2,935 research outputs found

    Modification of the background flow by roll vortices

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    Use of observed wind profiles, such as those obtained from ascent or descent aircraft soundings, for the identification of the expected roll modes is hindered by the fact that these modes are able to modify the wind profiles. When such modified wind profiles are utilized to estimate the critical values of the dynamic and thermodynamic forcing rates, large errors in the preferred orientation angles and aspect ratios of the rolls may result. Nonlinear analysis of a 14 coefficient spectral model of roll circulations shows that the primary modification of the background wind is the addition of a linear component. When the linear profile having the correct amount of shear is subtracted from the observed cross-roll winds, then the pre-roll wind profile can be estimated. A preliminary test of this hypothesis is given for a case in which cloud streets were observed during FIRE

    Mixed convective/dynamic roll vortices and their effects on initial wind and temperature profiles

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    The onset and development of both dynamically and convectively forced boundary layer rolls are studied with linear and nonlinear analyses of a truncated spectral model of shallow Boussinesq flow. Emphasis is given here on the energetics of the dominant roll modes, on the magnitudes of the roll-induced modifications of the initial basic state wind and temperature profiles, and on the sensitivity of the linear stability results to the use of modified profiles as basic states. It is demonstrated that the roll circulations can produce substantial changes to the cross-roll component of the initial wind profile and that significant changes in orientation angle estimates can result from use of a roll-modified profile in the stability analysis. These results demonstrate that roll contributions must be removed from observed background wind profiles before using them to investigate the mechanisms underlying actual secondary flows in the boundary layer. The model is developed quite generally to accept arbitrary basic state wind profiles as dynamic forcing. An Ekman profile is chosen here merely to provide a means for easy comparison with other theoretical boundary layer studies; the ultimate application of the model is to study observed boundary layer profiles. Results of the analytic stability analysis are validated by comparing them with results from a larger linear model. For an appropriate Ekman depth, a complete set of transition curves is given in forcing parameter space for roll modes driven both thermally and dynamically. Preferred orientation angles, horizontal wavelengths and propagation frequencies, as well as energetics and wind profile modifications, are all shown to agree rather well with results from studies on Ekman layers as well as with studies on near-neutral and convective atmospheric boundary layers

    Boundary layer roll circulations during FIRE

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    The probable mechanism underlying the development of boundary layer roll circulations are studied using wind and temperature profiles measured by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Electra during the stratocumulus phase of the First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE). The expected, or preferred, roll orientations, horizontal wavelengths, and propagation periods are determined by finding the minimum values of the dynamic and thermodynamic forcing parameters, which here are the eddy Reynolds number (Re) and moist Rayleigh number (Ra sub m). These minimum values depend on the height z sub T of the capping temperature inversion and on the values of the Fourier coefficients of the background height-dependent vector wind profile. As input to our nonlinear spectral model, descent and ascent runs by the Electra provide for initial estimates of the inversion height and the wind profiles. In the first phase of the investigation presented here, a mechanism is said to be a probable contributor to the development of roll circulations within the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer if the modeled roll orientation and wavelengths agree with their observed values. Preliminary results using the 14-coefficient model of Haack-Hirschberg (1988) are discussed for the 7 July 1987 Electra Mission 188-A (Flight 5). This mission was flown across a sharp cloud boundary that was within a LANDSAT/SPOT scene. The stratocumulus deck was relatively solid in the eastern part of the scene, while there was a rapid decrease in cloud cover to scattered cumulus clouds aligned in streets to the west. These cloud streets were oriented nearly parallel to the mean wind direction in the layer, which was approximately 340 degrees. The hypothesis that roll circulations occurred in both the relatively clear and the cloudy regions is investigated using as model input a descent profile obtained in the relatively clear air and an ascent profile obtained in the cloudy air. Initial results for the clear air case are that the pure inflection point mode is not possible and the pure thermal mode was oriented 35 degrees to the right of the mean wind direction. The origin of this unacceptably large discrepancy between the observed and modeled results will be investigated further and the conclusions reported at the next FIRE workshop

    On the dynamic and thermodynamic structures of marine stratocumulus

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    Latent heating effects on stratocumulus circulations were studied successfully with a nine-coefficient spectral model of two-dimensional shallow Boussinesq convection (Laufersweiler and Shirer, 1989). Further, more realistic investigations are being performed currently with a larger, 18-coefficient spectral model, in which the effects of cloud top radiational cooling and in-cloud radiational heating are also being represented. Because assuming a rigid lid at the inversion base may have affected previous results significantly, the domain top was raised to include the lower portion of the capping inversion. As in the previous model, a uniform cloud base is assumed and latent heating effects are included implicitly such that the motions in the sub- and above-cloud regions are dry adiabatic and the motions in the cloud region are moist adiabatic. The effects of forcing by radiational heating profiles that are tied to the cloud layer, such as the one used by Nicholls will be investigated, as will profiles measured during the FIRE experiment. One concern of using truncated spectral models is that the phenomena are so poorly represented that they can change dramatically as the number of spectral coefficients is increased. The efficacy of the nine-coefficient model results is checked by examining the steady state solutions of the 18-coefficient model for parameter values used by Laufersweiler and Shirer (1989), which corresponds to the case of a moderately deep cloud and no capping inversion. The horizontally asymmetric circulation patterns that have narrow downdraft areas and broad updraft areas are virtually the same as those found in the smaller spectral model. Also captured in the case of weaker heating is an elevated circulation centered at cloud base. Thus, the results of the smaller model are substantiated. Since one of the goals of studying the new model is to represent a more realistic domain, the second test of the model is to investigate whether the steady solutions are suppressed in the case of an inversion with no cloud

    The dielectric constant of UO2 below the Néel point

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    We report measurements of the frequency-dependent dielectric constant of UO2 from 4.2 K to above the phase transition at 30 K. The static dielectric constant of 23.6 at 4.2 K is comparable with accepted values at higher temperatures: it is essentially identical in both phases. The effects of undergoing the transition on the dielectric constant are marginal (about 1%) and take place in the temperature range 29 K to 37 K. The displacement of the oxygen sublattice, which occurs at the Ne´el point, should produce only a 0.05% change on the dielectric constant and of the opposite sense to that measured. Hence the structural changes at the transition are not the primary source of the observed small difference between the dielectric constant in the two phases which probably accrues from the influence of the displacements on a defect-related contribution

    Stratiform clouds and their interaction with atmospheric motions

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    During the 1987 to 1988 academic year, three projects were finished and plans were made to redirect and focus work in a proposal now being reviewed. The completed work involves study of waves on an equatorial beta-plane in shear flow, investigation of the influence of orography on the index cycle, and analysis of a model of cloud street development in a thermally-forced, sheared environment. The proposed work involves study of boundary layer circulations supporting stratocumulus decks and investigation of how the radiative effects of these clouds modulate larger-scale flows such as those associated with the index oscillation

    Social Networking Sites and Our Lives

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    Examines the characteristics of social networking site users, their online activities, and their friendships, sense of trust, social support, perspectives, and civic engagement by site and compared with those of non-users and users of other technologies

    People are more likely to spend time together in public spaces than they were 30 years ago

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    Has the rise of mobile phones made us more likely to be isolated and alone in public? New research from Keith N. Hampton based on observations of thousands of people in public spaces in 1979-1980 and again in 2010, shows that we are in fact less alone, and more together in public. He finds that there has been a substantial decline in the number of people alone in most of the public places examined, that there has been a large increase in the number of women visible in these public spaces

    Frequency dependence of electrical conductivity and dielectric constant of UO2

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    The dielectric constant and electrical conductivity of single crystal and polycrystalline UO2 are found to be frequency dependent. The dielectric constant measured at low frequencies is anomalously large at room temperature but decreases to a limiting value (~25) below about 130 K. A knee observed in the temperature dependence of the conductivity of polycrystalline UO2 corresponds to a process having an activation energy of 0.15 eV