279 research outputs found


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    This report focused on well control aspects and well control issues happened in oil and gas industry. The objective that will be achieved through this project is to design a guidance for control the well during drilling process that describes well control activities and system to ensure minimal operational time and risk exposure to personnel, process, production and equipment. The scopes of study for this project revolved around simulate the well control scenario and evaluate the performance of different kind of well control procedures during kick and blowout. The area of study involved fundamental principles of well control, kick causes, kick indicators, shut-in procedures, well control equipment and procedures. After running the simulation, the result obtained were analyzed and discussed. The investigation revolved around effectiveness of driller's method, time for execution the whole kick-killing procedure, kill rate, flow check analysis, estimate circulation density and kick tolerance. The project methodology and activities have been designed to achieve the objective. The required simulation software and equipment also have been described in this report in methodology part. The project simulation work design and procedures were explained. All the result data, analysis, findings and lastly some recommendations presented at the end of this report

    Studying Changes in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for Cover in the Area of Aleppo Mountain (Afrin) in Period between (2010-2016)

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    هدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة الواقع الراهن لغابات السنديان العادي والصنوبر البروتي في منطقة عفرين في سورية ومراقبة التغيرات الحاصلة لها باستعمال مؤشر الاختلاف النباتي القياسي (NDVI)، خلال المدة الممتدة بين 2010 و2016. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أنّ التغيرات في الغطاء النباتي للصنوبر البروتي (Pinus brutia Ten) والسنديان العادي (Quercus calliprinos Webb) في منطقة الدراسة (جبل حلب) كانت معنوية بين الأعوام (2010-2016) وللأعوام جميعها عدا 2012، إذ سجل الـ NDVI قيماً متدنية بشكل عام للغطاء النباتي بحيث لم تتجاوز الـ (0.5)، إذ كانت أعلى قيمة للمؤشر NDVI في عام 2015 وأقل قيمة له في العامين 2010 و2016. بينت هذه الدراسة أن استعمال المؤشر النباتي NDVI، يُعد طريقة فعالة في مراقبة وإدارة الأغطية النباتية.  The aim of this research was to study the current state of the forests in Aleppo's mountain and monitoring the change it has achieved, using NDVI during 2010-2016. The results of the study showed that the change in the forest cover of the pine (Pinus brutia Ten) and oak (Quercus calliprinos Webb) in Aleppo's Mountain were significant in the years (2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016), and for all the years of study. The Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI) showed generally low value of plants cover not exceeding 0.5.The highest NDVI values were in 2015 and the lowest value for both years 2010-2016 this is similar to Quercus calliprinos Webb. This study showed that this approach (NDVI) is a powerful and useful method of monitoring and forest cover managing

    Stroke, Epidemiological and Genetical Approach

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    Learning dynamical systems from data: a simple cross-validation perspective

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    Regressing the vector field of a dynamical system from a finite number of observed states is a natural way to learn surrogate models for such systems. We present variants of cross-validation (Kernel Flows \cite{Owhadi19} and its variants based on Maximum Mean Discrepancy and Lyapunov exponents) as simple approaches for learning the kernel used in these emulators.Comment: File uploaded on arxiv on Sunday, July 5th, 2020. Got delayed due to tex problems on ArXiv. Original version at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342693818_Learning_dynamical_systems_from_data_a_simple_cross-validation_perspectiv