41 research outputs found

    Studi Alternatif Bahan Konstruksi Ramah Lingkungan Dengan Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik Kemasan Air Mineral Pada Campuran Beton

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    Waste management system with sorting between organic and angoranik produce waste bins which are expected to be recovered into a new material. It is intended that the waste produced waste can be utilized as much as possible back to the maximum so as to reduce the incidence of various problems of environmental degradation. The number of mineral water packaging plastic waste generated from both household waste and waste places waste management encourages their efforts to utilize or recycle the waste to be used as something useful. In this study used raw materials waste plastics packaging mineral water as a partial replacement of fine aggregate in the manufacture of concrete. The variation of shredded plastic waste packaging of mineral water in the concrete mix with a composition of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Based on research conducted found that the optimum variation shredded plastic waste packaging of mineral water in the concrete mix is 5% of the aggregate fine. Where the value of compressive strength with a variation of 5% shredded plastic waste packaging of mineral water in the concrete mix that is equal to 22.741 MPa while for the flexural strength / tensile split itself that is equal to 2,666 MPa at 28 days of age care. From the research results achieved indicate that with the addition of 5% of plastic packaging waste mineral water in the concrete mix is able to meet the characteristics of concrete and of better quality than conventional concrete and can be an alternative environmentally friendly construction materials. It is also expected with a plastic waste recycling waste management is a mixture of concrete can provide a good effect on acts of saving the environment


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    The topography of West Jakarta area categorized as flat and sloping areas with characteristics of the soil and rock is generally a silty sand, sandy loam, silt loam and sandy silt. Soil conditions in this category have a relatively low carrying capacity and the potential development of a large shrinkage. Carrying capacity of the land itself is one of the parameters on both the construction work under the structure and the upper structure. If the soil does not have a good carrying capacity it will be very dangerous constructions built upon. One improvement to get the soil bearing capacity to be expected that the chemical soil stabilization methods. One chemical soil remediation efforts can be done by adding a siliceous material such as kaolin and limestone soil residual material in West Jakarta area. The research sample was made with kaolin and limestone composition ratio of the residual soil with a treatment that is 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of the dry weight of residual soil. Ripening soil mix made for 1 day, 7 days and 14 days. From the test results obtained optimum value on the ground with a mixture of 10% lime and 10% kaolin with a long ripening 14 days. Where the soil with a mixture of 10% lime and 10% kaolin with a long ripening 14 days had a specific gravity is 1.8944, 53.7865% liquid limit, plastic limit 0.4856% 23.3009% plasticity index, shrinkage limit 38.92321% , CBR value of 195.6898%, the cohesion of 0,6767 kg/cm2, and the value of the friction angle of 39°52'44''

    Evaluasi Kapasitas Parkir Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua pada Stasiun Commuter Line Tangerang

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    Ruang parkir merupakan salah satu unsur sarana yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sistem transportasi secara keseluruhan. Setiap perjalanan yang menggunakan kendaraan diawali dan diakhiri ditempat parkir. Oleh sebab itu, ketersediaan ruang parkir yang cukup diperlukan bagi pengguna kendaraan sehingga aktivitas yang akan dilakukan dapat terlaksana pada waktunya. Salah satu tempat yang membutuhkan ruang parkir adalah stasiun kereta. Sarana parkir pada stasiun kereta sangat dibutuhkan mengingat jumlah serta daya angkut penumpang yang menggunakan jasa tranportasi masal ini cukup besar dalam satu kali keberangkatan baik kereta api maupun commuter line. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kapasitas parkir untuk kendaraan bermotor roda dua yang ada pada Stasiun Commuter Line Tangerang. Hal ini perlu dievaluasi mengingat stasiun tersebut merupakan stasiun yang letaknya paling ujung di jalur Tangerang-Duri dan merupakan stasiun dengan akses terdekat di Wilayah Tangerang. Dari hasil kajian yang dilakukan diperoleh bahwa kebutuhan parkir untuk kendaraan roda dua yaitu 2790 unit ruang parkir sedangkan yang tersedia sebesar 1218 unit ruang parkir serta nilai indeks parkir yang didapatkan keseluruhannya > 1 sehingga dapat dinyatakan lahan parkir bermasalah atau melebihi kapasitas


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    One alternative solution handling the flood planned by the Government of DKI Jakarta is to do the construction of flood control tunnel or commonly called the sudetan to maintain the stability of the river volume or time so that the flood overflow does not occur. However the construction of flood control tunnel or sudetan done on implementation process must pay attention to the impact that may arise given the tunnel built under the surface of the ground and the surroundings of the housing of the population. The results of the study indicate the movement of land that occurs along the southern Shaft Arriving by 5 cm and a decrease in elevation advance groundwater during construction of Shafts Arriving 49,3 cm. However, both ground movement of face elevation and decrease in groundwater that occurs is still within the safe and does not affect the structure of the buildings around the site of the work so that the retaining walls of soils can function properl

    Kajian Laboratorium Penggunaan Serat Daun Nanas dan Serat Ijuk Pada Campuran Stone Matrix Asphalt

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    Abstrak Stone Matrix Asphalt merupakan jenis beton aspal hotmix dengan campuran bahan agregat kasar, agregat halus, bahan pengisi dan aspal yang membentuk mortar dengan aspal sebagai bahan pengikat yang dicampur dalam keadaan panas. Campuran beraspal ini didesain menggunakan agregat kasar dan aspal dengan kadar tinggi yang distabilisasi dengan serat selulosa sehingga lebih tahan terhadap deformasi (rutting), mempunyai ketahanan gelincir (skid resistence) yang tinggi, keretakan (cracking) serta tahan lama dan mampu melayani kendaraan berat dengan lebih baik. Dikarenakan kandungan aspal pada stone matrix asphalt yang sangat tinggi maka cenderung terjadi bleeding. Penelitian ini mencoba melakukan kajian laboratorium terhadap pemanfaatan serat alami berupa serat daun nanas dan serat ijuk sebagai bahan tambah serat selulosa pada campuran stone matrix asphalt. Berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium bahwa variasi penambahan 0.3% serat daun nanas dan 0.3 % serat ijuk memiliki nilai durabitas tertinggi dibandingkan dengan variasi persertase penambahan yang lainnya yaitu sebesar 95,23%. Penambahan serat daun nanas dan serat ijuk pada campuran stone matrix asphalt dapat mengatasi bleeding pada aspal serta menambah daya dukung dan keawetan pada jalan. Kata kunci: Durabilitas, serat daun nanas, serat ijuk, stone matrix asphalt.  Abstract Stone Matrix Asphalt is a type of hot mix asphalt concrete with a mixture of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, filler and asphalt which forms a mortar with asphalt as a binder which is mixed in hot conditions. This asphalt mixture is designed to use coarse aggregate and high-grade asphalt stabilized with cellulose fibers so that it is more resistant to deformation (rutting), has high skid resistance, cracking (cracking) and is durable and able to serve heavy vehicles with better. Because the asphalt content in the stone matrix asphalt is very high, it tends to bleed. This research attempts to conduct a laboratory study of the use of natural fibers in the form of pineapple leaf fiber and palm fiber as an added ingredient for cellulose fiber in a mixture of stone matrix asphalt. Based on the results of laboratory tests, the variations in the addition of 0.3% pineapple leaf fiber and 0.3% palm fiber had the highest durability value compared to the other addition variations, namely 95.23%. The addition of pineapple leaf fibers and palm fiber fibers to the stone matrix asphalt mixture can overcome bleeding on asphalt and increase the carrying capacity and durability of the road. Keywords: Durability, Pineapple leaf fiber, Ijuk fiber, Stone Matrix Asphalt

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahan Limbah Polimer Sebagai Campuran Aspal Modifikasi Terhadap Kinerja Marshall

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    One of the polymer materials that can be a mixture of asphalt is Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, which is a material that is widely used in making toys and making footwear. This large amount of toys and footwear production waste has only become rubbish and has not been utilized optimally. Ethylene Vinyl Acetate polymers themselves belong to elastomeric polymers which have flexible properties such as rubber, smooth, flexible, resistant to low temperatures, are not easily cracked and are resistant to water. The use of polymer material as a mixture of asphalt has been widely carried out considering that asphalt modification with polymeric materials is known from several tests showing that it has better resistance to deformation and overcoming cracks, so that road construction can be produced more durable and can reduce maintenance and repair costs Street. In this study the use of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate waste on asphalt mixes has a pretty good effect, this is seen from the results of marshall tests that can meet the requirements

    Desain Alternatif Jembatan Menggunakan Plat Girder (Studi Kasus Jembatan RSUD Kota Tangerang)

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    Jembatan adalah suatu struktur konstruksi yang berfungsi untuk menghubungkan dua bagian jalan yang terputus oleh adanya rintangan-rintangan seperti lembah yang dalam, alur sungai, saluran irigasi dan lain-lain. Suatu sistem jaringan jalan terdiri dari jalan dan jembatan dilakukan apabila rencana jalan melintasi sebuah sungai atau bersinggungan dengan jalan yang telah ada. Pemilihan jenis jembatan sendiri didasarkan pada panjang bentang jembatan serta tingkat lalu-lintas yang melaluinya.Sebagai studi kasus, data yang digunakan dalam kajian desain alternatif jembatan menggunakan plat girder merupakan data pembangunan Jembatan RSUD Kota Tangerang yang merupakan salah satu contoh dari pemilihan tipe jembatan yang berdasarkan panjang bentang.Adapun hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pelat girder flens 40 cm x 4 cm dan ukuran web 142 cm x 0,8 cm sebagai struktur girder untuk desain alternatif jembatan serta perbandingan volume didapatkan untuk struktur pelat girder dibutuhkan bahan baja sebanyak 30,525 m3 sedangkan untuk struktur beton existing membutuhkan bahan beton sebanyak 344,218 m3


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    Abstrak : Arang tempurung kelapa diketahui memiliki sifat mereduksi indeks plastis tanah dan mengurangi pengembangan tanah khususnya untuk penggunaan tanah lempung. Tanah lempung sering digunakan sebagai lapisan kedap air pada bendungan urugan, hal ini dikarenakan lempung memiliki permeabilitas yang sangat kecil karena penggunaannya sebagai inti tubuh bendungan, maka perlu kiranya diperbaiki sifat mekanisnya. Salah satu sifat mekanis yang perlu diperbaiki adalah dengan memperkecil permeabilitas dan meningkatkan kuat geser lempung dengan melakukan pengujian triaksial dan permeabilitas pada tanah lempung yang dicampur dengan serbuk arang tempurung kelapa. Persentase variasi campuran arang tempurung kelapa yang digunakan adalah 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%.Dari persentase variasi yang digunakan dapat mengetahui perubahan sifat fisik tanah sebelum dan sesudah dicampurkan serbuk arang tempurung kelapa dan mengetahui persentase optimum terhadap campuran tanah lempung dan serbuk arang tempurung kelapa. Dengan penambahan serbuk arang tempurung kelapa didapat hasil persentase optimum 15% pada kuat geser sebesar 45, 1707 kg/cm2.Dan persentase penurunan optimum 10% pada permeabilitas sebesar 9, 21x10-6. Kata kunci: Serbuk arang tempurung kelapa, campuran, tanah lempung, persentase optimum, permeabilitas rembesan. Abstract : Clay soils are often used as a waterproof coating on the dam, because the clay has very little permeability because of its use as the core of the dam's body, it is necessary to improve its mechanical properties. One of the mechanical properties that need to be corrected is to reduce permeability and increase the shear strength of clay by conducting triaxial and permeability tests on clay soil mixed with coconut shell charcoal powder. Coconut shell charcoal has the property of reducing the plastic index of soil and reducing soil development. The percentage variation in the mixture of coconut shell charcoal used is 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%. From the percentage variation used can determine changes in soil physical properties before and after mixing coconut shell charcoal powder and find out the optimum percentage of a mixture of clay soil and coconut shell charcoal powder. With the addition of coconut shell charcoal powder, an optimum percentage of 15% was obtained at a shear strength of 45, 1707 kg / cm2. And the optimum reduction percentage of 10% in permeability is 9, 21x10-6. Keywords: clay soil, coconut shell charcoal powder, mixture, optimum percentage, seepage permeability


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    meningkat seiring bertambahnya konsumsi masyarakat setiap harinya, yang berdampak kepada penumpukan sampah khususnya di Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) GEMPEL – BEHI. Kondisi ini dapat mengganggu aktivitas warga, dikarenakan lokasi dari TPST ini terletak di samping jalan raya dan diseberang pasar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, maka diperlukan perencanaan bangunan TPST yang sesuai fungsinya. Sehingga dengan perencanaan ini diharapkan sistem alur pengelolaan sampah mulai dari sampah masuk, letak penampungan sampah, tempat pemilahan sampah, tempat pengolahan sampah organik dan anorganik, tempat untuk sampah residu, dan sampah yang akan dibawa ke TPA Rawa Kucing dapat dikelola dengan baik sesuai fungsinya. Desain fungsi area bangunan TPST yang direncanakan menggunakan area kerja pengolah sampah yang terdiri dari area pemilahan dengan luas ± 60 m2, area organik dengan luas ± 60 m2, area anorganik dengan luas ± 135 m2, area penyimpanan dengan luas ± 30 m2, dan area residu dengan luas ± 15 m2. Setiap area yang didesain mempunyai fungsi dan luas lahan sesuai dengan alur pengelolaan serta volume sampah yang diolah. Perencanaan konsep alur pengelolaan TPST didasarkan kepada volume sampah yang masuk dan  menambah jumlah tenaga kerja dimana pengoptimalan alur pengelolaan dilakukan dengan cara menambah alat biodigester yang dihitung berdasarkan volume sampah organik yang diolah dan kapasitas alat. Berdasarkan hasil perencanaan optimalisasi TPST GEMPEL- BEHI didapakan penurunan volume sampah yang dikirim ke TPA Rawa Kucing dari 74,37  m3 menjadi 10,5 m3 . Hal ini menunjukkan perencanaan fungsi bangunan dan alur pengelolaan sampah dapat menjadi salah satu penyelesaian permasalahan sampah pada TPST GEMPEL-BEHI.

    Revitalisasi Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Sementara Di Perumahan Buana Gardenia Untuk Peningkatan Kesehatan Lingkungan

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    A comfortable and healthy residential area must be supported by the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructure such as the availability of clean water networks, road networks, drainage systems, worship facilities, green open spaces and temporary garbage storage facilities. The available temporary garbage collection sites must be able to accommodate the volume of waste up to the relevant transportation service schedule. However, sometimes transportation delays can occur, so that it can cause problems in residential areas, especially in Buana Gardenia housing such as unpleasant odors and the flow of water that is blocked due to rubbish that falls into the waterways. Waste that falls into the water channel over time can clog the flow of water in it, other than that due to organic rotting in the water channel can cause sedimentation in the bottom of the channel so that the channel becomes shallow. To anticipate the fall of rubbish into the waterways due to the full volume of waste and delays in transportation from related agencies. In the community service activities at the Buana Gardenia housing complex, a temporary garbage shelter will be revitalized. The revitalization results can reduce the waste that falls into the water channel so that the flow of water in the channel flows smoothly, reducing the number of mosquito larvae and puddle when it rains