18 research outputs found

    Direct imaging of photoswitching molecular conformations using individual metal atom markers

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    Photoswitching behavior of individual organic molecules was imaged by annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM) using a highly electron beam transparent graphene support. Photoswitching azobenzene derivatives with ligands at each end containing single transition-metal atoms (Pt) were designed (Pt-complex), and the distance between the strong ADF-STEM contrast from the two Pt atoms in each Pt-complex is used to track molecular length changes. UV irradiation was used to induce photoswitching of the Pt complex on graphene, and we show that the measured Pt–Pt distances within isolated molecules decrease from ∼2.1 nm to ∼1.4 nm, indicative of a trans-to-cis isomerization. Light illumination of the Pt-complex on the graphene support also caused their diffusion out from initial clusters to the surrounding area of graphene, indicating that the light-activated mobilization overcomes the intermolecular van der Waals interactions. This approach shows how individual isolated heavy metal atoms can be included as markers into complex molecules to track their structural changes using ADF-STEM on graphene supports, providing an effective method to study a diverse range of complex organic materials at the single molecule level

    Direct imaging of photoswitching molecular conformations using individual metal atom markers

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    Photoswitching behavior of individual organic molecules was imaged by annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM) using a highly electron beam transparent graphene support. Photoswitching azobenzene derivatives with ligands at each end containing single transition-metal atoms (Pt) were designed (Pt-complex), and the distance between the strong ADF-STEM contrast from the two Pt atoms in each Pt-complex is used to track molecular length changes. UV irradiation was used to induce photoswitching of the Pt complex on graphene, and we show that the measured Pt–Pt distances within isolated molecules decrease from ∼2.1 nm to ∼1.4 nm, indicative of a trans-to-cis isomerization. Light illumination of the Pt-complex on the graphene support also caused their diffusion out from initial clusters to the surrounding area of graphene, indicating that the light-activated mobilization overcomes the intermolecular van der Waals interactions. This approach shows how individual isolated heavy metal atoms can be included as markers into complex molecules to track their structural changes using ADF-STEM on graphene supports, providing an effective method to study a diverse range of complex organic materials at the single molecule level

    Arylazopyrazoles for long-term thermal energy storage and optically-triggered heat release below 0 °C

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    Arylazopyrazole derivatives based on four core structures (4pzMe, 3pzH, 4pzH, and 4pzH-F2) and functionalized with a dodecanoate group were demonstrated to store thermal energy in their metastable Z isomer liquid phase and release the energy by optically triggered crystallization at −30 ℃ for the first time. Three heat storage-release schemes were discovered involving different activation methods (optical, thermal, or combined) for generating liquid-state Z isomers capable of storing thermal energy. Visible light irradiation induced the selective crystallization of the liquid phase via Z-to-E isomerization, and the latent heat stored in the liquid Z isomers was preserved for longer than two weeks unless optically triggered. Up to 92 kJ/mol of thermal energy was stored in the compounds demonstrating remarkable thermal stability of Z isomers at high temperatures and liquid-phase stability at temperatures below 0 ℃

    In situ atomic-scale studies of the formation of epitaxial Pt nanocrystals on monolayer molybdenum disulfide

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    Pt-nanocrystal:MoS2 hybrid materials have promising catalytic properties for hydrogen evolution, and understanding their detailed structures at the atomic scale is crucial to further development. Here, we use an in situ heating holder in an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope to study the formation of Pt nanocrystals directly on the surface of monolayer MoS2 from a precursor on heating to 800 °C. Isolated single Pt atoms and small nanoclusters are observed after in situ heating, with two types of preferential alignment between the Pt nanocrystals and the underlying monolayer MoS2. Strain effects and thickness variations of the ultrasmall Pt nanocrystal supported on MoS2 are studied, revealing that single atomic planes are formed from a nonlayered face-centered cubic bulk Pt configuration with a lattice expansion of 7-10% compared to that of bulk Pt. The Pt nanocrystals are surrounded by an amorphous carbon layer and in some cases have etched the local surrounding MoS2 material after heating. Electron beam irradiation also initiates Pt nanocrystal etching of the local MoS2, and we study this process in real time at atomic resolution. These results show that the presence of carbon around the Pt nanocrystals does not affect their epitaxial relationship with the MoS2 lattice. Single Pt atoms within the carbon layer are also immobilized at high temperature. These results provide important insights into the formation of Pt:MoS2 hybrid materials

    Atomic electrostatic maps of 1D channels in 2D semiconductors using 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy

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    Defects in materials give rise to fluctuations in electrostatic fields that reflect the local charge density, but imaging this with single atom sensitivity is challenging. However, if possible, this provides information about the energetics of adatom binding, localized conduction channels, molecular functionality and their relationship to individual bonds. Here, ultrastable electron-optics are combined with a high-speed 2D electron detector to map electrostatic fields around individual atoms in 2D monolayers using 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy. Simultaneous imaging of the electric field, phase, annular dark field and the total charge in 2D MoS2 and WS2 is demonstrated for pristine areas and regions with 1D wires. The in-gap states in sulphur line vacancies cause 1D electron-rich channels that are mapped experimentally and confirmed using density functional theory calculations. We show how electrostatic fields are sensitive in defective areas to changes of atomic bonding and structural determination beyond conventional imaging

    Metal atom markers for imaging epitaxial molecular self-assembly on graphene by scanning transmission electron microscopy

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    Direct imaging of single molecules has to date been primarily achieved using scanning probe microscopy, with limited success using transmission electron microscopy due to electron beam damage and low contrast from the light elements that make up the majority of molecules. Here, we show single complex molecule interactions can be imaged using annular dark field scanning TEM (ADF-STEM) by inserting heavy metal markers of Pt atoms and detecting their positions. Using the high angle ADF-STEM Z1.7 contrast, combined with graphene as an electron transparent support, we track the 2D monolayer self-assembly of solution-deposited individual linear porphyrin hexamer (Pt-L6) molecules and reveal preferential alignment along the graphene zigzag direction. The epitaxial interactions between graphene and Pt-L6 drive a reduction in the interporphyrin distance to allow perfect commensuration with the graphene. These results demonstrate how single metal atom markers in complex molecules can be used to study large scale packing and chain bending at the single molecule level

    Photoluminescent arrays of nanopatterned monolayer MoS2

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    Monolayer 2D MoS 2 grown by chemical vapor deposition is nanopatterned into nanodots, nanorods, and hexagonal nanomesh using block copolymer (BCP) lithography. The detailed atomic structure and nanoscale geometry of the nanopatterned MoS 2 show features down to 4 nm with nonfaceted etching profiles defined by the BCP mask. Atomic resolution annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals the nanopatterned MoS 2 has minimal large-scale crystalline defects and enables the edge density to be measured for each nanoscale pattern geometry. Photoluminescence spectroscopy of nanodots, nanorods, and nanomesh areas shows strain-dependent spectral shifts up to 15 nm, as well as reduction in the PL efficiency as the edge density increases. Raman spectroscopy shows mode stiffening, confirming the release of strain when it is nanopatterned by BCP lithography. These results show that small nanodots (≈19 nm) of MoS 2 2D monolayers still exhibit strong direct band gap photoluminescence (PL), but have PL quenching compared to pristine material from the edge states. This information provides important insights into the structure-PL property correlations of sub-20 nm MoS 2 structures that have potential in future applications of 2D electronics, optoelectronics, and photonics

    Photoluminescent arrays of nanopatterned monolayer MoS2

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    Monolayer 2D MoS 2 grown by chemical vapor deposition is nanopatterned into nanodots, nanorods, and hexagonal nanomesh using block copolymer (BCP) lithography. The detailed atomic structure and nanoscale geometry of the nanopatterned MoS 2 show features down to 4 nm with nonfaceted etching profiles defined by the BCP mask. Atomic resolution annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy reveals the nanopatterned MoS 2 has minimal large-scale crystalline defects and enables the edge density to be measured for each nanoscale pattern geometry. Photoluminescence spectroscopy of nanodots, nanorods, and nanomesh areas shows strain-dependent spectral shifts up to 15 nm, as well as reduction in the PL efficiency as the edge density increases. Raman spectroscopy shows mode stiffening, confirming the release of strain when it is nanopatterned by BCP lithography. These results show that small nanodots (≈19 nm) of MoS 2 2D monolayers still exhibit strong direct band gap photoluminescence (PL), but have PL quenching compared to pristine material from the edge states. This information provides important insights into the structure-PL property correlations of sub-20 nm MoS 2 structures that have potential in future applications of 2D electronics, optoelectronics, and photonics

    Experimental study on the regulation function of slit dam against debris flows

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    The authors received financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 11672318), the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Pioneer Hundred Talents Program, and from the research grant T22-603/15-N provided by the Research Grants Council of the Government of Hong Kong SAR, China