16 research outputs found

    Effect of Different Seeding Rate on Seed Production of the Rye Variety “Gogu” in Korea

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    The rye (Secale cereale L.) has been used as an excellent green manure crop and good forage crop in Korea. The rye is usually recommended as a winter crop for forage and green manure after either maize or rice in Korea (Heo et al., 2009). But most of its seeds are being imported from foreign countries because the seed productions have difficulty with latematuring and the heavy raining season in the ripening stage in Korea. Therefore, a new rye variety “Gogu” with an earlymaturing and high performance was bred by National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Suwon, Korea in 2004. This study was carried out to determine the effect of seeding rate on the seed yield and agronomic characteristics of the rye variety “Gogu” in the north eastern area, Youngwol, Korea

    Forage Rye Cultivars for Animal Feed in Korea

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    Rye (Secale cereal L.) is well known for its overwintering ability and has the highest tolerance to cold temperature of the small grain cereals such as wheat, barley, and oat. Rye is used as livestock pasture and as green manure in Korea, and its cultivation area for fodder is about 50,000 ha in 2014. Most rye is grown as a fall-sown annual crop, generally called “winter rye”. In Korea, rye cultivation for whole crop silage (WCS) in the winter-season rice field can be considered as a promising way to enhance feed supply. The WCS production can be an efficient way to use farm products as livestock feed, and it can also contribute to increasing farm income. Although rye is inferior in several ways to the predominant cereal crops (wheat, rice, and maize), it will continue to be an important crop for farmers in Korea because of its winter hardiness and early harvesting by rapid growing ability

    Development of Barley Cultivars for Animal Forage in Korea

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    In Korea, the domestic consumption of barley as a cereal crop has been decreasing since the 1980s. It has been considered that crop production in the winter-season rice fields could enhance the global competitiveness of domestic livestock industry by providing better quality fodder to livestock and enhancing field use rate. Therefore, the purpose of barley cultivation for cereal food production has been recently replaced by the production of the barley for forage use. Consequently, the area of barley cultivation for forage is markedly increasing in Korea. While any type of barley can be used as forage for feeding cattle, whole crop barley delivers a higher dry matter yield than conventional feed barley. This paper described the present state of forage barley cultivars developed in Korea

    Effects of Different Cutting Height on Nutritional Quality of Whole Crop Barley Silage and Feed Value on Hanwoo Heifers

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    The present study evaluated the effects of different cutting height on nutritive value, fermentation quality, in vitro and in vivo digestibility of whole crop barley silage. Whole crop barley forage (Yuyeon hybrid) was harvested at height of 5, 10, and 15 cm from the ground level. Each cutting height was rolled to make round bale and ensiled for 100 days. After 100 days of ensiling, pH of silage was lower (p<0.05) in 5 cm, but no difference between 10 and 15 cm of cutting height. The content of lactate and lactate to acetate ratio were increased (p<0.05) in 5 cm of cutting height, whereas the acetate content was higher (p<0.05) in 10 and 15 cm than that of 5 cm cutting height. Aerobic stability was greater (p<0.05) in silages of 10 and 15 cm of cutting height. Three total mixed rations (TMR) were formulated with silages from the three different cutting heights (TMR5, TMR10, and TMR15) incorporated as forage at 70:30 ratio with concentrate (dry matter [DM] basis). In vitro dry matter digestibility was higher (p<0.05) in the TMR5 and TMR10 than that in TMR15, whereas in vitro neutral detergent fiber digestibility was higher (p<0.05) in the TMR10 and TMR15 than that in TMR5. Concentration of NH3-N was highest (p<0.05) in the TMR10 followed by TMR15 and TMR5. Total volatile fatty acid was decreased (p<0.05) with increased cutting height. The digestibility of DM and neutral detergent fiber were highest (p<0.05) in TMR15, than those in TMR5 and TMR10, whereas acid detergent fiber digestibility was higher (p<0.05) in TMR5 than that in TMR10. The results showed that increasing cutting height, at least up to 10 to 15 cm, of whole crop barley forage at harvest (Yuyeon) may be beneficial for making silage for TMR formulation and increasing digestibility of DM and NDF

    Exploration and Collection of Wild Vigna, Vicia and Glycine Species in Nagano Prefecture, Japan 9^<th>-12^<th> October 2001

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    An international group visited Nagano prefecture to explore and collect Japanese wild legumes from 9^ to 12^ October 2001. Nagano is the center of the southern Japan Alps with mountain ranges going north to south through the prefecture. It is thus a prefecture with diverse habitats. During the collecting trip a total of 53 seed samples were collected at 17 different sites in Nagano prefecture. Seed samples belonging to 9 different legume species in three different genera. (Vigna, Vicia, and Glycine) were collected. Seed samples collected include 13 of wild soyabean (Glycine soja), 12 of wild and weedy Vigna (V. angularis), and 28 of wild Vicia. Seed samples of Vicia collected included 9 of V. amoena, 6 of V. cracca, 5 of V. pseudo-orobus, 4 of V. unijuga, 2 of V. japonica, and 2 of V. nipponica (Table 1). For each collected sample herbarium specimens were also collected. Wild soybean, Glycine soja, is well distributed throughout the prefecture. Some species of Vicia were also found widely such as Vicia unijuga, V. amoena and Vicia cracca. Other Vicia species were not as frequently found. Vicia pseudo-orobus was found only in the north of the prefecture. Vicia nipponica was found in the eastern part of Nagano. Wild azuki, Vigna angularis var. nipponensis was found only in areas north and northeast of Matsumoto city at altitudes of 600-700m. In the Maruko and Ueda town area both wild and weedy azuki were found. This exploration revealed that wild azuki is more common than previously realized in parts of Nagano.日本に自生するマメ科作物近縁野生種遺伝資源を調査収集する目的で, 2001年10月9日から12日にかけて長野県の探索を行った. 長野県は日本のほぼ中央に位置し, 日本アルプスに囲まれた複雑な生態環境を持つ地域である. 今回の探索調査によって, 17の収集地点から53点の遺伝資源を収集することができた. 収集品は Vigna (ササゲ) 属, Glycine (ダイズ) 属, Vicia (ソラマメ) 属を含む合計9種の作物近縁野生種から構成されていた. その内訳は, 野生ダイズ (Glycine soja) 13点, 野生アズキ (Vigna angularis var. nipponensis) および雑草アズキ12点, ソラマメ属野生種28点である. ソラマメ属野生種には, Vicia amoena (ツルフジバカマ) 9点, V. cracca (クサフジ) 6点, V. pseudo-orobus (オオバクサフジ) 5点, V. unijuga (ナンテンハギ) 2, V. japonica (ヒロハクサフジ) 2点, V. nipponica (ヨツバハギ) 2点が含まれていた. 調査では, 種子サンプルの他に, 標本のサンプルも合わせて収集した. 野生ダイズは長野県内に広く分布していた. ソラマメ属野生種の中の V.unijuga, V. amoena, V. cracca なども県内に広く分布していた. その他の種は, 分布域が限られていたり, 分布密度がやや低かったりするようで V.pseudo-orobus は長野県北部だけで, V. nipponica は長野県東部だけで見つけることができた. 野生アズキ (V. angularis var. nipponensis) は, 松本市の北部から東北部の標高600~700mの地域に分布していた. 特に上田市から丸子町にかけての水田地帯では, 雑草アズキ集団も見出された

    鳥取県におけるアズキ (Vigna angularis) 栽培-雑草-野生種複合集団の収集とモニタリング

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    Tottori Prefecture was visited twice during 2002 at the flowering time and seed maturity of wild azuki (Vigna angularis var. nipponensis) in order to record population variation and obtain samples for population genetic analysis. Maps showing characteristics of populations sampled are provided (Fig. 1-11). The characteristics of wild azuki populations sampled are given (Table 1). The characteristics of each population is influenced by a range of different factors that include vegetation cutting, weeding, time of seed maturity, seeds moved by animals and in soil as a result of construction projects. Farmer\u27s practices suggest gene introgression occurs from wild to cultivated azuki as cultivated azuki seed size is reported to decrease over time. Data and leaf samples from over 300 individuals in 29 wild populations in addition to cultivated azuki were obtained (Supplementary table). A relationship between seed weight, growth habit and seed color was observed (Fig. 12). Semi-erect wild azuki is thought to be the result of outcrossing between wild and cultivated azuki and erect small black-seeded wild individuals might represent escaped old cultivars. The materials collected will be subjected to microsatellite analysis and results combined with field data to enable the population dynamics of the azuki bean complex in Tottori Prefecture to be determined

    Analysis of the Dielectric Properties of Alkali-Free Aluminoborosilicate Glasses by Considering the Contributions of Electronic and Ionic Polarizabilities in the GHz Frequency Range

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    Recently, the investigation of the dielectric properties of glasses in the GHz frequency range has attracted great interest for use in printed circuit boards (PCBs) as a reinforcing material in the application of high-speed 5G/6G communications. In particular, glasses with low dielectric properties are a prerequisite for high-frequency applications. In this study, the GHz dielectric properties of alkali-free aluminoborosilicate glasses without and with La2O3 were analyzed using the Clausius–Mossotti equation where both the electronic and ionic polarizabilities contribute to the dielectric constant. The dielectric polarizability (αD) and oxide ion polarizability (αO2−) were calculated from the measured dielectric constant (εGHz) at 1 GHz and the glass density. The dielectric constants (εopt) at the optical frequencies and electronic polarizabilities (αe) of the glasses were calculated from the refractive index measured at 633 nm and the glass density. The εGHz values were found to be significantly higher than the εopt values in both series of glasses, due to the ionic polarizability (αi), which contributes additionally to the εGHz. The lower dielectric constants of the La2O3-incoporated glasses than that of the reference glass without La2O3 may be due to the lower ionic polarizability originated from the incorporation of the high cation field strength of the La3+ ions

    Isolation of Lactococcus lactis from Whole Crop Rice and Determining Its Probiotic and Antimicrobial Properties towards Gastrointestinal Associated Bacteria

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    Antimicrobial resistance is an emerging condition that increases the risk of spreading and prolonging infectious diseases globally. Therefore, a new alternative strategy for antibiotics is required urgently to control pathogens spreading. Probiotics are considered as an alternative for antibiotics that inhibit pathogens. In the present study, potent lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated and screened for their probiotic characteristics and antagonistic activity against intestinal pathogens by agar well diffusion, Time and Dose-dependent killing assay, minimum inhibitor, and minimum bactericidal concentration (MIC/MBC), and co-culture methods. The Lactococcus lactis RWP-3 and RWP-7 fermented the different carbohydrate substrates and produced different extracellular enzymes. Both isolates showed significant tolerant capability in the gastric, duodenal, and intestinal juices. In addition, RWP-3 and RWP-7 had hydrophobicity and aggregation properties in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, the cell-free secondary metabolites (CFS) of RWP-3 and RWP-7 showed strong antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus faecalis. A co-culture study revealed that the RWP-3 and RWP-7 strongly compete with pathogen growths. RWP-3 and RWP-7 showed strong antagonistic activities against tested pathogens with significant probiotic characteristics, suggesting that these strains obtained could be used as an alternative strategy for the antibiotic to control infectious pathogens

    Nanopatterns with a Square Symmetry from an Orthogonal Lamellar Assembly of Block Copolymers

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    A nanosquare array is an indispensable element for the integrated circuit design of electronic devices. Block copolymer (BCP) lithography, a promising bottom-up approach for sub-10 nm patterning, has revealed a generic difficulty in the production of square symmetry because of the thermodynamically favored hexagonal packing of self-assembled sphere or cylinder arrays in thin-film geometry. Here, we demonstrate a simple route to square arrays via the orthogonal self-assembly of two lamellar layers on topographically patterned substrates. While bottom lamellar layers within a topographic trench are aligned parallel to the sidewalls, top layers above the trench are perpendicularly oriented to relieve the interfacial energy between grain boundaries. The size and period of the square symmetry are readily controllable with the molecular weight of BCPs. Moreover, such an orthogonal self-assembly can be applied to the formation of complex nanopatterns for advanced applications, including metal nanodot square arrays. ?? 2019 American Chemical Society