29 research outputs found

    Penerapan Quality Function Deployment Dalam Pelayanan Laboratorium Di Jurusan Teknik Bangunan Kapal Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya Berdasarkan Preferensi Mahasiswa

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    Berdasarkan konsep bahwa kualitas suatu produk sangat ditentukan oleh prosesnya , demikian juga dapat berlaku sama pada Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi khususnya pada Pendidikan Vokasi sangat bergantung pada sistem pembelajaran yang difokuskan pada bidang aplikatif .Dimana salah satu parameter kunci dalam peningkatan kualitas pada Pendidikan Vokasi adalah sistem pembelajaran di Laboratorium . Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di laboratorium perlu dilakukan survey terhadap mahasiswa mengenai pelayanan laboratorium . Dengan mengetahui keinginan dan harapan mahasiswa maka akan dapat digunakan untuk perbaikan kualitas di laboratorium . Dengan kualitas yang baik akan tercipta suasana akademis yang kondusif dan proses belajar mengajar akan berjalan sebagaimana yang diinginkan bersama. Oleh karena mahasiswa merupakan pelanggan utama bagi institusi, maka pada penelitian ini difokuskan pada bagaimana upaya memuaskan mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran di laboratorium. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode Quality Function Deployment. Pada metode ini diawali dengan mendata semua keinginan mahasiswa melalui kuisioner dengan kemudian di diterjemahkan kedalam respon teknis sebagai altematif solusi. Dengan teknik pembobotan maka diperoleh skala prioritas solusi. Dari keseluruhan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat direkomendasikan · langkah-langkah perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan yaitu: menambah dan memperbaiki peralatan praktek, evaluasi dan revisi kurikulum, renovasi dan ekspansi pekerjaaan sipil, meningkatkan bidang keahlian karyawan/dosen secara profesional, menerapkan reward & punishment. ============================================================ Based on the concept that quality of a product is highly determined by its process, that could be similar obtained in of a higher education institution particularly vocational education, which one of key parameters to improve the quality of vocational education is learning system in laboratory. In order to quality learning process in laboratory, it is required that a survey of laboratory service be done to students. By figuring out student's wants and expectations, quality improvement in laboratory may be recommended with a good quality, there fore, it will probe to a conclusive academic atmosphere, leading to expected teaching-learning process. Students are the primary customer of an institution, there fore, this reasearch will be focused on how to derive student satisfaction of learning process in laboratories. This research applies Quality function Deployment method that is in started by listing all students preference through questionnaire. Which is later interpreted in technical response as an alternatt; solution. A solution priority scale will then be gained with weighting technic. Based on the through result of the performed research, improving plans may be required to perform : adding and repairing practice equipment, evaluating and revising curriculum, renovating and expanding civil work, improving staff/lecturer professional & skills, giving reword & punishment


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    Abstract – PT. Aneka Adhilogam Karya is a national private company engaged in the sand-casting industry supplying its products to the Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Indonesia. One of the products of piping supporting components manufactured is Clamp Saddle. Many of these products still have casting defects, such as gas porosity and shrinkage. Gating system is one of the most crucial factors to determine the quality of cast products. It is necessary to design a gating system for Clamp Saddle products. Then the casting simulation using ProCast 2018 needs to be done to get an optimal design and detect the presence of defect shrinkage or gas porosity. Furthermore, the sand casting process is carried out, and radiographic testing is carried out to detect defects in the inside of the Clamp Saddle product. The results of the study obtained agating system design with a pattern size of 400 mm x 335 mm then analyzed defects using ProCast 2018 on the variable total shrinkage porosity and air entrainment so that optimal results were obtained. Clamp Saddle product results from sand casting experiments were tested using radiography test(RT) to detect shrinkage or gas porosity and found some gas porosity but were still tolerable because of their small size of about 1 mm then they were few in number and were not gathered togethe


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    The development of the metal industry cannot be separated from the utilization of supporting tools. The function of the supporting tools is to support processing time and improve product quality. In the process of making casting products, there is pattern making, namely the stages of making a replica of the product to be produced. Currently, the pattern-making process is still done manually and using conventional tools. It can take a lot of time and often the result of the pattern doesn't meet tolerance requirements. Constantly changing pattern geometry requires several sander machines to support the process, such as a disc sander to form a flat surface geometry, a spindle sander to form aradius surface geometry, and a belt sander to form the surface of objects that have a large surface area. Therefore, a combination sander machine is needed. This study uses the Ulrich method. The stages in the Ulrich method are identification of needs, determining the design concept based on the company's needs, determining the selected design, then doing the manufacturing process and testing the tool. Based on the design, design concept number 2 was chosen to actualize a product. In testing this machine is able to carry out the process of sanding pieces of wood for the bearing housing pump pattern for 38 minutes 44 seconds with a total budget of Rp. 5,454,000,-


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    consumers and markets need a new product in order to remain competitive in the industry 4.0 era. One way is to make products that are more environmentally friendly as well as to reduce the impact on the environment in the manufacture of these products. Sustainability is one of the appropriate methods to reduce the negative impact of working on a product on the environment, starting from the selection of materials, the selection of the fabrication process, and the percentage of machine parts that will become waste. The selection of the product that will be used as the initial product or as the object of a redesign is a mini concrete pump with one weakness in the fabrication process which results in too many negative impacts on the environment, one of which is in the selection of materials and the work process carried out. Initial product that has been redesigned creates 2 new designs. From the three designs, a sustainability analysis was applied and it was found that the design that has less impact on the environment based on the Sustainability Analysis analysis includes a carbon footprint of 820 kg CO2e, total energy consumption of 8900 MJ, water acidification of 5 Kg SO2e, and water eutrophication of 0.680 Kg PO4e was found on the mini concrete pump redesign concept 1

    Rancang Bangun Jig dan Fixture Produk Oval Handle untuk Proses Milling dengan Sistem Plug and Play

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    The manufacturing industry is an industry where the machining process is done by hand or controlled with the help of machines that can run automatically and with manual supervision. Along with the development of industrial technology, the process of making the same product in large quantities and with precision becomes a requirement in the manufacturing industry. Jigs and fixtures appear as a problem solution for these conditions, but other problems arise from the use of jigs and fixtures. Tool changes and loading and unloading times cannot be utilized properly which can have a long-lasting adverse effect on manufacturing industry companies. There is a solution that helps to fix this problem, namely by updating the jig and fixture design using the Ulrich method, three jig designs and oval handle fixtures will be made using a plug and play system. Calculation of the cutting force received by the workpiece against the vise grip force to ensure the jig and fixture can hold the oval handle well. The results of the jig and fixture design research using the Ulrich method will be selected based on the highest value and safe cutting force calculations

    Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Komposisi terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Serat Sabut Kelapa

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    One of the transportation supporting the economy in Indonesia is the ship. The government prioritizes the maritime sector in national development, which has a positive impact on the domestic shipping industry in the production of ships with various raw materials being developed. Fiberglass is a type of FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic) reinforcing fiber. In the manufacture of FRB (Fiber Reinforced Boat), fiberglass is an important part, its texture is light, and sharp, easily blown by the wind and can be inhaled into the breath which is not good for health. Indonesia is overgrown with coconut plants, parts of the coconut plant have many benefits, but coconut coir is less used, and is considered a waste that accumulates under coconut plants and is left to rot, therefore it is necessary to use coconut coir as an alternative to natural fiber from coconut coir. Synthetic fibers in the manufacture of composites. In this study, a study was conducted on the effect of composition on the tensile strength of coconut fiber reinforced composites, using a fiber delignification time of 45 minutes and the variation of fiber composition was 20%, 30% and 40% based on volume fraction. Coconut coir fiber is carried out by delignification process using NaOH solution with a concentration of 5% for 45 minutes. The composite with the highest tensile strength was 40% fiber composition, which was 60.96 ± 6.36 MPa. While the lowest tensile strength with a fiber composition of 20% is 31.88 ± 9.51 MPa

    Evaluasi dan Peningkatan Performansi Lini Perakitan Kendaraan Khusus Menggunakan Metode Line Balancing pada PT. Pindad (Persero)

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    Assembly lines that have poor efficiency result in various problems in the production process, one of which is the bottleneck problem. PT. Pindad (Persero) as a manufacturing company, has problems in the assembly line for special vehicles, where the efficiency of the assembly line has an unclear and uneven distribution of workloads, this results in poor production efficiency. This study aims to valuate the efficiency of PT. Pindad (Persero) and produce alternative improvements. An evaluation of the Komodo tactical vehicle product assembly line was conducted using line efficiency, balance delay, and smoothest index. It is known that the existing assembly line has a line efficiency of 13.25%, a balance delay of 86.75%, and a smoothest index of 875.31. Then the line balance is improved using heuristic line balancing methods. The methods used include the largest candidate rule, ranked positional weight, and regional approach. The results of this study are recommendations for special vehicle assembly lines using the line balancing ranked positional weight method with a line efficiency value of 94.1%, balance delay of 5.9%, and smoothest index of 8.86


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    Abstract – The red brick manufacturing industry is starting to be abandoned by many people and switch to using hebel bricks. Several things have caused red bricks to be abandoned, namely the price of red bricks is more expensive when compared to lightweight bricks for a size of 1 m2, besides that red bricks produced by conventional production processes have a red brick surface shape that is often uneven. Based on these conditions, we need an idea and innovation to create a machine to improve the production of red bricks in the form of a machine for smoothing and molding the clay of red brick for home-scale industries. The machine manufacturing process will use the Ulrich method from identifying machine requirements to selecting concepts and fabrication. Based on the results of the design using the Ulrich method, the design concept was chosen 1. Then planning, calculation and analysis will be carried out to determine the components to build the machine. The next stage is making of detailed drawings of the machine, followed by the fabrication and testing process. In testing clay smoothing and molding machine for red brick, the machine is capable of producing 120 red bricks per hour with a total cost of Rp. 12.217.500,-


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    State-owned oil and gas companies coorporate with manufacturing companies that have been recommended to make Pertashop modular. PT. INKA Multi Solusi is one of the fabricators that produces Pertashop modular. In 2022 PT. INKA Multi Solusi plans to produce 1000 units the demand for Pertashop needsthroughout Indonesia. Pertashop fabrication process at PT. INKA Multi Solusi there are stages of the perlite insulation process on the side between the inner tank and outer tank which is carried out by 6 workers manually, by lifting the results of the cast mixer with a reservoir and then pouring it into the modular. The average time required for perlite insulation is 1 hour 15 minutes, so it is necessary to have an auxiliary machine for the distribution process of perlite insulation concrete to increase production effectiveness. The process of making machines using the Ulrich method starts from identifying consumer needs, determining design concepts, selecting design concepts, carrying out the fabrication process and testing machines. In testing this machine is able to distribute perlit concrete material as far as 2 meters vertically and 2 meters horizontally with an output capacity of 4 kg/minute with a total budget of Rp. 11.849.000,

    Perancangan dan Analisa Konstruksi Gantry Crane SWL 35 Ton di PT F1 Perkasa

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    Permintaan produk kapal di galangan PT. F1 Perkasa setiap tahun semakin bertambah, dengan menambahkan jumlah pekerja tidak dapat memaksimalkan jumlah pendapatan yang didapatkan dikarenakan fasilitas yang kurang memadai. Kita perlu melengkapi fasilitas produksi , gantry crane merupakan salah satu fasilitas produksi yang sangat membantu dalam proses produksi kapal. berangkat dari karakteristik pembebanan pada struktur crane, dimana beban berulang diterapkan dengan frekuensi yang tinggi sebagai kategori heavy duty class crane. hasil rancangan yan telah dibuat mampu menahan beban yang telah ditentukan setelah dianalisa dengan SOLIDWORKS 2016.Dengan adanya perancangan dan analisa gantry crane, dapat digunakan sebagai panduan dalam melengkapi fasilitas di workshop PT. F1 Perkasa, diharapkan akan meningkatkan produktivitas produksi kapal di PT. F1 Perkasa.&nbsp