111 research outputs found

    Reduced-order Models of Power Systems based on Controllability and Observability

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    Reduced-order models for dynamic control of power systems are formulated using a modal analysis technique, based on the notion of controllability and observability. In this technique, an input/ouutput index is used to identify and rank the strongly controllable and observable modes of the system given a particular input/output pair. The system state variables that are strongly related to the retained modes are then determined by analysis of a participation factor martrix. Davison's method of reducing linear systems is then applied to formulate the desired reduced order dynamic equivalent. This technique of forming dynamic equivalents is investigated on a single machine infinite bus system. Several reduced order model equivalents are formed and evaluated on their performance and accuracy

    Endogenous chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MR imaging for the diagnosis and therapy response assessment of brain tumors: A systematic review

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    Purpose: To generate a narrative synthesis of published data on the use of endogenous chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MR imaging in brain tumors. Materials and Methods: A systematic database search (PubMed, Ovid Embase, Cochrane Library) was used to collate eligible studies. Two researchers independently screened publications according to predefined exclusion and inclusion criteria, followed by comprehensive data extraction. All included studies were subjected to a bias risk assessment using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) tool. Results: The electronic database search identified 430 studies, of which 36 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The final selection of included studies was categorized into 5 groups as follows: grading gliomas, 19 studies (areas under the curve (AUC) 0.500-1.000); predicting molecular subtypes of gliomas, 5 studies (AUC 0.610-0.920); distinction of different brain tumor types, 7 studies (AUC 0.707-0.905); therapy response assessment, 3 studies (AUC not given) and differentiating recurrence from treatment-related changes, 5 studies (AUC 0.880- 0.980). A high bias risk was observed in a substantial proportion of studies. Conclusion: Endogenous CEST imaging offers valuable, potentially unique information in brain tumors, but its diagnostic accuracy remains incompletely known. Further research is required to assess the method’s role in support of molecular genetic diagnosis, to investigate its use in the post treatment phase, and to compare techniques with a view to standardization

    Hepcidin and iron status in chronic kidney disease

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    Hepcidin is a critical inhibitor of iron export frommacrophages, enterocytes, and hepatocytes. Given that itis filtered and degraded by the kidney, its elevated levelsin renal failure have been suggested to play a role in thedisordered iron metabolism of uremia. It is a smalldefensin-like peptide whose production by hepatocytes ismodulated in response to anemia, hypoxia, orinflammation. Hepcidin could also act as an indicator offunctional iron deficiency (FID) in chronic kidneydisease (CKD) patients. This study was performed toassess hepcidin and its correlations with renal function,iron status parameters {serum iron, serum ferritin,transferrin saturation (TSAT) and soluble transferrinreceptor (sTfR)}, inflammatory cytokines (IL-6&IFN-?)and inflammatory markers (CRP) in patients with CKDeither on conservative treatment or on maintenancehemodialysis (HD). Serum prohepcidin was higher inHD patients compared to controls and CKD patients. Inthe whole patient group, serum hepcidin correlatedsignificantly with hemoglobin (Hb), IL-6, creatinine,CRP, sTfR and urinary hepcidin. In HD groupprohepcidin correlated significantly with creatinine.Multiple regression analysis showed that prohepcidinwas most predicted by serum creatinine and CRP.Elevated prohepcidin levels in HD patients studied couldmainly be due to its accumulation in impaired renalfunction in addition to low-grade inflammation,frequently encountered in this population

    Novi steroidni derivati sintetizirani iz 3betha-hidroksiandrosten-17-ona

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    In this study, we synthesized some new substituted steroidal derivatives using 3betha-hydroxyandrosten-17-one (dehydroepiandrosterone) as starting material. The synthesized steroidal derivatives 1-11 were evaluated for their androgenic-anabolic activities compared to testosterone as positive control. Details of the synthesis, spectroscopic data and toxicity (LD50) of synthesized compounds are reported.U radu je opisana sinteza novih steroidnih derivata 1-11 koristeći 3betha-hidroksiandrosten-17-on (dehidroepiandrosteron) kao početnu supstanciju. Androgeno-anaboličko djelovanje tih spojeva uspoređivano je s djelovanjem testosterona kao pozitivnom kontrolom. Navode se detaljni sintetski postupci, spektroskopska karakterizacija i podaci o toksičnosti (LD50)

    Association between age at disease onset of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis and clinical presentation and short-term outcomes

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    Objectives: ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) can affect all age groups. We aimed to show that differences in disease presentation and 6 month outcome between younger- A nd older-onset patients are still incompletely understood. Methods: We included patients enrolled in the Diagnostic and Classification Criteria for Primary Systemic Vasculitis (DCVAS) study between October 2010 and January 2017 with a diagnosis of AAV. We divided the population according to age at diagnosis: <65 years or ≥65 years. We adjusted associations for the type of AAV and the type of ANCA (anti-MPO, anti-PR3 or negative). Results: A total of 1338 patients with AAV were included: 66% had disease onset at <65 years of age [female 50%; mean age 48.4 years (s.d. 12.6)] and 34% had disease onset at ≥65 years [female 54%; mean age 73.6 years (s.d. 6)]. ANCA (MPO) positivity was more frequent in the older group (48% vs 27%; P = 0.001). Younger patients had higher rates of musculoskeletal, cutaneous and ENT manifestations compared with older patients. Systemic, neurologic,cardiovascular involvement and worsening renal function were more frequent in the older-onset group. Damage accrual, measured with the Vasculitis Damage Index (VDI), was significantly higher in older patients, 12% of whom had a 6 month VDI ≥5, compared with 7% of younger patients (P = 0.01). Older age was an independent risk factor for early death within 6 months from diagnosis [hazard ratio 2.06 (95% CI 1.07, 3.97); P = 0.03]. Conclusion: Within 6 months of diagnosis of AAV, patients >65 years of age display a different pattern of organ involvement and an increased risk of significant damage and mortality compared with younger patients

    Abstracts from the 3rd International Genomic Medicine Conference (3rd IGMC 2015)

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