16 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul IPA Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Daerah Pesisir Puger Pada Pokok Bahasan Sistem Transportasi Di SMP

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    This research is based on the lack of Puger public awareness to preservelocal wisdom in the area, so people need to know the local wisdom in the arearanging from the young. The research aims to produce a product Science ModuleBased on Local Wisdom of Puger Coastal Area on the subject of Transport System inJunior High School. This product to be implemented to the class after going throughthe expert appraisal. Science Module Based on Local Wisdom of Puger Coastal Areais a product that is integrated with local wisdom of Puger coastal area. This productis designed to combine local wisdom with science concepts, so that students canunderstand the surrounding environment in scientifically. Thus, the students canapply science concepts received at school in everyday life. The design developmentused in this research is the 4-D development model. The result of validation ininstructional review is 4,23 and technical review is 4,12, so the products declaredvalid in instructional review and technical review. According to the analysis result ofthe study, the classical thoroughness post test is 97,2%. The result of thequestionnaire environmental awareness is increasing and the result of thequestionnaire response is positive in each aspect. It can be concluded that thedeveloped modules meet the eligibility requirements as teaching materials

    Model Pembelajaran Concept Attainment Disertai Metode Demonstrasi Pada Pembelajaran Ipa-fisika Di SMP (Studi Eksperimen Pada Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Ipa-fisika)

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    This research focuses on the concept attainment model with demonstration method to science-physics instruction in junior high school. The purpose of this research are to study differences between of science-physics students' learning activities by using concept attainment model with demonstration method and by direct intruction learning model, and to assess the influence of concept attainment model with demonstration method to student's science-physics achievement. The kind of research is an experiment by using post-test only control group design. The technique of data collection are observation, documentation, interview, and test. Data analysis technique that used is independent sample T-Test assistance SPSS 16. Result of the study are the student's learning activities is 0,000 or 0,05, and the result of student's learning achievement is 0,0005 or 0,05. Based on the analysis of the results, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference of students' science-physics learning activities between the class by using concept attainment model with demonstration method and direct intruction learning model, and the model is significantly imfluence to the student's science-physics achievement

    Penerapan Model Problem Based Instruction Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMA

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    Problem Based Instruction is one of learning models the predicted able toimprove critical thinking skills of students. Critical thinking skills is thinkingskills in reasoned and reflective by pressing the making decisions about whatshould be trusted and do. The goals of this research were to describes thecritical thinking skills of students in the learning physics during ProblemBased Instruction Model, to examine the differences of physic achievementbetween using Problem Based Instruction Model and Direct InstructionModel and to describe respons of student about learning physics duringProblem Based Instruction Model. The kind of this study was trueexperiment by using randomized subject post-test only control group design.The sample of this research was the students of class X at Panji 1 SeniorHigh School. The data were collected by observation, documentation,student worksheet, test, and interview. The analysis result that the student'sability of critical thinking skills of students in the learning physics duringProblem Besed Instruction Model include in very good category is equal to86,9%, the student's achievement by use Problem Besed Instruction Model isbetter than Direct Instruction Model, and the respon of student in thelearning physics during Problem Besed Instruction Model is equal 96,25%positif respons

    Pengaruh Tingkat Kebisingan Lalu Lintas Terhadap Tingkat Kenyamanan Siswa Saat Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Kecamatan Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan (Studi Kasus Di SMP Negeri 3 Bangil Dan Mts Negeri Bangil)

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    This research focuses on the effect of traffic noise to the learning comfort in school at Bangil district. The purposes of this study are to analyze noise level in school, learning comfort, and the effect of traffic noise to the learning comfort. The research was done at SMP Negeri 3 Bangil and MTs Bangil. The measurement of Noise level is Sound Level Meter Dekko SL-130 and the measurement of learning comfort is a questionnaire. The data is processed using SPSS 16 program. The results show that noise level at the SMP Negeri 3 Bangil is bigger than MTs Bangil (66.4 dBA > 53.1 dBA). The comfort level at SMP Negeri 3 Bangil is lower than MTs Bangil. In SMP Negeri 3 Bangil, the influence of the noise traffic to the comfort learning is 2.6% and the influence of the noise traffic to the comfort learning in MTs Negeri bangil is 15.6%

    Pengembanganpocketbook Sahabat IPA Pada Materi Indra Pendengaran Dan Sistem Sonar Di SMP

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    Sahabat IPA pocketbook is designed carefully to enable students to bring and learn the materials anytime and anywhere due to its practicality. The pocketbook is interesting not only its design but also the contents presented. Besides, sahabat IPA pocketbook contains selected topics that are related to two fields of study physics and biology. The theme presented in sahabat IPA pocketbook focuses on a specific theme; the auditory process which is related to the chapter of sense of hearing and sonar system. The theme is integrated with two fields of study including physics and biology covering vibration, wave, sound, and sense of hearing. The purposes of this research are: to produce a valid pocketbook, to describe the effectiveness of the pocketbook, to describe student's response towards the use of sahabat IPA pocketbook. The development design implemented in this research was 4-D development model. The researcher employed several techniques to collect data including interview, observation, test, and questionnaire. The results of the research show that the pocketbook is highly valid with 81% of expert validity and 88% of user validity. The results of the data analysis also show that sahabat IPA pocketbook is highly effective with the score of 82,58% achieved. Regarding the third purpose of the research, the students responded the pocketbook positively for every aspect presented on the questionnaire. In short, sahabat IPA pocketbook is a good and appropriate alternative to be used as a learning material to support fun learning

    Model Pembelajaran Poe (Prediction, Observation, and Explanation) Disertai Teknik Concept Mapping Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Di SMA Negeri 1 Jenggawah

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    The research focused on the influence of POE to student's science process skills and student's physics achievement. The purposes of this research are (1) to describe student's science process skills the using Prediction, Observation, Explanation model in learning physic, (2) to examine the effect Prediction, Observation, Explanation model to student's physics achievement in learning physics The type of this research is experiment by post test only control groupdesign. The population of this research were students of class X at SMAN 1 Jenggawah (2015/2016). The techniques of data collection are observation, test, documentation, interview, and portofolio. The techniques of data collection analysis using descriptive analiysis and Independent Sample T-Test with the help of SPSS 23. The result of the research are: (1) average of value students' science process skills is 82,75, (2) student's physics achievementacquiredof analitycal results Independent Sample T-Test sig (1-tailed) of 0.002 , it means H1 accepted, H0 rejected. The research can be concluded that: the average students' science process skills very good criteria and there are effect of Prediction, Observation, Explanation model to student's achievement learning physic

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Fisika Berbasis Majalah Siswa Pintar Fisika (Mspf) Pada Pembelajaran IPA Di SMP (Pokok Bahasan Gerak Pada Benda)

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    This research is development research focused on the teaching material of physics based on Smart Student Physics Magazine (MSPF). The objectives of the research are to study validation, motivation, and students\u27 achievement by teaching material of physics based on (MSPF) on science learning at junior high school (focused on motion of the object material). Design of development research uses 4-D model. The population of the research is the students of class VIII at SMPN 1 Jenggawah, while the sample is class VIII B. The data collection technique are observation, documentation, test, and interview. The descriptive analysis of validation and motivation used percentage table of validation logic and criteria of students\u27 learning motivation assessment. The descriptive analysis of students\u27 physics outcomes used the average score of students learning outcomes. The result of problem formulation showed that fair validation score from experts is 3,99 categorized as valid enough and can be used on learning activity. The average score of students learning motivation is 80,04% and it is categorized on the category of motivated. The students science average achievement on affectiveis 82,76, on psychomotor is 94,92 and on cognitive is 71. It can be concluded that teaching material of physics based on developed (MSPF) is categorized as valid enough. However, it cannot create an outstanding outcomes yet in each domains

    Pengaruh Lama Perendaman Tio2 Dalam Dye Sensitizer Ekstrak Daun Tembakau (Nicotiana Tabacum L) Terhadap Efisiensi Dye Sensitizer Solar Cell (Dssc)

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    Energy is one of the important things in the world, especially Indonesia,which has high people population. Energy consumption are dominate ofunrenewable energy, such as fuel and gasses. In other side, unrenewable energy wasrestricted, so we need to find the other energy source. Renewable Energy can helpsUnrenewable energy to complete national energy consumption such as solar cell.DSSC (Dye sensitized solar cell) is a kind of inexpensive and eco-friendly solar cellthat base on photoelectrochemical reaction. The purpose of this research is toobserve the affect of TiO2 immersion in tobacco leaf extract (Nicotiana tabacum L)as dye sensitizer to current, voltage and eficiency of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell(DSSC). The stage of this research are dye preparation, counter-electrodepreparation, TiO2 preparation, electrolyte and assembly process. The variable thatuse in this research are 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes of immersion time.The result indicate that the immersion hasaffect to DSSC output. The 60 minutes ofimmersion can result higher output at 12 P.M with 729,2 Watt/m2 illuminance,which are 173,6 mV in voltage and 0,621 mA in current. It also produce 0,0493%efficiency at the same time. The result indicate that the immersion hasaffect to DSSCoutput such as current, voltage and efficiency

    Pengaruh Frekuensi Gelombang Bunyi Terhadap Perilaku Lalat Rumah (Musca Domestica)

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    The purpose of this research are to analyze the effect ofaudiosonicwave and restrictions of the frequency that the behavior (the number ofperch) ofMusca domestica at different temperatures. This type of researchare an experimental research that using method observational. The datagainededis the number of Musca domestica that settled in the glass cubeafter being given audiosonic wave frequency of 20 Hz - 16 kHz. MP4 file andTOSHIBA NB500 was tool used to made frequency of the wave audiosonic,at 27oC , 30o C and 35o C.It can concluded that the research is success, attemperature 27oC, 30oC and 35oC.The top range of frequency that may affectthe behavior of Musca domesticais about 15 kHz – 16 kHz with the largestpercentage of the number as many as 92 % at a temperature of 27oC and thesmallest number as many as 80% at a temperature of 30o. Meanwhile, thelowestaudiosonic frequency is about 100 Hz – 499 Hz. The largestpercentage of number of house flies perched is 60% at a temperature of27oC and the smallest percentage is 36% at temperature 35oC