59 research outputs found

    Clinical Study Pre-and Postoperative Evaluation by Photoplethysmography in Patients Receiving Surgery for Lower-Limb Varicose Veins

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    Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of surgery in treating primary varicose veins in the lower limbs by photoplethysmography (PPG) and duplex mapping (DM). Method. Forty-eight lower limbs were clinically evaluated according to the CEAP classification system and subjected to PPG and DM exams. Each limb had a venous refill time (VRT) of <20 seconds and a normal deep vein system (DVS) by DM. Results. The mean pre-and postoperative VRTs were 13.79 and 26.43 seconds, respectively ( < 0.0001). After surgery, 42 limbs (87.50%) had normal results by PPG (VRT > 20 seconds). Four limbs (8.33%) showed improved VRTs, but the VRTs did not reach 20 seconds. In the 2 limbs (4.17%) that maintained their original VRTs, the DM exams showed the presence of insufficient perforating veins. Conclusion. In most cases, PPG allows for a satisfactory evaluation of the outcome of varicose vein surgery

    Preservação da veia safena magna na cirurgia de varizes dos membros inferiores

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    A veia safena magna autóloga é o melhor substituto arterial nas revascularizações dos membros inferiores, importante na revascularização do miocárdio e pode ser utilizada nas cirurgias do sistema venoso e nos traumas das extremidades. A fleboextração aumenta os riscos de lesões linfáticas e neurológicas. Assim, no tratamento das varizes primárias dos membros inferiores por meio da cirurgia ou de outras técnicas, a preservação da safena é recomendável se ela for normal ou apresentar alterações que ainda permitam sua preservação pela correção da causa desencadeante. Tal correção pode ser feita por técnicas cirúrgicas. Entre elas, a cura hemodinâmica da insuficiência venosa em ambulatório (CHIVA) tem mostrado bons resultados. Recentemente, um ensaio clínico randomizado e controlado foi publicado comprovando sua eficácia. Outra técnica bastante utilizada é a da ligadura rasante da junção safenofemoral + crossectomia + ligadura das tributárias de crossa, com a qual se tem obtido resultados contraditórios. Finalmente, as técnicas que corrigem a insuficiência da safena reparando as valvas ostial e pré-ostial (valvoplastia externa) são mais fisiológicas. Um ensaio clínico internacional multicêntrico, randomizado e controlado, testando um novo dispositivo, está sendo realizado, com resultados iniciais favoráveis. Este estudo pretende fazer uma revisão sobre as técnicas utilizadas na preservação da safena magna.The autologous great saphenous vein is the most effective bypass choice for lower limb revascularization, playing an important role in myocardial revascularization, and can be used in venous system surgeries and extremity traumas. Stripping increases the risk of lymphatic lesions and nerve damage. Therefore, when surgery or other techniques are used to treat primary varicose veins in the lower limbs, preservation of the saphenous vein is a desirable objective whenever the vein remains healthy or with alterations that still allow preservation by correcting the cause. Such corrections can be performed surgically. Among the methods currently used, the ambulatory conservative hemodynamic correction of venous insufficiency has yielded good results. A randomized controlled trial confirming the efficacy of this procedure has been recently published. Another largely used technique is flush ligation of the saphenofemoral junction plus saphenous veins stripping and ligation of its tributaries at the groin, which has yielded conflicting results. Finally, there are techniques that correct saphenofemoral reflux by external valvuloplasty of the saphenofemoral junction. An international multicenter, randomized, controlled trial, testing a new device, is currently in progress with favorable preliminary results. This study aimed to review the techniques employed to preserve the great saphenous vein in varicose vein surgery

    Métodos de diagnóstico não-invasivos para avaliação da insuficiência venosa dos membros inferiores

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    A avaliação clínica dos membros inferiores na insuficiência venosa por si só não identifica os sistemas envolvidos ou os níveis anatômicos, sendo necessários exames complementares. Esses exames podem ser invasivos ou não-invasivos. Os invasivos, como flebografia e pressão venosa ambulatória, apesar de terem boa acurácia, trazem desconforto e complicações. Dentre os não-invasivos, destacam-se: Doppler ultra-som de ondas contínuas, fotopletismografia, pletismografia a ar e mapeamento dúplex. O Doppler ultra-som avalia a velocidade do fluxo sangüíneo de maneira indireta. A fotopletismografia avalia o tempo de reenchimento venoso, fornecendo um parâmetro objetivo de quantificação do refluxo venoso. A pletismografia a ar permite quantificar a redução ou não da capacitância, o refluxo e o desempenho da bomba muscular da panturrilha. O dúplex é considerado padrão-ouro dentre os não-invasivos, porque permite uma avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa, fornecendo informações anatômicas e funcionais, dando avaliação mais completa e detalhada dos sistemas venosos profundo e superficial.Clinical evaluation of lower limbs of patients with venous insufficiency alone may not identify involved systems or anatomical sites, thus complementary tests are needed. These tests can be invasive or noninvasive. Invasive tests, such as phlebography and ambulatory venous pressure, despite being accurate, may produce discomfort and complications. Some of the most used noninvasive tests are continuous wave Doppler ultrasound, photoplethysmography, air plethysmography and duplex scanning. Doppler ultrasound assesses blood flow velocity indirectly. Photoplethysmography assesses venous refilling time, providing an objective parameter of venous reflux quantification. Air plethysmography allows quantification of reduction in venous capacitance, reflux and performance of the calf muscle pump. Duplex is considered a gold standard among noninvasive methods, because it allows quantitative and qualitative evaluation, supplying anatomical and functional information, thus providing a more complete and detailed evaluation of both deep and superficial venous system

    Recanalization after acute deep vein thrombosis

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    O processo de recanalização das veias dos membros inferiores, após um episódio de trombose venosa profunda aguda em pacientes anticoagulados com heparina e inibidores da vitamina K, faz parte da evolução natural da remodelagem do trombo venoso. Esse complexo processo de remodelagem envolve a adesão do trombo à parede da veia, à resposta inflamatória da parede do vaso, levando à organização e subsequente contração do trombo, à neovascularização e à lise espontânea de áreas no interior do trombo. A presença de fluxo arterial espontâneo em veias com trombose recanalizada tem sido descrita como secundária à neovascularização e se caracteriza pelo desenvolvimento de fluxo com padrão de fístulas arteriovenosas, identificadas por meio de mapeamento dúplex colorido. Nesta revisão, são discutidos alguns aspectos controversos da história natural da trombose venosa profunda, para uma melhor compreensão da sua evolução e do seu impacto sobre a doença venosa.The process of recanalization of the veins of the lower limbs after an episode of acute deep venous thrombosis is part of the natural evolution of the remodeling of the venous thrombus in patients on anticoagulation with heparin and vitamin K inhibitors. This remodeling involves the complex process of adhesion of thrombus to the wall of the vein, the inflammatory response of the vessel wall leading to organization and subsequent contraction of the thrombus, neovascularization and spontaneous lysis of areas within the thrombus. The occurrence of spontaneous arterial flow in recanalized thrombosed veins has been described as secondary to neovascularization and is characterized by the development of flow patterns characteristic of arteriovenous fistulae that can be identified by color duplex scanning. In this review, we discuss some controversial aspects of the natural history of deep vein thrombosis to provide a better understanding of its course and its impact on venous disease

    Venous ulcer: clinical characteristics and risk factors

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    BackgroundLower limb venous ulceration ranks among the 10 most common medical problems in Western countries and has significant socioeconomic impact. The aim of this study was to identify the risk factors for unhealed, recurrent, and large ulcers and to characterize patients with active or recently healed venous ulcers.MethodsWe identified 97 patients and assessed 103 ulcerated limbs in 90 patients. All patients underwent clinical examination, arterial and venous system evaluation, ankle-brachial index determination, and ultrasound of the affected limb. Clinical characteristics included age, gender, race, ulcer duration, time since first episode, history of recurrence, localization of ulcer, ulcer area, eczema, ochre dermatitis, lipodermatosclerosis, pain, body mass index, and medical history data. Risk factors were identified by univariate analysis and estimated odds ratios.ResultsWe assessed 90 patients (103 limbs) with active or healed venous leg ulcers, of whom 84.4% were Caucasian and 68.9% were female. Mean age was 56.0 +/- 13.3 years. Ulcers had remained unhealed for 60 years (odds ratio [OR] 4.0), extensive lipodermatosclerosis (OR 8.7), and previous history of ulceration (OR 19.9) were risk factors for unhealed ulcers. Time since first ulcer episode >= 2 years (OR 29.2) and incompetence of venous systems (OR 1.6) were risk factors for recurrence.ConclusionsLongstanding and large ulcers and recurrences are the main problems encountered by venous ulcer patients. Severe lipodermatosclerosis, previous ulcer history, and time since first ulcer episode >= 2 years are significant risk factors

    Correlation between the intensity of venous reflux in the saphenofemoral junction and morphological changes of the great saphenous vein by duplex scanning in patients with primary varicosis

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    Aim. One of the major causes of chronic venous disease is venous reflux, the identification and quantification of which are important for diagnosis. Duplex scanning allows for the detection and quantification of reflux in individual veins. Evaluation of the great saphenous vein in primary varicosis is necessary for its preservation. Objective of the study is to evaluate a possible correlation between the intensity of reflux at the saphenofemoral junction, diameter alterations of the incompetent great saphenous vein and the practical effect of such correlation. Also to compare the clinical severity of the CEAP classification with such parameters.Methods. Three hundred limbs were submitted to duplex evaluation of their insufficient saphenous veins. Vein diameter was measured on five different points. Velocity and flow at reflux peak and reflux time were determined. The saphenous vein's diameters were correlated with velocity, flow and time. The three latter parameters and diameters were compared with clinical severity according to CEAP.Results. Correlation was found between the saphenous vein's diameters, velocity and flow. No correlation was observed between time and diameter in the thigh's upper and middle thirds. When comparing diameter, velocity and flow with CEAP clinical severity classification, an association was observed. The correlation between reflux time with clinical severity was weak.Conclusion. Reflux time is a good parameter for identifying the presence of reflux, but not for quantifying it. Velocity and peak flow were better parameters for evaluating reflux intensity as they were correlated with great saphenous vein alterations, and were associated with the disease's clinical severity. [Int Angiol 2010;29:323-30

    O papel do mapeamento dúplex no diagnóstico da trombose venosa profunda assintomática dos membros inferiores

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    O diagnóstico da trombose venosa profunda sintomática está bem estabelecido com o uso do mapeamento dúplex, que apresenta sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 98%, para trombose venosa profunda proximal, e sensibilidade de 94% e especificidade de 75%, para distal. Na trombose venosa profunda recente e assintomática, o diagnóstico com o mapeamento dúplex ainda não está bem estabelecido, mostrando uma queda na acurácia desse método diagnóstico. Essa queda é devida ao fato de o trombo recente não ser oclusivo, apresentar a mesma ecogenicidade do sangue e uma consistência diminuída, prejudicando o teste da compressibilidade, que é o mais sensível para diagnóstico da trombose venosa profunda. Nesta revisão, serão revistos artigos publicados que avaliaram a acurácia do mapeamento dúplex no diagnóstico da trombose venosa profunda assintomática.The diagnosis of symptomatic deep vein thrombosis is well established using duplex scanning, with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 98% for proximal deep vein thrombosis, and 94% sensitivity and 75% specificity for distal deep vein thrombosis. In the early and asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis, diagnosis by duplex scanning is not well established yet, which shows a decrease in the accuracy of this diagnostic method. This is because the fresh thrombus is not occlusive, has the same echogenicity as blood and a reduced consistency, jeopardizing the compressibility test, which is the most sensitive test for deep vein thrombosis. This article will review published articles, which evaluated the accuracy of the duplex scanning in the diagnosis of asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis
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