13 research outputs found

    Pembibitan Secara Stek-mini Tanaman Melati [Jasminum Sambac (L.) Aiton]

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    The experiment aimed at maximizing the speed growth and number of plants obtained by the mini-steck of jasmine (Jasminum sambac (L.) Aiton) cv. Emprit. Changes in benzylaminopurine (BAP), indolebutiric acid (IBA), and “rooton” concentration.were evaluated. Branchs were used as the plant material source, which consisted of axillary buds obtained after careful excision of the leaves. The following treatments were tested: solid media (soil : sand = 1 : 1) with different BAP concentrations (0.1, 3 and 5 mg/kg), IBA (0, 100, 200 and 300 ppm/kg), and “rooton” (0, 100, 200 and 300 ppm/kg) The results showed that shoots growth slowly in the media suplemented with BAP, however, IBA 200 ppm/kg media is better. Rooton with 300 ppm/kg media showed best results for rooting induction

    Integrasi Budaya Kewirausahaan ke dalam Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Restoran

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    This researchintended to conduct the integrated entrepreneurship culture<improve the subject of Restaurant, so that study can be more effective and qualifiedin the future< Peculiarly this research intended to find out the methods or learningstrategicin integrating entrepreneurship and to know the result reached bystudents in integrating entrepreneurship study at management aspecL The subjectof this researchwas students who taken the subject of Restaurant at UndergraduateProgram of Food and Fashion Engineering Education< The object is integratedentrepreneurship culfurizationwith the subject of Restaurant at managementaspecL Research procedure is conducted based on action research method whichare planning, action, observation and reflection, treated in 6cyc1es< The result ofresearch indicatesthat the integration of entrepreneurship culture can improve themanagerial competencyof students at subject of RestauranL Gradually, thecompetency was increasing from first rotation to sixth, that is at non formalrestaurant group,equal to 10 % with the average improvement of 2 %, formalrestaurantgroup 27,5 % with the average improvement of 5,5 %, and cake & bakerygroup 10% with the average improvement of 2 %< The result of action executionshowsthat the step of study consisted of (a) modules learning, (b) field visiting (c)business plan making, (d) implementation of business plan, (e) monitoring,reflectingand evaluating, which is applicable to improve the study quality

    Pengujian Toleransi Mangrove Muda Terhadap Cemaran Minyak Bumi

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    The experiment were conducted at Green House of Environmental Institute of Technology, BPPT, PUSPIPTEK Serpong Tangerang in 2011. The study were taken on four species of young mangroves (Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera sp, Sonneratia sp, and Avicenia sp) in order to determine any sublethal impact and growth abnormalities affected by four consentration of oil (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%). Measurements recorded include: percent survival, growth rate, leaf development, percent defoliation, number of developing branches, and any unusual growth patterns that may have developed as a result of oil contamination. The results of this study showed that no significant deferent of oil affected. The highest consentration of treatment oil was not affects to young mangrove until the end of this experiment.Rhizophora mucronata showed able to degrade TPH highest among the four mangrove species in all oil concentrations treatment.Observation onsix weeks showed an average of TPH reduction 38.1% of10% oilconcentration, 21.1% of 20% oil concentration and 21.1% of 30% oil concentration.While observations onthe twelfth weeksshowed an average of TPH reduction 81.6% of 10% oil concentration, 69% of 20% oil concentration and 66% of 30% oil concentration. It shows that young mangrove effective to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons

    Pengaruh Group Investigation Berbantuan Flash Card Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Materi Jamur

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    This research was purposed to know the influence of cooperative learning model of Group Investigation (GI) aided flash cards for learning outcomes on fungi material in class X SMA N 1 Rasau Jaya. The shape of the research is used Quasy Exsperimental Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample research consisted of two classes, namely class XD (experimental class) and class XB (control class). That was taken based on the standard deviation that is almost the same. The research instrument used was a multiple choice test included 30 questions. The results of research showed the average post-test score experimental class (23.15) is higher than the control class (21.16). Based on data analysis using the U-Mann Whitney test was obtained Ztest (-2.98) < Ztab (-1.96) showed that there is a difference between learning outcomes of experimental class and control class . Based on the calculation of Effect Size, obtained value of 0.8 which means contributed 32.38% of the student learning outcomes. Thus concluded that cooperative learning model of Group Investigation (GI) aided flash card influence on student learning outcomes

    Kesiapan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Boga dalam Pelaksanaaan Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Manajemen USAha Boga di Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Boga Ptbb Ft Uny

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    The objectives of this study are (1) to investigate the implementation of the culinary business management course, (2) to investigate the students\u27 readiness in preparing culinary business management course, (3) to find out the students\u27 readiness in the implementation of the culinary business management course, and (4) to find out the obstacles in the learning process of this course. This study was employing descriptive approach in 16 March – 31 October 2012 at Culinary Education Study Program of Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University. The population was the students of Culinary Education Study Program who joined culinary business management course among the second semester students in the academic year of 2011/ 2012. The sampling technique was using random sampling with the total respondents of 72 students. The data were collected by using interview, questionnaire, and observation while the data were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The findings revealed that firstly, the implementation of the learning of culinary business management course consisted of the opening preparation of the new business, the managing process, and the assessment that covered active participation, independent task, group work, practice, and final examination with 53% of the students achieved A, 28% of them achieved A- , 17% of them achieved B+, and 4% of them achieved B. Secondly, students\u27 readiness in implementing the culinary business management course can be categorized as “very high” category with 12.5% and the category of “high” with 87.5%. Thirdly, students\u27 readiness in the culinary business management course was in the category of “very high” with 16.67% and the category of “high” with 83.33%. Lastly, the obstacles in implementing the learning process of culinary business management were the communication and cooperation among the team, students\u27 loyalty and discipline, insufficient time of the course, and inadequate facilities and tools

    Pemanfaatan Sumber Belajar Internet untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Penyajian pada Mata Kuliah Pengolahan Makanan Oriental

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui: (1) pemanfaatan sumber belajar internet mata kuliah Pengolahan Makanan Oriental, (2) pengaruhnya terhadap prestasi (nilai penyajian) mahasiswa, dan (3) pendapat mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran tersebut. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian tindakan kelas. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 3 Program Studi Teknik Boga (D3) sebanyak 26 orang, yang mengambil Mata Kuliah Pengolahan Makanan Oriental. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Boga Jurusan PTBB pada tahun 2006. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, angket, dan dokumentasi. Model disain yang digunakan adalah model Kemmis & Mc Taggart meliputi tiga langkah yaitu planning, acting and observing, dan reflecting dengan tiga siklus perlakuan. Data dianalisis dengan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa: (1) pemanfaatan sumber belajar internet pada mata kuliah Pengolahan Makanan Oriental memerlukan tiga siklus dengan perlakuan pada siklus ketiga adalah searching, mancetak hasil/ print, dan mengkaji kulinari, (2) sumber belajar internet dapat meningkatkan nilai penyajian mata kuliah Pengolahan Makanan Oriental dari nilai 2,5 (cukup sesuai – sesuai) menjadi 3,35 (sesuai – sangat sesuai), (3) mahasiswa berpendapat bahwa sumber belajar internet pada mata kuliah Pengolahan Makanan Oriental dapat lebih menambah wawasan tentang penyajian makanan oriental dan dapat membuat mahasiswa lebih kreatif serta lebih memahami kulinari makanan oriental

    Model Pemberdayaan Perempuan Miskin melalui Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Berbasis Potensi Lokal di Kecamatan Wedi Kabupaten Klaten

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    His research is aimed to: depict the pro ile of the poor women in Kecamatan Wedi, Kabupaten Klaten, doing measurement towards the potential of entrepreneurship spirit of the poor women in Kecamatan Wedi, Kabupaten Klaten, and understanding the effectiveness of project based model (PBL) as the model of entrepreneurship training for the poor women in Kecamatan Wedi, Kabupaten Klaten based on their local resources. Data were collected from the secondary data and primary data. Data were analysed using the interactive model analysis. The result of this research showed that the poor women at Kecamatan Wedi: 1) live in dirty houses, have limited acces of primary education and the lower salary, 2) have high spirit for doing entrepreneurship. It indicates that they have a high potential for success if they get appropriate treatment of entrepreneurship, 3) have a high performance as an entrepreneur since the get entrepreneurship training using the PBL model. It is indicated that the model has a high effectiveness to use as a model of trainin