17 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Artemisinin (Act) Pada Penderita Malaria Di Puskesmas Sioban Kecamatan Sipora Selatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai

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    Malaria is a public health problem in Indonesia. One of the problems encountered in the elimination of malaria is the resistance of Plasmodium against antimalaria drugs. Artemisinin (ACT) is aclass of antimalarial drugs that are schizonticide sesquiterpenes lactone blood for Plasmodium falciparumand P. vivax. ACT is a drug of choice for treatment in the malaria elimination program, due to the wide resistance of chloroquine and othe drugs. In severe and malaria with complications, intervenous (I.V.) injections of ACT was recommended. The objective of the research was to evaluate the appropriate ACTdose and indication, to evaluate the clinical and parasitological response and to monitor adverse event during ACT treatment in malaria patients in Sioban PHC. The research was conducted by using descriptive study, collecting data prospectively from malaria patients in Sioban PHC Sub District South Sipora Islands District Mentawai, from January-Desember 2009. The evaluation of the drug responses were collected from medical records, and laboratory examinations. During this research, the monitoring of side effects, clinical observations before and after medication were also conducted. The data of side effects collected from observation then were evaluated for the genesis of side effect by using Naranjo algorithm to define the level of possible (score 1-4), probable (score 5-8) and definite (score 9). A total of 33 patients (94.28 %) were not suffer from severe complication of malaria, therefore ACT injections were necessary for these cases. Another 2 patients (6%) suffered from severe malaria and needded ACT injection. Based on the clinical response, 31 patients (89%) were declared recovered from malaria, and 4 patients (11%) were declared not yet recovered from malaria. Based on parasitological response, the number of parasite in 34 patients (97,13%) reported to be 0 on D7, existence of parasites reported on 1 patients (2,86%). 32 patients (91,42%) suffered from ACT side effect and another 3 patients (8,57%) did not suffer the ACT side effect

    Hubungan Proses Kerja Dengan Kejadian Dermatitis Kontak Iritan Pada Petani Rumput Laut Di Kabupaten Bantaeng Sulawesi Selatan

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    Work-related dermatitis is one of the most common occupational diseases. It stems from irritant substances or allergens and can produce a rush or other skin condition ranging from mild and temporary to severe and long-term. In the period of June until December 2004, there were reports of skin disease arised from seaweed farmers in Bantaeng District, South Sulawesi. For that reason, the purpose of this study wasto analyze the correlation of irritant contact dermatitis among seaweed farmers with their working process. Two hundred and ten respondents were selected by systematic random sampling in 7 villages from 14 villages that has a seaweed production center. All respondents were evaluated to examine their general physical health and skin condition. They were also interviewed to obtain information about individual characteristics and working-related behavior. Laboratory test was conduct to examine seaweed samples and chemical assessment of seawater. The result showed that 118 respondents (56,2%) were diagnosed a work related Irritant Contact Dermatitis (ICD). Hands (fingers) were common location for the disease can be found and seaweed farmers whose working duration more than twenty days in a month will have a risk of 2.6 times to experience ICD. An estimated the toxic substances that produced are hydroid, we suggested farmers should use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as boots and gloves. It was also important to do personal hygiene, including hand washing and bathing after work

    Radiasi di Sekitar Menara Base Transceiver Station di Bandung dan Jakarta

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian Pengaruh Medan Elektromagnetik Terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Sekitar Menara Pemancar Telepon Seluler (BTS) di Jakarta dan Bandung bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar pajanan medan elektromagnetik yang berasal dari menara telepon seluler (BTS) dan kondisi kesehatan (kecemasan) ma syarakat yang bermukim di sekitar BTS. Disain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel di masing-masing lokasi adalah 10 (7 BTS dengan sistem GSM dan 3 BTS dengan sistem CDMA) yang dipilih secara purposif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengukuran rapat daya di 16 titik di sekeliling BTS (setiap 22,5o sudut penjuru angin) pada jarak 100 meter. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tersebut, p ada arah dengan rapat daya paling besar, pengukuran dilanjutkan pada pada jarak 50, 150, 200, 250, dan 300 meter. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Strength Meters SPECTRAN® HF-2025E. Data hasil pengukuran medan elektromagnetik akan dipetakan berdasarkan titik pengukuran di masing-masing BTS, dan dibandingkan dengan peraturan yang ada. Hasil: Pada jarak 100 meter dari BTS, rapat daya frekuensi 900 MHz berkisar antara tidak terdeteksi sampai 396 W/cm2 dengan modus 2 W/cm2. Pada frekuensi 1800 MHz berkisar antara tidak terdeteksi sampai 282 W/cm2 dengan modus 0,4 W/cm2 dan pada frekuensi 2200 MHz antara tidak terdeteksi sampai 140 W/Cm2dengan modus 13 W/cm2. Berdasarkan jarak pengukuran, rapat daya pada frekuensi 900 MHz paling tinggi terukur pada jarak 250 meter dari BTS, sebesar 700 W/cm2; frekuensi 1800 MHz , paling tinggi 540 W/cm2 terukur pada jarak 100 meter; pada frekuensi 2200 MHz paling tinggi 570 W/cm2 terukur pada jarak 250 meter. Kesimpulan: Secara umum radiasi di sekitar BTS telah melampaui masih di bawah nilai yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO dan ITU maupun Keputusan Ditjen Parpostel tahun 2007, tetapi di beberapa titik pengukuran telah melampaui nilai yang direkomendasikan oleh peraturan tersebut. Mengingat efek yang ditimbulkan oleh pajanan radiasi ini bersifat kronis, maka perlu adanya pemantauan besaran radiasi maupun kondisi kesehatan masyarakat di sekitar BTS.Kata Kunci: Menara telepon seluler, radiasi, medan elektromagnetikAbstractResearch of Health Effect of Electromagnetic Fields to People around the Base Transceiver Station (BTS) in Jakarta and Bandung. The aim of the research is to study the health effects of BTS existence and BTS radiation exposure to the community who lives near the stations. The research design was cross-sectional with the number of samples in each location was 10 (7 BTSs with GSM system and 3 BTSs with CDMA system). The samples were chosen purposively. Data collection was performed by measuring the power density in 16 points with a radius of 100 meters around the BTS (every 22,5o angle). According to these measurement results, a further measurement was performed for every 50, 150,200, and 300 meters in the direction where the largest power density was found. The measuring tool used was Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Strength Meters SPECTRAN® HF-2025E. Afterwards, electromagnetic field measurement data was mapped based on the measurement points in each BTS and compared with the existingregulations. Result: At a distance of 100 meters from BTS, the power density of 900 MHz wave was ranged from undetected to 396 W/cm2 with a modus value of 2 W/cm2. For the 1800 MHz wave, the power density was ranged from undetected to 282 W/cm2 with a modus value of 0,4 W/cm2. Meanwhile, the 2200 MHz wave was found to beranged from undetected to 140 W/cm2 with a modus value of 13 W/cm2. Based on the measurement distance, the highest power density of 900 MHz wave was measured at around 700 W/cm2 in 250 meters radius from BTS. Conclusion: It can be concluded that generally, the radiation around BTS was still below the threshold recommended by WHO and ITU, as well as Decree of Director General of Resources and Devices of Post and Informatics year 2007; but there were some points which had radiation value far above the threshold. Considering the effects of exposure to radiation which are chronic, it is necessary to monitor the magnitude of both the radiation and the health of community living near BTS.Keywords: Base Transceiver Station, radiation, electromagnetic fiel

    Analisis Lingkungan Dalam Rumah Dengan Kejadian Asma

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    Telah dilakukan analisis lanjut data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) dan Kor Susenas tahun 2007, dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan variabel-variabel yang berhubungan dengan kejadian Asma. Waktu analisis selama 3 bulan (September sampai dengan Nopember 2008), dengan rancangan analisis deskriptif dan analitik. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji chi square atau uji Fisher exact, karena semua variabel independen dan dependen berskala kategorik. Nilai kekuatan hubungan dilihat dari nilai ORcrude (Odds Ratio). Terdapat 9 parameter lingkungan dalam rumah dianalisis secara statistik. Parameter tersebut meliputi: bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3), perilaku merokok dalam rumah, bahan bakar memasak, sumber penerangan, jenis atap, jenis dinding, jenis lantai, kepadatan hunian dan kepemilikan ternak. Hasil analisis 9 parameter faktor lingkungan dalam rumah menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan bermakna antara 8 parameter lingkungan dalam rumah dengan kejadian asma dengan nilai P<0,05, kecuali kepadatan hunian. Odds ratio terbesar 1,99 untuk bahan bakar memasak dan odds ratio terkecil 0,8 yaitu B3.. Proporsi berisiko terbesar ditunjukkan oleh parameter sumber penerangan sebesar 5,08% dan proporsi terkecil adalah B3 sebesar 3,29%. Melihat besarnya prevalensi Asma, maka Kementerian Kesehatan perlu mengupayakan intervensi untuk menurunkan prevalensi asma tersebut dengan cara pengendalian pencemaran udara dalam rumah. Perlu pula penyuluhan tentang bahaya dari pencemaran udara dalam rumah karena terbukti adanya hubungan antara kualitas udara dalam rumah dengan kejadian Asma. Penelitian lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain yang dapat membuktikan hubungan kausal antara kualitas udara dalam rumah dengan asma

    Analisa Kesehatan Ibu Dan Neonatal Kabupaten Gianyar, 2010

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    Despite the tremendous overall improvement on maternal mortality and infant mortality still there is significant public health issue, commands and enormous amount of attention of these subjects in Indonesia. One of the main issues is how to provide high-quality services to the community in order toreduce maternal mortality and infant mortality including neonatal mortality. This article is to analyse problem related to issue on maternal and infant services in Gianyar District in 2010. The data sources are from the 2010 Health Profile of Gianyar, cause of death registration mechanism that have been implemented since 2010 in Gianyar and from the 1994, 1997, 2002-2003 and 2007 Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey. This study reveals that antenatal care and health provider birth attendance have been reaching the target, more than 90%. However, there are two high risk of maternal deaths; one is due to too young (age 19 years old) and the other one is due to too old (age 39 year old) of pregnancy. The direct causes of both are pre-eclampsia of the young mother and decompensasi cordis of the old mother. Finding also shows that the main cause of neonatal death is asphyxia and unfortunately the death mostly occured at the hospitals. It seems that health providers require knowledge and skills addressed primarily through training. Continued skills support through refresher training, magang and supervision can help strengthen skills in order to maintain competency and proficiency. Also the community need to be educated by introducing high risk factors related to the pregnancy and women right for avoiding unwanted pregnancy

    Hubungan Tempat Penampungan Air Minum dan Faktor Lainnya dengan Kejadian Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd) di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Bali (Analisis Data Riskesdas 2007)

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    In Indonesia, the incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is significanly increasede every year. Alathough in 2008 was decreased. Incidence rate (IR) in 2006 is 52.48 to 71.78 in 2007.Untill now, there is no specific drugs and vaccine for DHF. So DHF eradication very depend on effort the principle vector Aedes aegypti control.The DHF vector breeds in water containers. Thus the relationship of individual characteristic, population density and condition of drinking container as risk factors of DHF collected in Riskesdas 2007 is useful to be analysed to DHF cases in Province of DKI Jakarta (excluding Kepulauan Seribu district) and Province of Bali,both of them as the DHF endemic area. The variable is the condition of drinking containers which commonly used in family, easily to achieve clean water, founding factors like gender, age, education, their job, quintile, resident clasification, and population density. The analysis result shown that existence of drinking container in DKI Jakarta and Bali Province, both of opened and closed clean water and drinking container is not significant difference with DHF cases (p=0,486; α = 5%) to the incidence of DHF . All of independent variable isn't shown significant difference with DHF cases, except for age group (p=0.014 ; α =5%) is shown significant difference between age group was associated with the incidence of DHF

    Hubungan antara Jarak Rumah dengan Sumber Pencemaran di Luar Rumah (Outdoors) terhadap Kejadian Asma

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    Telah dilakukan analisis lanjut data Riskesdas tahun 2007 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensidan hubungan antara jarak rumah dengan sumber pencemaran di luar rumah terhadap asma. Analisisdilakukan tahun 2014 di Jakarta selama 3 bulan. Analisis statistik meliputi univariat dan bivariatmenggunakan uji chi square, dengan nilai kekuatan hubungan dari nilai ORcrude (Odds Ratio). Dependenvariabel asma dan independen variabel jarak rumah dengan sumber pencemaran di luar rumah (kejalan raya/rel KA, ke TPS/TPA, ke industri/pabrik, dan lokasi kota/desa). Hasil menunjukkan bahwaprevalensi asma di Indonesia berdasarkan diagnosis petugas kesehatan atau gejala klinis yangdirasakan sebesar 2,51%. Faktor risiko lingkungan yang paling berisiko adalah jarak rumah ke industri/pabrik lebih dari 50 meter berisiko untuk menderita asma sebesar 30,2 kali, dengan tingkat kemaknaan(p) 0,005. Sedang lokasi rumah berada di perdesaan dengan mendapatkan penanggulangan sebesarnilai OR (95% CI) 0,03 dan tingkat kemaknaan (p) 0,003. Berdasarkan temuan, disarankan kepadaKementerian Kesehatan untuk melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat bahwa jarak rumah ke sumberpencemaran berisiko menyebabkan asma. Perlunya penyuluhan tentang bahaya dari kedekatan rumahdengan sumber pencemaran kaitan dengan penyakit. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut menggunakan variabellingkungan hasil pengukuran sehingga dapat lebih baik.Kata Kunci: lingkungan, sumber pencemaran, luar rumah, asma AbstractFurther analysis of data Riskesdas 2007 has been conducted, with the aim to determine the prevalenceand the relationship between home distance to outdoors pollution sources to occurance of asthma.The analysis was conducted in 2014 in Jakarta for 3 months. Statistical analysis include univariate andbivariate using chi square test, with the value of the strength of the relationship of the value ORcrude (OddsRatio). The dependent variables is asthma and independent variables distance between home and asource of outdoors pollution. The results showed that the prevalence of asthma in Indonesia based onthe diagnosis of health or clinical symptoms felt by 2.51%. The risk factors most influential environmentis home to a range of industrial / factory of more than 50 meters at risk of developing asthma by 30.2times, with a significance level (p) 0.005. Average house is in a rural location with a gain reduction in theamount of OR (95% CI) of 0.03 and a significance level (p) 0.003. Based on the findings, it is suggestedto the Ministry of Health to disseminate to the public that the distance from the house to the source ofthe pollution risk of causing asthma. The need for education about the dangers of the proximity of thehouse to the sources of pollution linked to the disease. Further studies using environment variables sothat the measurement results can be better.Keywords: environment, sources of pollution, outdoors, asthm

    Peningkatan Indeks Standar Pencemaran Udara (Ispu) Dan Kejadian Gangguan Saluran Pernapasan Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    In 2015, the forest fires are quite severe in Riau Province. This causes the reduction of air quality, which in turn can cause breathing problems. This article aims to determine the relationship of the increase in air pollution index (API) and the cases of respiratory problems in Pekanbaru City in 2015. The study design was cross-sectional. Samples are all people with respiratory problems (Upper Respiratory Tract Infections/URI, asthma, and pneumonia) who visited Puskesmas or health post in Pekanbaru, amounted to 12,939 people. Data collected were daily data of API and Pekanbaru residents visit to Puskesmas and health posts with complaints of respiratory problems. Spearman rho correlation test was used to analyze the data with SPSS software. API from July to October 2015 range was quite wide from 34.7 up to 778.0. Average API in September and October 2015 were more than in the period of July and August 2015. The Spearman rho correlation analysis showed that the API value have significant correlation (p=0.000) with respiratory problems. Correlation between API with URI, asthma, and pneumonia is highest on the lag time 0, respectively 0.779; 0.237; and 0.436. It can be concluded that the increased API will increase URI on the same day

    Seroprevalensi Dan Ancaman Brucella Abortus Pada Pekerja Peternakan Sapi Perah Kecamatan Cilawu, Garut

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    Backgroud: Brucellsos is a neglected zoonoses diseases. Brucellosis is occupational hazard with a high prevalence in developing countries. Transmission to human can occur through contact with infected animals, inhalation or eat raw materials from animals. Brucellosis also caused abortus on human. Objective: To determined the seroprevalence of human brucellosis and abortus case associated with human brucellosis among dairy farm worker in Cilawu-Garut Methods: The calculation sample size was using proportion test;, 57 respondents man and woman based on inclusion criterias. Respondents received the questionnaire to screen the abortion case history during the last 5 years. We tested their serum samples using Rose Bengal Test (RBT). Result: We found that 7.02% abortion record. There were 57 sera collected and 7.02% showed RBT positive result. Respondent who have abortion record have their negative RBT results. Conclusions: There were Brucella antibody among the respondents in Cilawu. The seroprevalence were negative result to abortus cases, so its need further test to detect the abortion to be caused by Brucella s