12 research outputs found


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    Who Can Help Me with this Source Code Change?

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    An approach to recommend a ranked list of developers to assist in performing software changes to a particular file is presented. The ranking is based on change expertise, experience, and contributions of developers, as derived from the analysis of the previous commits involving the specific file in question. The commits are obtained from a software system’s version control repositories (e.g., Subversion). The basic premise is that a developer who has substantially contributed changes to specific files in the past is likely to best assist for their current or future change. Evaluation of the approach on a number of open source systems such as koffice, Apach

    An Evaluation Model for Social Development Environments

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    Distributed software development is becoming a common practice among developers. Factors such as the development environments improvement, their extensibility, and the emergence of social networking software are leading factors. They lead the development process (both co-located and geographically distributed) to a practice that: 1) improves the team’s productivity, and 2) encourages and supports the social interaction among the teams’ members. The above factors along with the distributed development emergence, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) evolution, and the social media advances got the attention of the software development teams, and made them consider how to better assist the social nature of software developers, and the social aspects of software development, including activity awareness of team members ’ progress, their presence, collaboration, communication, and coordination around shared artifacts. IDEs are the most commonly used tools by developers and programmers. Integrating the most needed development tools inside the IDE, makes it a Collaborative Developmen