214 research outputs found

    Controlling computers and electronics waste: toward solving environmental problems

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    Environment problem becomes an essential issue associated modern life in this century. Advancement in electronic production and cost reduction in the last few decades leads to rapid growing of computers and electronic productions (e-devices). This was associated with flood of advertisements which affect customerโ€™s decision on buying new products regardless of their real needs. Although e-devices improved human life but it created a serious environmental problem called e-waste. Millions of tons of e-waste generated worldwide yearly, which is more toxic and harmful than normal household garbage. E-waste contains toxic heavy metals including arsenic, antimony, lead, mercury, nickel and zinc. Increasing consumption of e-devices in developing countries and transferring e-waste from developed to developing countries make the problem worst. So we need an innovative and creative engineers and effective recycling system to produce eco-friendly products that are easier to recycle and handle in their end-of-life. Several developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America still suffer from lack of advance recycling and disposal treatment experience. Workers in recycling are exposed to hazardous chemicals and material when braking e-products and extracting its valuable contents besides the polluting of water, air and soil. This paper studying the e-waste status and proposes a framework for guidance solution to control and eliminate e-waste, protecting workers and environment in developing world as step toward green environment

    Ethical values to enhance higher education for computing

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    The evolution and development for every mankind and society is essentially built on education as a main pillar. The current weaknesses and slow development in the developing countries require an efficient and effective higher education system, especially in computing as an essential path toward bridging the gap with developed countries. Computing education has great role in all aspects of human life (politics, economy, health, and education). Moral and ethical values should introduced to and affect all education processโ€™s elements, which lead to better estimate the shape of the next generation of leaders. The increasing problems in societies force many universities to enhance their education process with ethical and moral values. Historically Islamic based ethical and moral values are consider as a great values and principles for human life that leads to build a stable, effective and healthy society that avoid many social diseases. This paper is to prepare a suitable plan to enhance computing higher education with ethical and values that leads to better evolution of society

    Mobile cloud computing for emergency healthcare model:framework

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    There has been recently acceptance of traditional emergency, although there are weaknesses like an wasting time for serving emergency cases and this may threaten a patientโ€™s life, information and communication technologies (ICT) have become more important in human life after its development for more than half a century with the great advantages of computing system like scalability of resources and reliability it is avoiding the system being a down if the server had issues or any bug, this paper will present Mobile cloud computing for emergency health care model (MCCEH) model using a cloud computing server, MCCEH model providing services related to healthcare in emergency cases and aim to reduce response time to save the patient's life. When a person is exposed to a health problem or a traffic accident is occurs, MCCEH model will allow users to search for the nearest medical center or nearest specialists related to specific specialization and the results will show the availability timetable for every specialist and whether he is available at this time or not, the user will be able to choose specialist / medical center based on previous experiences may able to read previous feedback and opinions

    Introduction to fingerprint verification

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    Fingerprint biometric is one of the essential, widely used and accepted biometrics. It has been used as a form of identification for a long time and considers an acceptance and fear. Fingerprints consider by people as unique and can be used to identify someone. This trust comes from governmental and law enforcement use of fingerprints. At the same time, their use of the fingerprint also causes fear about its use. Some individuals involved with fingerprint authentication for network access have expressed the feeling that using their fingerprint for authentication makes their feel like criminals. This feeling can lead to fear of the use of fingerprint biometrics. The use of biometrics must be accompanied with proper user training and communication. By doing so, biometrics can be seen as a privacy-enabling technology, not a technology to be feared. Even with the concern over the use of fingerprints, the finger biometric still remains more widely accepted than any other biometri

    Face verification : an introduction

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    Human biometrics especially face become widely used for different aspects of life. The face is the first defining characteristic that we use to identify people. It is recalled when trying to remember what someone looks like. We depend on it, for recognition. We carry photo IDs that we show as proofs of identity. On the cards are pictures of our face. Machine or automatic recognition of human faces has attracted a great deal of attention in the psychology, image processing, pattern recognition, neural science, computer security, and computer vision communities. It popularity results from its wide application ranging from static matching of controlled format photographs, such as passports, credit cards, driving licenses, and police photos, to real-time matching of video images for surveillance, access control, and security of public areas such as airports. Face is an essential application used in authentication. In this chapter, a brief background about automated face recognition is given then a short review about face recognition algorithms. Eigenface algorithm has been explained in details as one of the famous algorithms

    Green ICT for better human life

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    Abstractโ€”Seven decades of rapid development in computing and ICT make it an efficient and effective driving force toward better human life. ICT industry has an appreciated contribution to the global economy associating with innovation, invention and rapid development of almost all the aspect of human life (Education, Health, Industry, Entertainment, Agriculture, Business, etc.). On the other hand, global environment and human life facing serious challenges related to human health and life style, climate change and global warming, and unwise consumption and management of resources. The diversity and rapid increasing of ICT usage in our life leads to more energy consumption and environmental problems, which has negative impact on economy, human health, and life style. The expected ICT consumption of energy for the next few years will be about 15% of the total consumption worldwide. This make ICT industry shared responsibility for global CO2 emissions and environmental problems. Therefore, many developed countries are establishing Green ICT policies and strategies to eliminate environmental and human health problems. Shortage and weakness of Green ICT policies or strategies in developing countries requires adoption of an effective one that leads to wise ICT usage and energy consumption. Ethical and moral values should integrate with technical aspects to have effective strategies for green ICT that leads to better human life
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