294 research outputs found

    GAN Augmentation: Augmenting Training Data using Generative Adversarial Networks

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    One of the biggest issues facing the use of machine learning in medical imaging is the lack of availability of large, labelled datasets. The annotation of medical images is not only expensive and time consuming but also highly dependent on the availability of expert observers. The limited amount of training data can inhibit the performance of supervised machine learning algorithms which often need very large quantities of data on which to train to avoid overfitting. So far, much effort has been directed at extracting as much information as possible from what data is available. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) offer a novel way to unlock additional information from a dataset by generating synthetic samples with the appearance of real images. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of introducing GAN derived synthetic data to the training datasets in two brain segmentation tasks, leading to improvements in Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of between 1 and 5 percentage points under different conditions, with the strongest effects seen fewer than ten training image stacks are available

    A Systematic Review and Aggregated Analysis on the Impact of Amyloid PET Brain Imaging on the Diagnosis, Diagnostic Confidence, and Management of Patients being Evaluated for Alzheimer's Disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Amyloid PET (aPET) imaging could improve patient outcomes in clinical practice, but the extent of impact needs quantification. OBJECTIVE: To provide an aggregated quantitative analysis of the value added by aPET in cognitively impaired subjects. METHODS: Systematic literature searches were performed in Embase and Medline until January 2017. 1,531 cases over 12 studies were included (1,142 cases over seven studies in the primary analysis where aPET was the key biomarker; the remaining cases included as defined groups in the secondary analysis). Data was abstracted by consensus among two observers and assessed for bias. Clinical utility was measured by diagnostic change, diagnostic confidence, and patient management before and after aPET. Three groups were further analyzed: control patients for whom feedback of aPET scan results was delayed; aPET Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC+) cases; and patients undergoing additional FDG/CSF testing. RESULTS: For 1,142 cases with only aPET, 31.3% of diagnoses were revised, whereas 3.2% of diagnoses changed in the delayed aPET control group (p < 0.0001). Increased diagnostic confidence following aPET was found for 62.1% of 870 patients. Management changes with aPET were found in 72.2% of 740 cases and in 55.5% of 299 cases in the control group (p < 0.0001). The diagnostic value of aPET in AUC+ patients or when FDG/CSF were additionally available did not substantially differ from the value of aPET alone in the wider population. CONCLUSIONS: Amyloid PET contributed to diagnostic revision in almost a third of cases and demonstrated value in increasing diagnostic confidence and refining management plans

    A Comparative Study of Population-Graph Construction Methods and Graph Neural Networks for Brain Age Regression

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    The difference between the chronological and biological brain age of a subject can be an important biomarker for neurodegenerative diseases, thus brain age estimation can be crucial in clinical settings. One way to incorporate multimodal information into this estimation is through population graphs, which combine various types of imaging data and capture the associations among individuals within a population. In medical imaging, population graphs have demonstrated promising results, mostly for classification tasks. In most cases, the graph structure is pre-defined and remains static during training. However, extracting population graphs is a non-trivial task and can significantly impact the performance of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which are sensitive to the graph structure. In this work, we highlight the importance of a meaningful graph construction and experiment with different population-graph construction methods and their effect on GNN performance on brain age estimation. We use the homophily metric and graph visualizations to gain valuable quantitative and qualitative insights on the extracted graph structures. For the experimental evaluation, we leverage the UK Biobank dataset, which offers many imaging and non-imaging phenotypes. Our results indicate that architectures highly sensitive to the graph structure, such as Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) and Graph Attention Network (GAT), struggle with low homophily graphs, while other architectures, such as GraphSage and Chebyshev, are more robust across different homophily ratios. We conclude that static graph construction approaches are potentially insufficient for the task of brain age estimation and make recommendations for alternative research directions.Comment: Accepted at GRAIL, MICCAI 202

    The predictive value of hypometabolism in focal epilepsy:a prospective study in surgical candidates

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    Purpose: FDG PET is an established tool in presurgical epilepsy evaluation, but it is most often used selectively in patients with discordant MRI and EEG results. Interpretation is complicated by the presence of remote or multiple areas of hypometabolism, which leads to doubt as to the true location of the seizure onset zone (SOZ) and might have implications for predicting the surgical outcome. In the current study, we determined the sensitivity and specificity of PET localization prospectively in a consecutive unselected cohort of patients with focal epilepsy undergoing in-depth presurgical evaluation. Methods: A total of 130 patients who underwent PET imaging between 2006 and 2015 matched our inclusion criteria, and of these, 86 were operated on (72% with a favourable surgical outcome, Engel class I). Areas of focal hypometabolism were identified using statistical parametric mapping and concordance with MRI, EEG and intracranial EEG was evaluated. In the surgically treated patients, postsurgical outcome was used as the gold standard for correctness of localization (minimum follow-up 12 months). Results: PET sensitivity and specificity were both 95% in 86 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and 80% and 95%, respectively, in 44 patients with extratemporal epilepsy (ETLE). Significant extratemporal hypometabolism was observed in 17 TLE patients (20%). Temporal hypometabolism was observed in eight ETLE patients (18%). Among the 86 surgically treated patients, 26 (30%) had hypometabolism extending beyond the SOZ. The presence of unilobar hypometabolism, included in the resection, was predictive of complete seizure control (p = 0.007), with an odds ratio of 5.4. Conclusion: Additional hypometabolic areas were found in one of five of this group of nonselected patients with focal epilepsy, including patients with “simple” lesional epilepsy, and this finding should prompt further in-depth evaluation of the correlation between EEG findings, semiology and PET. Hypometabolism confined to the epileptogenic zone as defined by EEG and MRI is associated with a favourable postoperative outcome in both TLE and ETLE patients.</p

    Automatic volumetry on MR brain images can support diagnostic decision making.

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    Background: Diagnostic decisions in clinical imaging currently rely almost exclusively on visual image interpretation. This can lead to uncertainty, for example in dementia disease, where some of the changes resemble those of normal ageing. We hypothesized that extracting volumetric data from patients MR brain images, relating them to reference data and presenting the results as a colour overlay on the grey scale data would aid diagnostic readers in classifying dementia disease versus normal ageing. Methods: A proof-of-concept forced-choice reader study was designed using MR brain images from 36 subjects. Images were segmented into 43 regions using an automatic atlas registration-based label propagation procedure. Seven subjects had clinically probable AD, the remaining 29 of a similar age range were used as controls. Seven of the control subject data sets were selected at random to be presented along with the seven AD datasets to two readers, who were blinded to all clinical and demographic information except age and gender. Readers were asked to review the grey scale MR images and to record their choice of diagnosis (AD or non-AD) along with their confidence in this decision. Afterwards, readers were given the option to switch on a false-colour overlay representing the relative size of the segmented structures. Colorization was based on the size rank of the test subject when compared with a reference group consisting of the 22 control subjects who were not used as review subjects. The readers were then asked to record whether and how the additional information had an impact on their diagnostic confidence. Results: The size rank colour overlays were useful in 18 of 28 diagnoses, as determined by their impact on readers diagnostic confidence. A not useful result was found in 6 of 28 cases. The impact of the additional information on diagnostic confidence was significant (p < 0.02). Conclusion: Volumetric anatomical information extracted from brain images using automatic segmentation and presented as colour overlays can support diagnostic decision making. © 2008 Heckemann et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.Published versio
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