46 research outputs found

    Customers’ savings rate and share of wallet: the moderating role of religion and ethnicity/immigrant generation vis-à-vis attitude as mediator

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    © 2016, © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This study explores the role of attitude toward money, religion and ethnicity in the relationship between income and consumer behavior. The three-country (Australia, Canada and China) study sampled 755 consumers and uses structural equation modeling and multivariate analysis to test for mediating effects of attitude toward money and moderating effects of religion and ethnicity/immigrant generation. Religion is found to be a moderating variable for savings rate and share of wallet, while ethnicity/immigrant generation only moderates the association between income and savings rate. We also demonstrate the interaction effects of religion and ethnicity/immigrant generation with income as determinants of savings rate and share of wallet. This research provides the foundation for modeling savings rate and share of wallet, incorporating attitude, religion, and ethnicity/immigrant generation, as well as income, demonstrating the need to include other factors (i.e. demographic factors in addition to attitudinal/satisfaction measures) to better identify, understand and strategically target consumer segments with potential for profitability and growth

    Competitiveness and workforce performance: Asia vis-à-vis the “West”

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    © 2016, © Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose: The purpose of this eight-country study is to examine what drives performance at the individual worker’s level and compare the explanatory power of such drivers between emerging, newly developed and developed markets around the globe. Design/methodology/approach: The study combines established behavioural theory developed in a Western context with three factors anticipated to be most relevant in Asia (competitive attitude, willingness to serve and speed) as drivers of workforce performance. Four thousand working and middle-class respondents from eight countries were sampled. The associations were tested using structural equation modelling, and workforce performance was measured using univariate analysis. Findings: Three country clusters emerged from the research: emerging economies in Asia (Indonesia, India), where the three factors powerfully explain performance; “Confucian orbit countries” (China, Japan, Korea), where the factors explain 81-93 per cent; and highly developed Western countries (the USA, the UK, Germany), where the factors account for only 20-29 per cent. Practical implications: As well as providing a framework for modelling workforce performance, particularly in Asian countries, the findings indicate that workforce performance should be incorporated in performance indexes. The findings as to which drivers best explain workforce performance in each county can inform workforce recruitment and management, as well as the location of businesses and outsourcing. Originality/value: For the first time, the study addresses the anomaly between economic growth and development experienced by Asian countries and their relatively low rankings in global competitiveness indexes by making the link between workforce performance and country performance

    A comprehensive review of climate adaptation in the United States: more than before, but less than needed

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    Toleransi Tanaman Kedelai Terhadap Cekaman Air: Uji Lapang Beberapa Genotipe Toleran

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    The purpose of this field verification was to determine the stability of yield of several drought-tolerant soybean genotypes selected from green house evaluation. The plants were planted at Muneng, Probolinggo in dry season (June-September 1995) with and without irrigation. From 5 tolerant genotypes, Mlg 2999 and Mlg 3474 gave a good stability of tolerance as evidence by less significance of growth and grain yield reduction. The tolerant genotypes of Mlg 2805 and Mlg 2984 suffered from tremendous leaves and pods abcission, leading to low yield

    Competitiveness vis-Ă -vis service quality as drivers of customer loyalty mediated by perceptions of regulation and stability in steady and volatile markets

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd The purpose of this research is to investigate predictors of customer loyalty in order to identify alternatives to customer satisfaction with service quality, which has been traditionally accepted as the primary predictor of customer loyalty, particularly for services. A stratified sample of bank customers was surveyed to collect information on customer perceptions and behaviors in relation to satisfaction with service quality, competitiveness, risk, regulation, stability and loyalty. Partial least squares path modelling (PLSPM) was applied to develop loyalty models for a steady market (Australia) and a volatile market (Greece). This study's empirical findings support theoretical arguments for the inclusion of customer perceptions of competitiveness in loyalty modelling. Perceptions of regulation and stability intervene in the relationship between drivers of loyalty and loyalty itself. For bankers, the study emphasizes the need to move away from customer satisfaction with service quality to explain customer loyalty, towards focusing efforts on achieving relative superiority in competitiveness, namely competitive productivity and products. Profiling customers based on their perceptions of a bank's competitiveness can provide additional explanatory power beyond traditional satisfaction based loyalty models. Services marketing has focused on the service components, and there is no doubt about its crucial role. But given this focus, other factors, such as the actual product component, have been somewhat overlooked in services research. The study makes a unique contribution to understanding and modelling customer loyalty by demonstrating the importance of the inclusion of customer perceptions of other factors as appropriate to market conditions

    Adoption of Environment-Friendly Cars: Direct vis-Ă -vis Mediated Effects of Government Incentives and Consumers' Environmental Concern across Global Car Markets

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    © 2018, © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. This study explores the impact of consumers' concern for the environment, government incentives, and consumers' environmental image on the adoption of environment-friendly cars (EFCs). A total of 2,400 consumers across five key car markets (China, Germany, Japan, South Korea, USA) were sampled. Structural equation modelling was conducted, followed by ANOVA and UNIANOVA. In four of the five markets, environmental concern is key in the adoption of EFCs, whereas government incentives appear generally ineffective. China is contrastive in that government incentives, rather than environmental concerns, are a key factor. Environmental image only (significantly) mediates the adoption of EFCs in China. Examination of the interaction between environmental image and the adoption of EFCs indicates that environmental image has different impacts in different markets


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    ABSTRAKAndi Siti Aisyah. Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Terhadap Penjualan MinyakBersubsidi Pada PT. Cahaya Rahmat Pratama Tual. Pembimbing(1) H. Murfidin Hamin g (2) Muh. Amir.Tujuan peneliti ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi pemasaranyang terdiri produk harga, saluran distribusi dan promosi penjualanterhadap penjualan minyak bersubsidi PT. Cahaya Rahmat Pratama TualPopulasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan PT. CahayaRahmat Pratama Tual yang berjumlah 61 karyawan. Adapun sampeldalam penelitian ini adalah sama dengan sampel dengan jumlah populasi,karena itu penelitian menggunakan metode sensus.Metode analisis yang di gunakan adalah metode kuantitatif, denganmenggunakan sofwere SPSS 21,0 data penelitian dianalisis secaraDeskriptif dan regresi linear berganda Pengujian dilakukan dengan uji Fdan uji t dengan tingkat signifikasi 5%.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa baik secara simultan maupunparsial produk harga, saluran distribusi dan promosi berpengaruh secarapositif dan signifikan terhadap penjualan minyak bersubsidi PT. CahayaRahmat Pratama Tual. Variabel promosi adalah variabel yang palingdominan berpengaruh terhadap penjualan minyak bersupsidi.Kata Kunci : Produk, Harga, Saluran Distribusi, Promosi dan Penjualan.*pak H. Murdifin ( di abstrak tidak boleh pakai gelar

    Agronomical and biological results of solar energy heating by the combination of the sunstock system with an outside captor on a muskmelon crop grown in polyethylene greenhouses

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    Six cultivars of muskmelon (Early Dew, "68-02", "Early Chaca", "Jivaro", "Super Sprint" and "Cantor") transplanted at two differents dates were cultivated under two PE greenhouses heated by solar energy recovery and compared to a control greenhouse. The greenhouses were covered with a double shield of normal PE of 100 microns. The first greenhouse was considered as the control. The second one was equipped with a sunstock solar energy collector distribution system, consisting in a covering of 37 % of the ground surface by flat black PVC tubes, used during the day as a solar energy captor for heating the water of a basin and during the night as a radiant mulch for heating the greenhouse by emission of radiation warmth. The third greenhouse was equipped also with the same sunstock System, but connected with a supplementary outdoor collector by means of flat PE tubes corresponding to about 28 % covering of the greenhouse, and resulting in a more important energy stock, available for heating during the night. Minimum air temperature was raised by about 1, 5 and 2, 5°C respectively in the second and the third greenhouse, while the minimum soil temperature was raised with about 1 and 2°C respectively. Evolution of the maximum temperatures was more irregular and was depending also from the incident energy. Plant growth under the solar heated greenhouse was more accelerated, and resulted in an earlier fruitset, an earlier production and a higher total yield