mengambil lokasi geografis pada device. Informasi posisi yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan untuk memantau serta mencari device jika terjadi kehilangan dan didukung dengan fitur – fitur untuk mengontrol device dari jarak jauh melalui suatu website atau dengan mengirimkan SMS, sehingga membantu mempermudah pemilik untuk mencari keberadaan device tersebut.Informasi posisi yang didapat dari GPS / A-GPS pada device akan ditampilkan pada website menggunakan Google Maps. Dari hasil pengujian, informasi posisi dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan layanan operator, kekuatan sinyal operator, dan ketersediaan kemampuan device

    Enterprise Architecture Data Pada Hotel ABC

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    Hotel ABC is a company engaged in hospitality management, i.e. room rental, rental of meeting rooms and coffee shop. Hotel ABC has a branch that has the same specifications of the hotel. In business process, Hotel ABC has information systems to support existing business processes. However, existing information systems have not been integrated as a whole. Based on the condition stated above, analysis and design of enterprise architecture information system is created for the company. The process begins with analyzing the business model and business strategy of the company. Then analyze the conditions of current information technology in enterprise, problems faced and the requirements of future information technology. After that, the design of data architecture, application architecture and technology architecture are built in accordance with the objectives, business strategy and business processes are made.The design of the data architecture for enterprise consists of several subsystems. Application architecture consists of several major and supporting applications. Technology architecture using Client / Server Architecture and Service Oriented Architecture Pattern

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Pengenalan Budaya Indonesia Pada Mobile Device Berbasis Android

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    Indonesia is a country that has a wealth of diverse cultures spread from Sabang to Merauke. Although the government has included a lesson about Indonesian culture in subjects Art and Culture, but there are still a lot of the general public as well as students who do not know the form and name of the tribe, traditional houses, traditional clothing, folk songs, traditional foods, local weapons, and musical instruments regions in Indonesia.Therefore, a learning application was created that utilizes mobile learning technology. By using mobile learning then the user can access learning content without being tied to space and time so that it can be accessed at any time with interesting illustration. Budaya Bangsa Kita Application is made useful to help users in learning the introduction of Indonesian culture that provides the knowledge with illustrations in the form of images, audio, text and video. This application also can to learn, answer quiz, view a gallery of images and video and a puzzle game. The result is an application that can provide knowledge to the user so as to know the culture in Indonesia through the illustrations provided

    Aplikasi Ujian Online Pada Mobile Device Android

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    Pada saat ini perkembangan handphone yang mendukung koneksi Internet dan teknologi Android semakin berkembang pesat. Aplikasi Android telah banyak digunakan pada handphone sebagai penunjang aktifitas sehari-hari. Salah satu contoh aplikasi yang bisa dikembangkan lebih lanjut ialah ujian online yang dapat digunakan sebagai media alternatif dalam pengerjaan ujian.Pada skripsi ini dikembangkan aplikasi ujian online yang memungkinkan pengguna handphone untuk mengerjakan tes yang terdiri dari soal multiple choice dengan single maupun multi answer, dan soal essay, serta melihat hasil tes yang pernah diikutinya. Aplikasi ujian online menggunakan koneksi Internet untuk berkomunikasi dengan server. Aplikasi ujian online dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, aplikasi ini dapat berjalan dengan baik pada smartphone dengan sistem operasi Android versi 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) ke atas dalam orientasi landscape
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