13 research outputs found


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    The design of this environmentally friendly clothing packaging will use Brown kraft paper, which is paper that uses materials that are easily decomposed, can be recycled, and are not harmful to the environment, this paper can use the bleaching process or not. If not bleached, the paper will turn brown. The concept of this work is environmentally friendly clothing packaging. Packaging with illustrations with the theme of water signs or water elements, because it was inspired by the Girl magazine which lists the zodiacs of Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. The initial methods used in this work are literature studies, pictorials, and interviews. The design of this work went through several stages of work, starting from the stages of data collection, pictorial studies, sketching, inking process, Layout process and the final stage of finishing.Keywords: packaging, environmentally friendly, clothing------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Perancangan packaging pakaian ramah lingkungan ini akan menggunakan brown craft paper. Brown kraft paper adalah kertas yang menggunakan bahan-bahan yang mudah diurai, bisa didaur ulang, serta tidak berbahaya bagi lingkungan, kertas ini bisa menggunakan proses pemutihan (bleaching) atau tidak. Bila tidak diputihkan maka hasil kertas berwarna coklat. Konsep karya ini yaitu packaging pakaian ramah lingkungan. Packaging dengan gambar ilustrasi yang bertemakan water sign atau elemen air, karena terinspirasi dari  majalah Gadis yang mencantumkan zodiak pisces, cancer, dan scorpio. Metode awal yang digunakan dalam pengaryaan ini adalah studi literatur, piktorial, dan wawancara. Perancangan karya ini melewati beberapa tahap pengerjaan, dari mulai tahapan pengumpulan data, studi piktorial, pembuatan sketsa, proses inking, proses Layout dan tahap akhir finishing.Kata Kunci: packaging, ramah lingkungan, pakaia

    Vaksin Kombinasi Newcastle Disease dengan Avian Influenza Memicu Imunitas Protektif pada Ayam Petelur terhadap Penyakit Tetelo dan Flu Burung (COMBINED NEWCASTLE DISEASE (ND) AND AVIAN INFLUENZA (AI) VACCINES INDUCE PROTECTIVE IMMUNE RESPONSE IN COMMERCIA

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    Newcastle disease (ND) and Avian Influenza (AI) are infectious diseases and still endemic in Indonesia.Prevention of the disease is conducted by vaccination of birds as the source of the infection. The use ofcombined ND-AI vaccine is expected to be able to prevent both diseases simultaneously. This study aimwas to determine the potency of combined ND-AI vaccine in field condition. Field trial vaccination wasconducted in commercial layer chickens in Tabanan Bali, and the HI test was conducted at the Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine Udayana University, Denpasar. Field trial in commercial layer chickens showed thatthe average HI titer of ND sera from pre-vaccinated chickens was 22.7HI units and AI titer was 21.27 HIunits. The ND titers increased to 25.47 HI Unit, 27.0 HI units, and to 28.73 HI units, whereas AI titersincreased to 27.93 HI Unit, 28.53 HI units, and 28.47 HI units in two, three and four weeks post-vaccinationwith the ND-AI combined vaccine, respectively. Statistically, based on ND and AI antibody pre and postvaccination,it is indicated that the combined ND-AI vaccine was able to induce immune response higherthan the protective titer level (>24). Period of collecting the sera samples also affected the titer of NDVand AI antibodies (P<0.01). Therefore it is recommended that vaccination should be conducted at antibodytiter of < 4 HI Unit


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    The aim of this study was to investigate antibody response of specific pathogen-free (SPF) chickens vaccinatedwith single inactivated Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine and combined inactive ND and avian influenza(AI) vaccines and to known the efficacy of both vaccines. The vaccines used were killed ND vaccine andkilled ND-AI vaccine produced by PT. Sanbio Laboratories Bogor, West Java. SPF chickens were vaccinatedwith 3 different doses. Antibody titer of SPF chickens against ND virus were determined byhaemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. As many as 130 two week old SPF chickens were used and theywere divided into 2 groups (A and B) consisting of 60 chickens and 10 chickens were used as control withoutvaccine. Group A chickens were vaccinated with ND-K vaccine and group B were vaccinated with combinedkilled ND-AI vaccines. Each group was further divided into 3 subsgroups (1, 2 and 3) consisting 20 chickens.Subgroups 1, 2 and 3 were vaccinated intramuscularly respectively with intramuskular 1, 1/10 and 1/100doses of each vaccines. Antibody response of chickens against ND virus was examined before vaccinationand every three week after vaccination and was expresses as geometric mean titre (GMT) HI units. Theresult showed that the titre antibody against ND increased at the second week following the vaccination.The antibody titer against ND virus of chickens vaccinated single killed ND at the second week in eachdose were 6.05 GMT HI unit, 4.05 GMT HI unit, and 0.9 GMT HI unit. The antibody titre at the third week were 7.90 GMT HI unit ,5.40 GMT HI unit and 2.20 GMT HI unit. The antibody titre against ND virus ofchickens vaccinated with combined ND-AI vaccine at the second week were 6.30 GMT HI unit , 4.15 GMTHI unit , and 2.05 GMT HI unit. At the third week, the antibody titre against ND virus of chickensvaccinated with combined ND-AI vaccine in each subgroup were 7.45 GMT HI unit, 5.60 GMT HI unit , and2.40 GMT HI unit . It showed that the antibody titers at single doses of killed ND vaccine (7.90 GMT HIunit) and combined ND-AI vaccine (7.45 GMT HI unit) at the third week after vaccination were both stilleffective as both titres were above standard protective titre

    Laporan praktek kerja profesi apoteker di bidang sumber daya kesehatan seksi kefarmasian dan seksi alat kesehatan dan perbekalan rumah tangga Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 118, Surabaya 20 Juli 2020-21 Juli 2020

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    Laporan praktek kerja profesi apoteker di bidang sumber daya kesehatan seksi kefarmasian dan seksi alat kesehatan dan perbekalan rumah tangga Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 118, Surabaya 20 Juli 2020-21 Juli 2020

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