974 research outputs found

    Analisis Kapasitas Terminal Penumpang Bandar Udara Djalaludin

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                      Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui apakah kapasitas terminal penumpang Bandar Udara Djalaluddin Gorontalo masih mencukupi untuk melayani jumlah pengguna fasilitas Bandar udara saat ini dan untuk mendapatkan cara atau solusi yang digunakan untuk memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal terhadap pengguna Bandar udara. Penelitian ini diawalai dengan melakukan survey langsung ke lokasi Bandar Udara Djalaluddin Gorontalo khususnya aktifitas pada terminal penumpang Bandar Udara Djalaluddin Gorontalo. Data-data yang digunakan dalam proses penelitian ini berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil observasi atau pengamatan langsung di lokasi penelitian yaitu pada saat penerbangan berlangsung. Data sekunder diperoleh dari Kantor Bandar Udara Djalaluddin Gorontalo berupa data umum Bandar Udara Djalaluddin, gambar konstruksi terminal bandar udara, data penerbangan, jadwal penerbangan, kapasitas penumpang tiap pesawat, serta jumlah pergerakan penumpang tahun 2012. Metode yang digunakan berdasarkan pada Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI 03-7046-2004) tentang Terminal penumpang Bandar udara.        Berdasarkan hasil analisis data jadwal penerbangan dan kapasitas maksimal penumpang yang dilayani tiap pesawat diperoleh bahwa volume penumpang berangkat terbanyak terjadi pada pukul 06.00 – 08.00 wita yaitu 338 penumpang, penumpang datang terbanyak terjadi pada pukul 18.00 – 20.00 wita yaitu 168 penumpang. Dari hasil tersebut dilakukan perhitungan kapasitas tiap ruangan pada Bandar Udara Djalaluddin dan diperoleh bahwa keadaan terminal Bandar Udara Djalaluddin saat ini sudah tidak memenuhi Standar Nasional Indonesia tentang terminal penumpang Bandar Udara.   Kata Kunci : Luas Area, Jumlah Penumpang, Kapasita

    Pembuatan Briket Arang Daun Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Dengan Perekat Pati Sagu (Metroxylon Sago Rott.)

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    Increasing need of energy and decreasing of fuel supply requires human to discover alternative energy resources. Consequently, there should be a research to discover a new renewable energy source such as palm leaves waste. Oil palm\u27s leaves (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) are mostly the least used waste from oil palm plantation as an alternative energy resources. This research aims to discover the precise adhesive consentration rate in sago\u27s starch (Metroxylon sago Rott.) to make oil palm\u27s kernel, which are 97%:3%, 96%:4%, 95%:5%, 94%:6%, and 93%:7%. Based on analitycal result of oil palm\u27s leaves charcoal briquet research, the best quality briquet is the P1 composition which composed rate is 97%:3%, has 3,21% water content, 30,18% ashes content, 0,0022 g/s combustion rate, 20,73% evaporated substance rate, 54,46% carbon rate, and 5.114 cal/g heat value

    Metode Cekaman Luruh Bulu Yang Cocok Untuk Kondisi Di Indonesia

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    The objective of the research is to find out the appropriate and beneficial forced molting program that suitable with the environment and the condition of the farmer in Indonesia. The research used 180 medium type chickens, strain Dekalb Warren, aged 84 weeks old. The research applied 2×2×2 factors and used complete randomized design in (CRD) 5 times replications with 4 chickens for each repeat. The first factor was water supplying and without water supply. The second factor was the duration of no feeding for 10 and 5 days. The third factor was the amount of feed given during recovery period, that was 50% and 25% of the normal consumption. So, the total of the treatment of forced molting program applied were 9 treatments. Data obtained were analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), orthogonal comparison test. The result obtained showed that the treatment B (without feeding for the first 10 days, having water supply, day 11 to 30 were feed 25% of normal consumption) could be increasing the average of egg production of old chicken to 68.20%, improving feed convertion, egg quality: Haugh Unit value, yolk percentage, significantly and no differences were obsesrved among treatments versus control for egg weighth, albumen percentage, eggshell thickness. The result was also showed that the Forced Molting Stress Method used in this experiment, would be giving profit of Rp 2,500,000;- per 1,000 chickens if implemented; in the contrary, if the old chickens are allow to keep laying egg without treatment, the farmer would get deficit of Rp 467,000;- per 1,000 chickens

    Pengaruh Penerapan Good Corporate Governance, Tingkat Suku Bunga Dan Peringkat Obligasi Terhadap Yield to Maturity Obligasi

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    This study is aimed to give better understanding the impact of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) implementation, interest rate, and bond rating on bond Yield to Maturity (BYTM) through controlled variable namely Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Equity (ROE). BYTM is an indicator for the investors to foresee the future value of the bond until its payment due. In order to predict how marketable a bond is, investor must consider an array of aspects, be it internally (GCG and rating) or externally (interest rate).GCG variables that had been set in this study consists of four proxies, namely institutional ownership, managerial ownership, the size of independent supervisory board, and audit commitee. During a period of 2010-2012, 84 bonds from 16 companies were sampled in this study. This study employed panel regression method to analyze the data. The results of this study has shown that proxies from GCG variables, namely institutional ownership, managerial ownership, the size of independent supervisory board, and audit commitee, impart significantly negative effects on BYTM, whereas audit commitee gives unsignificantly positive impact. Interest rate and bond rating impart significantly positive and significantly negative impacts, respectively. Controlled variables of DER and ROE does not give significant effects

    Pengaruh Dosis Pencemaran Insektisida Malathion Terhadap Organ Ginjal, Testes Dan Kelenjar Adrenal Tikus

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    Genotypic Variations of Mutans Streptococci Isolated from Dental Caries by REP-PCR

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    المكورات العقدية هي مجموعة من البكتيريا التي توجد بالفم والمسببة لتسوس الاسنان. يتكون مرض تسوس الاسنان من عدة أنواع من جنس Streptococcus  التي تتقاسم أنماط وراثية مماثلة. الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تحديد التنوع الوراثي للسلالات Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus  وStreptococcus downei ، التي تعتبر الأنواع الرئيسية المسببة لتسوس الاسنان ، باستخدام طريقة البلمرة المتسلسل  PCR والبادئ REP. تم استخدام الحمض النووي للسلالات S. mutans  (عدد = 10) ، S. sobrinus (عدد = 5) و S. downei (عدد = 4) ومقارنتها بمثيلاتها المعزولة سابقا من الاشخاص المصابين بتسوس الاسنان. تعرض الحمض النووي للسلالات السريرية والنموذجية لتضخيم PCR باستخدام  REP primer.  شيدت الشجرة التطويرية (dendrogram phylogenetic) لهذة الاصناف من خلال حساب عدد القطع الطفرية المتكونة من البلمرة المتسلسلة عن طريق neighbour-joining method باستخدام برنامج PyElph 1.4. واظهرت النتائج ايضا ان حجم قطع المادة الوراثية التي تمت مضاعفتها في الجل المنتج (amolicons) هي : S. mutans (1500 bp إلى 250 bp) ، S. sobrinus (6000 bp إلى 250 bp) و S. downei (5000 bp إلى 400 bp). واظهرت النتائج ايضا وجود قطعة مميزة من المادة الوراثية المضاعفة بحجم 480 bp لكل عزلات البكتريا S. sobrinus بخلاف الانواع الاخرى. الدراسة الحالية هي الأولى التي توضح التنوع الوراثي لكل من S. sobrinus و S. downei باستخدام REP primer. هذة الدراسة اثبتت ان REP-PCR لذلك تعتبر هذة الدراسة وسيلة قوية لدراسة التنوع الجزيئي لل S. mutans ، S. sobrinus و S. downei. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يُقترح إجراء مزيد من الدراسات لتحليل النطاقات الخاصة بالتفرقة بين الانواع وأيضًا لإيجاد إمكانية إنتاج بادئات جديد للكشف عن  S. sobrinus و S. downei.Mutans streptococci (MS) are a group of oral bacteria considered as the main cariogenic organisms. MS consists of several species of genus Streptococcus which are sharing similar phenotypes and genotypes. The aim of this study is to determine the genetic diversity of the core species of clinical strains of Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus and Streptococcus downei by using repitative extragenic palindromic (REP) primer. The DNA of the clinical strains of S. mutans (n=10), S. sobrinus (n=05) and S. downei (n=04) have been employed in the present study, which have been previously isolated from caries active subjects. The DNA of the clinical and reference strains was subjected to PCR amplification using REP primer. The phylogenetic dendrogram is constructed from the REP PCR banding profile by neighbour-joining method using PyElph 1.4 software. The size of the DNA amplicons generated by using REP primer were S. mutans (1500 bp to 250 bp), S. sobrinus (6000 bp to 250 bp) and S. downei (5000 bp to 400 bp). The results present common band at 480 bp in all the clinical strains of S. sobrinus. The current study is the first to demonstrate the genetic variety of S. sobrinus and S. downei by using REP primer. REP-PCR have been found to be a powerful method to study the molecular diversity of S. mutans, S. sobrinus and S. downei. Additionally, further studies are suggested to analyze the species specific bands and also to find the possibility to produce a new specific primer for S. sobrinus


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    ABSTRACTObjective: Evaluation of antibacterial activity of Annona squamosa L and Annona reticulata L against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus(mutans streptococci MS) the causative agent of dental caries.Methods: Leaves and bark of A. squamosa and A. reticulata were collected and extracted by methanol solvent using soxhlet apparatus. Clinical sampleswere isolated from dental caries subjects, and identified by 16S rDNA sequencing. The isolates were tested to study the antibacterial activity ofA. squamosa and A. reticulata leaves and bark by disc diffusion method. 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 25 mg, 30 mg, 35 mg, 40 mg, 45 mg, 50 mg, and100 mg concentration of the extract were used to study the antibacteial activity of S. mutans and S. sobrinus. Ampicillin (AMP) 10 μg was used as apositive control in all the species.Results: The isolates were identified based on 16S rDNA sequencing as two Streptococcus mutans and two Streptococcus sobrinus. A. squamosa barkshowed antibacterial activity against MS species, while, at 100 mg concentration leaves extract of A. squamosa did not show any inhibition againstMS species. However, no inhibitory activity being shown in A. reticulata (leaves and bark) against MS species. The result indicates that S. sobrinus ismore susceptible to the A. squamosa bark extract than S. mutans. Not much difference showed between the species in regards of different concentration.Conclusion: A. squamosa bark showed antibacterial activity against MS species, further investigation of the A. squamosa bark should be studied todetermine the anti-caries properties.Keywords: Annona squamosa, Annona reticulata, Plant extract, Dental caries, Mutans Streptococci, Antibacterial susceptibility testing,16S rDNA sequencing

    Desain dan Analisa Inverter Tiga Fasa dengan Metode SVPWM sebagai Penggerak Motor Induksi Tiga Fasa pada Aplikasi Sepeda Listrik

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    Along with the increased use of fuel oil, so that necessary to manufacture in producing electric vehicles. One of them the electric bike. On an electric bike, motors drive consist of electric motors, power converters and electronic controllers are the mover of electric vehicle systems. This study discusses the three-phase inverter method Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) as a three-phase induction motor drive in electric bike applications that are modeled by using Matlab / Simulink.The purpose of this study is to get the design of the three-phase inverter SVPWM as a three-phase induction motor drive 500 W, 50 V, 50 Hz and 750 rpm. The inverter design using battery voltage 48 V. Before the battery voltage is converted by an inverter, battery voltage must first be raised through a boost converter to 70,62 Volt. Through simulation with Matlab software is then obtained curve of sinusoidal voltage box, current, and speed of the motor in the unit pu SVPWM controlled by the system. In this study also tested against changes in the value of the fundamental frequency inverter. From the test results that the inverter can set the speed of the motor at a frequency of 20 Hz to 50 Hz. At the time of the frequency inverter 5-15 Hz current increases exceeding motor nominal current of 8.25 A

    Pemanfaatan Buah Pepaya (Carica Papaya L.,) dan Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill.,) dalam Pembuatan Fruit Leather

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    This study aimed was to got exact formulation of combination of papaya fruit puree and tomato puree in the manufacture of fruit leather. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments used against fruit leather were PT1 (papaya fruit puree 65%, tomato puree 35%), PT2 (papaya fruit puree 55%, tomato puree 45%), PT3 (papaya fruit puree 50%, tomato puree 50%), PT4 (45% papaya fruit puree, tomato puree 55%) and PT5 (35% papaya fruit puree, tomato puree 65%). Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and DNMRT at 5% level. The results showed that the use of papaya fruit puree and tomato puree significantly effect on water content, ash content, acidity (pH), fiber content, total sugar content and sensory analysis. Fruit leather chosen from the results of this study was fruit leather treatment PT2 which has moisture content 11,86%, ash content 1,03%, degree of acidity 4,39, fiber content 3,12%, levels total sugar 36,45%, reddish orange color, flavor slightly fruity papaya and tomatoes, slightly sour taste, chewy texture and overall assessment fruit leather preferred by the panelists

    Anak Laki-laki Usia 3 Tahun Dengan Impetigo Krustosa Multipel

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    Latar Belakang. Salah satu bentuk pioderma adalah Impetigo, penyakit kulit yang menyerang lapisan epidermis kulit. Impetigo biasanya juga mengikuti trauma superficial dengan robekan kulit dan paling sering merupakan penyakit penyerta (secondary infection) dari pediculosis, skabies, infeksi jamur dan pada insect bites. Kasus. Pasien An. D, laki-laki usia 3 tahun datang dengan keluhan gatal dan kemerahan sejak 4 hari lalu. Kemerahan berubah menjadi gelembung yang berisi cairan, pecah dan menjadi krusta yang menebal. Status dermatologis tampak makula eritematosa miliar sampai lentikular, difus, anular, sirsinar, vesikel dan bula lentikular difus, pustule miliar sampai lentikular, krusta kuning kecoklatan, berlapis-lapis dan mudah diangkat. Simpulan. Telah ditegakkan diagnosis impetigo krustosa pada anak laki-laki usia 3 tahun berdasarkan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik, serta telah di tatalaksana baik secara non-medikamentosa dan medikamentosa yang sesuai dengan evidence base medicine. [Medula Unila.2014;2(3):86-93