419 research outputs found

    Needs Assesment of Adolescent Health Services

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    Health problems surround the adolescent rises everytime, yet it does unexcelled with their awareness or knowledge about that problems. The adolescent health service that are poorly accesced by the adolescent become the indicator that proves that the adolescent health services are not fully known and utilized yet. The assesment of adolesccent health services need has to be done so that it can be fully understand by the helper, target and stakeholder. This study aimed to analyse the adolescent health service need in Karang Bendo, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study was conducted in 2016 using cross-sectional approach. The results revealed that the level of adolsecent\u27s knowledge are still relatively poor: reproductive health knowledge (44.1%), HIV/AIDS (41.2%), smoke (50%), drugs (58.8%), and healthy lifestyle () (47.1%). The majority of respondents said that they need health services about reproduction health (94.1%), HIV/AIDS (91.2%), smoke (91.2%), drugs (88.2%) and healthy lifestyle (91.2%)

    Evaluation of Lactation Promotion as Part of Baby Friendly Hospital

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    Decrease of maternal and infant mortality as well as increasing of the exclusive breastfeeding are major public health priorities in Indonesia. In decreasing the maternal and infant mortality, the government developed a program for the community as Baby Friendly Hospital (BFH) to prevent the effects, to support, and to promote breastfeeding. PKU Muhammadiyah hospital in Yogyakarta was one of the BFH program managers. The purpose of this study was to determine the breastfeeding promotion activities as part of BFH at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Yogyakarta.This was a qualitative descriptive study. The findings of this study were inputs consisting of 1) the knowledge and skills to better convey information indicates the quality of human resources. 2) promotion of the policies for all workers to reach the goal. 3) financial promotion is supported by the operating system in the hospital. 4) supporting facility to promote lactation leaflets, posters, ANC class, a breastfeeding counselor and nursing areas. Implementation of lactation promotion was conducted in accordance with program planning of BFH

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Aceh Singkil

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    Patient medical record information system at the Aceh Singkil Local General Hospital was a system that aimed to manage the patient's data that registered for treatment until the patient leaved the hospital at a certain period. In this case, information system was so important to be designed for preventing from the errors in the implementation of the registration procedures and data processing in order to use it as well as possible. Administration of medical records of patients at the Aceh Singkil Local General Hospital was still manual so that the patient service become slow and patient medical records were often lost or not found. Designing of patient medical record information system aimed to design the patient medical record information systems based on Visual Basic in order to ease the registration process and to make recapitulation reports of patient visits. In designing of patient medical record information systems at the Aceh Singkil Local General Hospital was using System Development Life Cycle method or system development life cycle that consists of system planning, system analysis, system design conceptually, the evaluation of the system selection, a functional system design, and system implementation.The design of this system produces an application of the patient registration until the patient leave the hospital consists of three forms, namely monthly summary report visit of inpatients and outpatients, and summary annual reports of the highest diseases.The design of patient medical record information systems at Aceh Singkil Local General Hospital was expected to ease patient registration process and to make a report at the hospital so that the hospital can produce accurate data

    Instagram Sebagai Media Motivasi dan Meningkatkan Produktivitas Menggambar Individu

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    Instagram merupakan salah satu media sosial yang dipakai oleh individu dalam rentan usia serta profesi yang relatif bermacam-macam. Dalam kaitannya dengan profesi atau orang-orang yang memiliki hobi yang sama, terlebih untuk ranah menggambar; setiap bulan atau musim tertentu terdapat sebuah kegiatan yang disepakati dari ketidaksadaran kolektif pada sebuah tagar. Tagar tersebut berisi arahan atau landasan dari para pengguna untuk berkarya. Dari sub tema yang beragam di beberapa kesempatan, hal tersebut dapat menimbulkan motivasi serta menunjang produktivitas pengguna dalam membuat sebuah karya. Katakunci: instagram, tagar, motivasi, produktivita

    Evaluasi Program Pemberian Makanan Tambahan Anak Balita

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    Background: In a way to increase status of children lessthan five years old nutrition at Puskesmas Mungkid, one ofway was to heal supplement feedings programmed (PMT)children under five years old. To see the successful of PMTprogrammed has been needed evaluation to program. Thepurpose of the research has to evaluated the development ofextra nutrition programmed for children under five years old(PMT) at Puskesmas Mungkid. The research need to dobecause many malnutricious still founded and also to knowthe work of manager to run the programmed with use thestandard technical guidelines programmed legally by healthydepartment.Method: Descriptive qualitative with use summative planning.Subjects are the leader of health public service and managerof PMT children under five years old. The untility to collect dataon the research are interview guideline, tape recorder andstationary. The analysis use descriptive qualitative.Result: The result consist of evaluation to: (1) Input evaluationconsist of force raw material, fund, facilities, material, andmethod. Force evaluation had fit with standard technicalguidelines programmed from healthy department, there wasno hard problem with fund evaluation consider with the budget.Facilities evaluation there was no standard technical guidelinesprogrammed yet from healthy department. Material and methodhad fit with standard technical guidelines programmed fromhealthy department (2) Process evaluation not fit with standardtechnical guidelines programmed from healthy departmentspecially planning on target of acceptance PMT programmed.(3) Output evaluation, not fit yet with purpose of PMT becausestill many children under five years old on malnutricious status.Resume: Input evaluation has facilities not complete yet.Process evaluation was not every target programmed hadunhealthy family card (Gakin), still there is target programmedhave not been tooked the packed as schedule also not everymeals packed had been eated by children which is seatled astarget programmed. Output evaluation was have increasenutrition status after PMT children under five years oldprogrammed although still found many malnutrition status.Keywords: evaluation, supplement feedings programmed(PMT), children under five years ol

    Studi Awal Pola Struktur Busur Muka Aceh, Sumatra Bagian Utara (Indonesia): Penafsiran dan Analisis Peta Batimetri

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    Analisis morfostruktur daerah penelitian menunjukan tiga unit struktur geologi yang berbeda, antara lain zona penunjaman, zona deformasi aktif dan busur muka termasuk didalamnya tinggian busur muka dan cekungan busur muka. Struktur geologi zona penunjaman lempeng teramati sepanjang Palung Sunda paralel dengan zona deformasi aktif. Struktur geologi pada Tinggian Busur Muka membentuk sistim prisma akresi yang disusun oleh sesar anjak, sesar geser, perlipatan dan perlipatan naik. Pola kelurusan struktur umumnya berarah berarah utara baratlaut-selatan tenggara di sebelah utara lintang 5°U, arah baratlaut-tenggara pada posisi 3°-5°U, kelurusan kemudian berbelok hampir barat-timur di sekitar 2°-3°U. Perubahan arah pola kelurusan struktur tersebut ditafsirkan sebagai jawaban terhadap naiknya tingkat kemiringan penunjaman lempeng dari daerah Simeulue ke arah Lintang 5°U -7°U atau secara umum dari selatan Sumatra ke arah utara Sumatra. Di bagian tengah daerah telitian berkembang kelurusan patahan berarah utara-selatan yang memotong kelurusan berarah baratlaut-tenggara. Kelurusan tersebut ditafsirkan sebagai patahan geser dekstral dan kemungkinan masih aktif. Kata Kunci: Analisis morfostruktur, zona penunjaman, zona deformasi aktif, busur muka, kelurusan, sesar anjak, sesar geser, perlipatan, perlipatan naik, kemiringan penunjaman lempeng Morphostructure analyses of study area demonstrate three different units of geological structures: subduction zone, active deformation zone and fore-arc region, which include Fore Arc High and Fore Arc Basin. The plate subduction zone observes along Sunda Trench parallel with active deformation zone. Structure geology in Fore Arc High builds an accretionary prism system. It was composed by thrust fault, strike slip fault, folding and thrust fold. General trend of structural pattern is NNE-SSE at the north of 5°N, NW-SE direction at around 3°-5°N and changed in direction relative to E-W at about 2°-3°N. This direction variation of structural pattern trend was interpreted as a response to increase of obliquity degree of subducted plate from Simeulue area to 5° -7°N, or in general, from southern of Sumatra to north of Sumatra. NS trend lineament has developed in the middle part of study area that also sliced the NW-SE main structural direction. These structural lineaments interpreted as dextral strike slip fault and it is possibly still active. Keywords: morphostructure analyses, subduction zone, active deformation zone, fore-arc lineament, thrust fault, strike slip, folding, thrust fold, plat, plate subduction obliquit
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