858 research outputs found

    Absence of a dose-rate effect in the transformation of C3H 10T1/2 cells by α-particles

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    The findings of Hill et al. (1984) on the greatly enhanced transformation frequencies at very low dose rates of fission neutrons induced us to perform an analogous study with -particles at comparable dose rates. Transformation frequencies were determined with γ-rays at high dose rate (0·5 Gy/min), and with -particles at high (0·2 Gy/min) and at low dose rates (0·83-2·5 mGy/min) in the C3H 10T1/2 cell system. α-particles were substantially more effective than γ-rays, both for cell inactivation and for neoplastic transformation at high and low dose rates. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for cell inactivation and for neoplastic transformation was of similar magnitude, and ranged from about 3 at an -particle dose of 2 Gy to values of the order of 10 at 0·25 Gy. In contrast to the experiments of Hill et al. (1984) with fission neutrons, no increased transformation frequencies were observed when the -particle dose was protracted over several hours

    Design and fabrication of double pancake coil using 2G wire for conduction cooled superconducting magnet

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    AbstractA large bore double pancake coil(DPC) was designed and tested with 2G HTS wire to develop the conduction cooled superconducting magnet with central field intensity of 3 T at 20K operating temperature and clear bore of 100mm at room temperature. The effect of insulation between turns of double pancake coils was tested. Two double pancake coils with and without turn to turn insulation were wound using 4mm wide 2G conductor. A temporary result suggests that the coil wound without electrical insulation can be protected from higher over current and shows improved stability

    Floffy: Designing an Outdoor Robot for Children

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    In our research we utilized the domain of entertainment robotics to educate children on the principles of environmental awareness by playful means outdoors. Our research revolved around the iterative design of Floffy: the environmental robot, which was essentially a playful toy robot that would respond positively to interaction that was beneficial for the environment and the child’s own well being and negatively to interaction or behaviour that was detrimental to the surroundings. We conducted an explorative, informal evaluation of Floffy with two small groups of children and they rated their experience with it positively. Our results show that there is potential in utilizing entertainment robots to educate children on serious and critical issues such as saving our environment and being sustainable

    Dynamics of false vacuum bubbles: beyond the thin shell approximation

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    We numerically study the dynamics of false vacuum bubbles which are inside an almost flat background; we assumed spherical symmetry and the size of the bubble is smaller than the size of the background horizon. According to the thin shell approximation and the null energy condition, if the bubble is outside of a Schwarzschild black hole, unless we assume Farhi-Guth-Guven tunneling, expanding and inflating solutions are impossible. In this paper, we extend our method to beyond the thin shell approximation: we include the dynamics of fields and assume that the transition layer between a true vacuum and a false vacuum has non-zero thickness. If a shell has sufficiently low energy, as expected from the thin shell approximation, it collapses (Type 1). However, if the shell has sufficiently large energy, it tends to expand. Here, via the field dynamics, field values of inside of the shell slowly roll down to the true vacuum and hence the shell does not inflate (Type 2). If we add sufficient exotic matters to regularize the curvature near the shell, inflation may be possible without assuming Farhi-Guth-Guven tunneling. In this case, a wormhole is dynamically generated around the shell (Type 3). By tuning our simulation parameters, we could find transitions between Type 1 and Type 2, as well as between Type 2 and Type 3. Between Type 2 and Type 3, we could find another class of solutions (Type 4). Finally, we discuss the generation of a bubble universe and the violation of unitarity. We conclude that the existence of a certain combination of exotic matter fields violates unitarity.Comment: 40 pages, 41 figure

    Anomalous Dynamics of Forced Translocation

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    We consider the passage of long polymers of length N through a hole in a membrane. If the process is slow, it is in principle possible to focus on the dynamics of the number of monomers s on one side of the membrane, assuming that the two segments are in equilibrium. The dynamics of s(t) in such a limit would be diffusive, with a mean translocation time scaling as N^2 in the absence of a force, and proportional to N when a force is applied. We demonstrate that the assumption of equilibrium must break down for sufficiently long polymers (more easily when forced), and provide lower bounds for the translocation time by comparison to unimpeded motion of the polymer. These lower bounds exceed the time scales calculated on the basis of equilibrium, and point to anomalous (sub-diffusive) character of translocation dynamics. This is explicitly verified by numerical simulations of the unforced translocation of a self-avoiding polymer. Forced translocation times are shown to strongly depend on the method by which the force is applied. In particular, pulling the polymer by the end leads to much longer times than when a chemical potential difference is applied across the membrane. The bounds in these cases grow as N^2 and N^{1+\nu}, respectively, where \nu is the exponent that relates the scaling of the radius of gyration to N. Our simulations demonstrate that the actual translocation times scale in the same manner as the bounds, although influenced by strong finite size effects which persist even for the longest polymers that we considered (N=512).Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX4, 16 eps figure

    Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Fat Deposition Traits in Pigs

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with fat deposition traits in pigs are important gene positions in a chromosome that influence meat quality of pork. For QTL study, a three generation resource population was constructed from a cross between Korean native boars and Landrace sows. A total of 240 F2 animals from intercross of F1 were produced. 80 microsatellite markers covering chromosomes 1 to 10 were selected to genotype the resource population. Intervals between adjacent markers were approximately 19 cM. Linkage analysis was performed using CRIMAP software version 2.4 with a FIXED option to obtain the map distances. For QTL analysis, the public web-based software, QTL express (http://www.qtl.cap.ed.ac.uk) was used. Two significant and two suggestive QTL were identified on SSC 6, 7, and 8 as affecting body fat and IMF traits. For QTL affecting IMF, the most significant association was detected between marker sw71 and sw1881 on SSC 6, and a suggestive QTL was identified between sw268 and sw205 on SSC8. These QTL accounted for 26.58% and 12.31% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. A significant QTL affecting IMF was detected at position 105 cM between markers sw71 and sw1881 on SSC 6

    Large Extra Dimensions and Decaying KK Recurrences

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    We suggest the possibility that in ADD type brane-world scenarios, the higher KK excitations of the graviton may decay to lower ones owing to a breakdown of the conservation of extra dimensional ``momenta'' and study its implications for astrophysics and cosmology. We give an explicit realization of this idea with a bulk scalar field Φ\Phi, whose nonzero KK modes acquire vacuum expectation values. This scenario helps to avoid constraints on large extra dimensions that come from gamma ray flux bounds in the direction of nearby supernovae as well as those coming from diffuse cosmological gamma ray background. It also relaxes the very stringent limits on reheat temperature of the universe in ADD models.Comment: 16 pages, late

    Quantum Radiation from a 5-Dimensional Rotating Black Hole

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    We study a massless scalar field propagating in the background of a five-dimensional rotating black hole. We showed that in the Myers-Perry metric describing such a black hole the massless field equation allows the separation of variables. The obtained angular equation is a generalization of the equation for spheroidal functions. The radial equation is similar to the radial Teukolsky equation for the 4-dimensional Kerr metric. We use these results to quantize the massless scalar field in the space-time of the 5-dimensional rotating black hole and to derive expressions for energy and angular momentum fluxes from such a black hole.Comment: references added, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Mass matrix Ansatz and lepton flavor violation in the THDM-III

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    Predictive Higgs-fermion couplings can be obtained when a specific texture for the fermion mass matrices is included in the general two-Higgs doublet model. We derive the form of these couplings in the charged lepton sector using a Hermitian mass matrix Ansatz with four-texture zeros. The presence of unconstrained phases in the vertices phi-li-lj modifies the pattern of flavor-violating Higgs interactions. Bounds on the model parameters are obtained from present limits on rare lepton flavor violating processes, which could be extended further by the search for the decay tau -> mu mu mu and mu-e conversion at future experiments. The signal from Higgs boson decays phi -> tau mu could be searched at the large hadron collider (LHC), while e-mu transitions could produce a detectable signal at a future e mu-collider, through the reaction e mu -> h0 -> tau tau.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure