5 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Restribusi Sektor Kehutanan terhadap Peningkatan PAD Kabupaten Luwu

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    This research aims to see how big contribution rertibusi forestry towards region original income (PAD) at Kabupaten Luwu. This research is carried out April until June 2008 at area Kabupaten Luwu (Kantor Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan). Data that got to analyzed descriptively to detect how big tax contribution from forestry sector. Result that got to show that contribution retibusi from forestry sector as big as 1,50 flat percents - flat pertahun from regency region original revenue total luwu, while for realization retibusi forestry from target that determined as big as 26,91 flat percents - flat per year retibusi forestry not balance in realization every year it because target that determined every year it increase. Key Words: region, original income Key Words: region, original incom

    Identifikasi Tanaman Obat-obatan Yang Dimanfaatkan Oleh Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan Tabo-tabo

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    This watchfulness is carried out in june - july 2007 at Forest Tabo-Tabo. This watchfulness aims to (1) detect medicine plants kinds that maked use by society around forest Tabo-Tabo, (2) detect plants parts that used upon which medicine and (3) detect place grows medicine plants kind. Watchfulness result is got 37 medicine plants kinds that maked use by Society that consist of 17 birch, 13 herb kinds, 5 clump kinds, and 2 liana kinds. Plants parts that maked use as medicine that is: young leaf or tip of a leaf, fruit, stick, skin, sap, tuber and root. Key Words : Custom Society, medicine plant Key Words : Custom Society, medicine plan


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    Red Jabon naturally, grows in the lowland Sulawesi forest to the mountains. One of the locations where the Jabon Merah distribution is found is in the KPH Sivia Patuju management area. Plot determination in this study used a systematic sampling with random star method, with a plot size of 20 m X 125 m as many as 30 plots and a distance between plots of 50 meters. The results of the field data will be entered into a tally sheet, then to calculate the potential, a formula is used to interpret Jabon's potential and allometrics to calculate its biomass by statistical analysis. Based on the results of direct research in the field and analysis of data that has been carried out, the data obtained are the estimation of the potential volume of the Red Jabon tree (Anthocepalus macropillus) which is in the Limited Production Forest (HPT) of Tatari Village, West Tojo District, Tojo Una-una District, which is 198,873, 2 m³ and volume 267.64 m³/ha. And estimation of Biomass found in Jabon Merah stands (Anthocepalus macropillus) overall biomass of 112,870.2 tons and Biomass on average 151.5 tons/ha

    Pengembangan Usaha Budidaya Lebah Madu di Desa Jono Oge Kabupaten Sigi

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    Potensi yang dimiliki oleh Kabupaten Sigi khususnya desa Jono Oge yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal adalah sebagian besar wilayahnya termasuk kawasan hutan dan memiliki perkebunan kelapa yang luas yang merupakan sumber pakan lebah madu. Lebah madu merupakan hasil hutan bukan kayu yang potensial untuk dikembangkan. Tujuan yang akan dicapai pada program PKM ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan bagi mitra tentang teknik budidaya lebah madu yang professional sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan mitra. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini adalah memberikan penyuluhan kepada anggota mitra tentang teori yang berkaitan dengan budidaya lebah, khususnya tentang biologi lebah, peralatan budidaya lebah, peluang usaha budidaya lebah, hama dan penyakit lebah madu serta tanaman pakan lebah. Juga dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan kepada Mitra tentang jenis-jenis kayu dan desain kotak/stup yang baik digunakan dalam budidaya lebah madu Apis cerana dan dilakukan penambahan koloni lebah. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian di Desa Jono Oge menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan penyuluhan tentang budidaya lebah madu dapat memberikan pemahaman ke masyarakat tentang manfaat budidaya lebah madu bagi kegiatan pertanian dan perkebunan. Kelompok tani mitra juga sudah dapat membudidayakan lebah madu dengan kotak lebah/stup. Sehingga hasil panen madu kelompok tani mitra meningkat 3 kali lipat setelah kegiatan PKM dan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan kelompok tani mitra