17 research outputs found
Governing People through Risk Technology: A Case Study of Garbage Clinical Insurance in Malang, Indonesia
Garbage Clinical Insurance (GCI) by Indonesia Medika, oļ¬ers an innovative program to address the prevalent issues of health, a health access equality. By using garbage as a premium of the insurance scheme, it has served the poor community in Malang with the free health facilities. By elaborating governmentality theory of Foucault as a theoretical framework, this research is aimed to investigate the means used by Indonesia Medika to shape peopleās behavior through insurance technology. Moreover, this study is also dedicated to contribute to the policy discourse of addressing health access inequality. Using case study as the research design, this research found that Indonesia Medika has produced a risk discourse of insurance technology as government rationality, to govern people. This was implemented through various practices of surveillance, using the body as a target of intervention. Health risk awareness is the targeted conducts upon society, the governed. Despite the wide recognition, both at the national and international level, GCI faced diļ¬culties to approach local government, as the part of their strategic alliance. However, this initiative has been considered as an alternative policy in tackling poverty, by creating a certain condition, which stimulates people to govern themselves according to the end of the state. 
At least, children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) force the children to follow long period protocols. This situation was complex due to children and parents. When they permit the treatment, it make more easy to survive but depend on parents support. This research is to explore parents caring role on children with ALL. This qualitative study held in Yogyakarta at June 2014, data collected by indepth interview with 8 parentās from children with ALL. Data was recorded, transcribing and analized using collaizi method. During the illness, parent caring the children at home with independendent care, bringing to the hospital and giving complementary medicine. At early treatment they decide to go to traditional medicine, but at present it didnāt show more benefit than follow the ALL protocolās. Complexity situation of treatment cause parents role strain. They face this stressor by delegating caring role of health children and economic function to the other family members.. Parent changing role during caring the children was one way to maintain family structure.
Key words: parents, action, role, leukemi
Introduction: Autistic has excessive behavior, deficient behavior, or no level behavior. Purpose the research is to identify the influence of play therapy to autistic behavior on children with autism. Method: This is a pre-experimental with one group pre-post test design. 15 Children with autism were conducted on this research and autistic behavior measure before and after given play therapy. Result: The result showed that before given play therapy, most of respondents (53%) are moderate, almost half of them (40%) are mild and some of them (7%) are severe on autistic behavior. After given it, most of respondents (53%) are mild and the others (47%) are moderate. Based on Paired T test result (Ī±=0,05), autistic behavior on Pre and Post play therapy has showed significant value 0,000. Discussion: It is meant that there is influence of play therapy to autistic behavior on children with autism. This suggestion that play therapy has to early given in order to reduced autistic behavior.
Keywords: Play therapy, Autism, Autistic behavio
Kemoterapi adalah pilihan utama untuk pengobatan kanker yang direkomendasikan hingga saat ini. Selama kemoterapi anak akan dihadapkan pada beberapa kejadian dan efek samping pengobatan. Di Kota Malang sampai saat ini masih ditemui adanya kasus penghentian pengobatan yang dilakukan oleh orangtua dengan alasan menuruti kemauan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi alasan penolakan anak menghentikan pengobatan kanker berdasarkan persepsi orangtua dengan pendekatan kualitatif secara studi kasus. Partisipan adalah 8 orangtua yang merupakan ayah dan ibu anak dengan anak kanker yang melakukan penghentian pengobatan setelah minimal menjalani protokol kemoterapi selama 1 tahun di Komunitas Sahabat Anak Kanker. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan joint interview dan catatan lapangan. Analisis data dengan metode content analysis dengan bantuan open code software 4.2 Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa orangtua menyatakan bahwa anak menolak melanjutkan pengobatan kanker karena faktor trauma terhadap prosedur, situasi yang kurang menyenangkan di Instalasi Gawat Darurat dan kebosanan dengan durasi kemoterapi. Peningkatan kompetensi komunikasi tenaga kesehatan dan setting unit gawat darurat khusus anak menjadi pertimbangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan
Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Anak Dengan Kanker Di Wilayah Malang, Indonesia: The Quality of Life Children's With Cancer In Malang Area, Indonesia
Pendahuluan: Kanker merupakan salah satu penyakit kronis dapat menimbulkan banyak permasalahan salah satunya adalah menurunnya kualitas hidup. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan kualitas hidup anak dengan kanker di wilayah Malang Raya. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif, sampel penelitian kuantitatif dengan 32 responden orangtua anak kanker. Kualitas hidup diukur dengan PedsQoL Cancer Module 3.0 berdasar laporan orangtua. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan nilai mean. Hasil: Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil 68,8% anak dengan kanker mempunyai kualitas hidup yang baik dengan nilai mean > 1,72, dengan nilai kualitas hidup tertinggi anak dalam adaptasi terhadap tindakan yang menimbulkan kecemasan dan paling sedikit pada munculnya mual muntah. Diskusi/Pembahasan: Peran serta orang tua dan tim kesehatan dalam memberikan dukungan kepada anak akan membuat anak mampu menjalani segala proses pengobatan yang dilakukan sehingga akan meningkatkan kualitas hidup anak dengan kanker.
Kata kunci : Kualitas hidup, anak, kanke
Family social support and the self-esteem of breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Background: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is the first step in breast cancer treatment. However, the medical procedure causes stressors on the self-concept of patients, especially low self-esteem, due to the decrease in the function of their limbs. This research aims to investigate the correlation between family social support and the self-esteem of breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. It was conducted using a cross-sectional approach.Design and Methods: A sample of 56 people was selected by a simple random sampling technique, using a family social support questionnaire and the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale.Results: Based on the Spearman Rho statistical test, it was found that the value of p was 0.000 with a correlation coefficient value of 0.762. This indicated that there was a strong positive correlation between family social support and patient self-esteem.Conclusions: Families are the closest systems to patients that play an important role as a coping strategy and in disease management. Therefore, it is suggested that family community groups should be developed among families that have breast cancer patients through social networking