5 research outputs found

    Rôle du tourisme culturel dans le marketing des produits locaux de terroir et leur réputation: cas du sud tunisien

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    This paper proposes a contribution to the reflection on the local marketing of local products and their reputation front of phenomenon of globalization of agro-industrial products. It mobilizes the concept of territorial amenity as a source of licensing of a terroir and examines its potential role in consumer behavior, taking into account the individual psychological differences. Perceptions of local products by the consumer and the reasons related to the purchase of these products are analyzed. From a qualitative study we define the contours of the local product of a consumer point of view while highlighting the different motivations behind the consumption of these products

    Role of cultural tourism in the marketing of local products and their reputation: the case of southern Tunisia

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    This paper proposes a contribution to the reflection on the local marketing of local products and their reputation front of phenomenon of globalization of agro-industrial products. It mobilizes the concept of territorial amenity as a source of licensing of a terroir and examines its potential role in consumer behavior, taking into account the individual psychological differences. Perceptions of local products by the consumer and the reasons related to the purchase of these products are analyzed. From a qualitative study we define the contours of the local product of a consumer point of view while highlighting the different motivations behind the consumption of these products

    Tunisian Case of Desert Valorisation for Promoter Enduring Development of Competence

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    Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify through economic, social and cultural indicators, the effects induced by a touristy activity development in the region of Tataouine (Southern Tunisian) in order to follow and measure the durability of this sector on this territory. Indeed, the Saharan tourism, based essentially on the patrimonial resources, the handicraft and all productions bound to the specific local resources exploitation, appears like a promoter sector carrier of dynamics susceptible to be transmitted to the whole economy and could be considered like an anchorage favourable point to an enduring development. The actors, both in public and private sector, survey showed that 78% of Tataouine region entrepreneurs proved their great satisfaction on the economic profitability of their projects. In addition, on the territorial integration of the enterprise and its contribution to the local economic channel, it was noticed that the impact on the local development is rather advantageous: on the one hand because the permanent or seasonal regular staff is employees of the region and on the other hand the supplies are, for the majority, local products. Nevertheless, the stakes in putting on tourism this delicate territory are considerable, especially when it was noticed that the Saharan tourism in Tunisia takes place on the base of generic benefits identical to those of the bathing model which could only increase the pressure on the Sahara

    Southern Tunisia patrimony: to restore properly and develop durably, vector of local development

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    National audienceLe développement du patrimoine architectural peut avoir des conséquences économiques étendues. Les travaux de conservation et de restauration des ksours, utilisant des technologies traditionnelles et agricoles peuvent mobiliser à la fois une main d'oeuvre spécialisée dans les travaux publics et l'artisanat. Les ksours, une fois restaurés et réhabilités, génèrent à leur tour de l'emploi dans le cadre de leur fonctionnement, leur maintenance et l'animation indirecte des ressources patrimoniales. Le tourisme culturel, même s'il n'en est pas le seul élément, peut contribuer à une nouvelle dynamique du développement durable. Les deux volets du schéma concernent d'une part une législation adéquate en vue de la classification des monuments historiques existants ainsi que leur plan de sauvegarde et d'autre part une politique de développement du patrimoine culturel - inclus dans le développement touristique sans toutefois le dénaturer et sans perdre sa valeur architecturale originelle. Le développement durable doit être une réponse transversale aux problèmes économiques, sociaux et écologiques

    Quelle alternative pour le développement des zones défavorisées en Tunisie ?

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    National audienceSouthern Tunisian regions benefited from several projects and programs of agricultural development demonstrating the determination of authorities to develop these discriminated regions. These projects are set up in the framework of the integrated rural development programme that aims at giving an impulse to the economic activity in the region and at managing its resources in a sustainable manner. Despite these actions, several dry regions are still isolated even though they are characterized by a very important wealth that can be enhanced. The innovation and the enhancement of this local wealth seem an interesting and essential solution for the development of these difficult areas. The region of Béni Khédache, in the South-East, is actually an example of these discriminated regions, confronted with several difficulties to follow the development pace but characterized by a very rich local wealth. This work aims at showing that the enhancement of the local heritage by local stakeholders can promote the sustainable development of these areas, from en economic, social and even environmental point of view. This local enhancement can be seen as an alternative for the development of this region.Le Sud est de la Tunisie a bénéficié de plusieurs projets et programmes de développement agricole qui montrent la détermination des pouvoirs publics à développer ces régions défavorisées. Ces projets font partie du programme de développement rural intégré qui vise à donner une impulsion à l'activité économique dans la région et à gérer ses ressources de manière durable. Malgré ces actions, plusieurs régions arides sont toujours enclavées même si elles peuvent être caractérisées par d'importantes richesses à mettre en valeur. La région de Béni Khédache du sud est tunisien en est un exemple. Cet article essaie de montrer que la valorisation du patrimoine local par les acteurs locaux constitue en elle-même un moteur pour le développement local durable de la zone aussi bien du point de vue économique que social et environnemental. Une telle valorisation devient une alternative pour le développement de cette région