74 research outputs found

    DNA Computation Based Approach for Enhanced Computing Power

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    DNA computing is a discipline that aims at harnessing individual molecules at the nano-scopic level for computational purposes. Computation with DNA molecules possesses an inherent interest for researchers in computers and biology. Given its vast parallelism and high-density storage, DNA computing approaches are employed to solve many problems. DNA has also been explored as an excellent material and a fundamental building block for building large-scale nanostructures, constructing individual nano-mechanical devices, and performing computations. Molecular-scale autonomous programmable computers are demonstrated allowing both input and output information to be in molecular form. This paper presents a review of recent advancements in DNA computing and presents major achievements and challenges for researchers in the coming future

    Brain abscess caused by lactococcus lactis in a young male

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    Lactococcus lactis cremoris is one of the gram positive cocci, not known to be pathogenic in humans. We report a case of brain abscess due to lactococcus lactis in an adolescent. An 18-year male with congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries and dextrocardia was admitted with fever, headache and right-sided numbness. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a well circumscribed irregular heterogeneous abnormal signal intensity lesion in left temporo-parietal lobe having central area of diffusion restriction and peripheral wall enhancement on post-contrast images. He underwent mini-craniotomy for abscess drainage. Pus culture revealed growth of lactococcus lactis. He was treated with ceftriaxone and remained disability-free on six month follow-up. To our knowledge, this is one of the few reports of brain abscess caused by lactococcus lactis. Key Words: Brain abscess, Lactococcus lactis, Adolescent


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    In the title compound, C15H17ClN2O4S, the atoms in the hydantoin ring are coplanar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.006 Å). The crystal structure is stabilized by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds which link the mol­ecules into centrosymmetric dimers. The dihedral angle subtended by the 4-chloro­phenyl group with the plane passing through the hydantoin unit is 82.98 (4)°. The cyclo­hexyl ring adopts an ideal chair conformation


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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C15H17BrN2O4S, is stabilized by inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds which link the mol­ecules into centrosymmetric dimers. The dihedral angle subtended by the 4-bromo­phenyl group with the mean plane passing through the hydantoin unit is 83.29 (5)°. The cyclo­hexyl group adopts an ideal chair conformation with the methyl group in an equatorial position

    (2S)-Methyl 2-(4-chloro­benzene­sulfon­amido)-4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)butanoate

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    The enanti­omerically pure title compound, C12H16ClNO4S2, contains a pyramidal N atom with an S—N bond length of 1.6306 (15) Å. Mol­ecules are linked to form chains parallel to the a axis by classical N—H⋯O hydrogen bonding involving a sulfonyl O atom, supported by three weak C—H⋯X inter­actions. (X = S, O)

    Diagnostic accuracy of contrast enhanced MRI pelvis in differentiating indeterminate adnexal lesions into benign and malignant with histopathological correlation

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    Background: The objective of our study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging pelvis in differentiating indeterminate adnexal lesions into benign and malignant, while considering histopathological examinations as the gold standard.Methods: A total 880 patients who underwent contrast enhanced MRI pelvis in our institute from January 2014 to June 2016 were prospectively analyzed.Results: A total of 880 women were included in this study, of which 782 (88.8%) were younger than 50 years and 98 (11.1%) were older than 50 years. Mean patient age was 56.7 years and mean tumor size was 4.38 cm. There were 648 (73.60%) patients who had a tumor size of >4 cm, and 337 (38.29%) of these tumors were found to be malignant. Furthermore, tumors smaller than 4 cm in size were observed in 232 (26.36%) of patients, of which tumors in 225 (25.56%) patients were benign.Conclusions: The diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced MRI was found to be significantly high (79.65%) in differentiating indeterminate adnexal lesions into benign and malignant lesions

    Prevalence of gastric varices and results of sclerotherapy with N-butyl 2 cyanoacrylate for controlling acute gastric variceal bleeding.

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    Aim: To study the prevalence, predictors and control of bleeding following N-butyl 2 cyanoacrylate (NBC) sclerotherapy of gastric varix (GV). Methods: We analyzed case records of 1436 patients with portal hypertension, who underwent endoscopy during the past five years for variceal screening or upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Fifty patients with bleeding GV underwent sclerotherapy with a mean of 2 mL NBC for control of bleeding. Outcome parameters were primary hemostasis (bleeding control within the first 48 h), recurrent bleeding (after 48 h of esophagogastro-duodenoscopy) and in-hospital mortality were analyzed. Results: The prevalence of GV in patients with portal hypertension was 15% (220/1436) and the incidence of bleeding was 22.7% (50/220). Out of the 50 bleeding GV patients, isolated gastric varices (IGV-I) were seen in 22 (44%), gastro-oesophageal varices (GOV) on lesser curvature (GOV-Ⅰ) in 16 (32%), and GOV on greater curvature (GOV-Ⅱ) in 15 (30%). IGV-Ⅰ was seen in 44% (22/50) patients who had bleeding as compared to 23% (39/170) who did not have bleeding (P \u3c 0.003). Primary hemostasis was achieved with NBC in all patients. Re-bleeding occurred in 7 (14%) patients after 48 h of initial sclerotherapy. Secondary hemostasis was achieved with repeat NBC sclerotherapy in 4/7 (57%). Three patients died after repeat sclerotherapy, one during transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stem shunt (TIPSS), one during surgery and one due to uncontrolled bleeding. Treatment failure-related mortality rate was 6% (3/50). Conclusion: GV can be seen in 15% of patients with f patients with using the tissue adhesive agent butyl cyanoacrylate. Since then several authors have used different sclerosing agents to achieve hemostasis in bleeding gastric varices, including N-butyl-2 cyanoacrylate (histoacryl)[4,8], 2-octyl cyanoacrylate[9], ethanolamine oleate injection[10], gastric variceal banding[11], thrombin[12], sodium tetradecyl sulfate[13]. However, N-butyl 2 cyanoacrylate (NBC) is the only promising agent. Most reports on endoscopic treatment of bleeding gastric varices are small series, case reports, or retrospective reviews[14,15]. Not more than 1000 patients with bleeding GV have been treated with different sclerosing and coagulating agents. Cyanoacrylate injection can achieve primary hemostasis in 70% to 95% of patients with acute GV bleeding, with an early rebleeding rate ranging from 0% to 28% within 48 h[5,7,16]. Different doses of cyanoacrylate are used by different gastroenterologis ts[16,17]. Moreover, dilution ratio of NBC to lipoidal is different[18,19]. However, there is no consensus regarding effective dose and dilution of sclerosing agents. This study was to analyze patients with GV in order to establish predictors of bleeding GV, and the efficacy and safety of NBC in treatment of bleeding GV

    Investigando a degradação fotocatalítica aprimorada do azul de bromofenol usando nanopartículas de óxido de Estrôncio co-dopadas com Ni/Zn sintetizadas pelo método hidrotérmico

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    Excessive exposure of human to organic contaminants from industrial effluents calls for the implementation of effective pollutants removal techniques. This article investigates the photocatalytic degradation of bromophenol blue dye using Strontium oxide nanoparticles co-doped with Nickel and Zinc. Hydrothermal synthesis produced the nanoparticles, which were subsequently characterized using various analytical techniques. UV/Visible revealed absorption peaks at 294 nm, 306 nm, 311 nm, and 318 nm, while FTIR spectroscopy identified stretching peaks at 416 cm-1, 588 cm-1, and 856 cm-1 for Ni-O and Sr-O bonds. The nanoparticles displayed diameters ranging from 30.50 nm to 36.97 nm. EDX analysis confirmed the elemental composition, with Sr and O comprising of approximately 82.02 %, and Ni and Zn approximately 3.21%. Photocatalytic degradation experiments demonstrated that SrO nanoparticles 85.42% degradation efficiency, while co-doped SrO nanoparticles achieved an impressive 97.97% degradation efficiency. This work highlights the potential co-doped SrO nanoparticles as a promising solution for the efficient removal of organic pollutants from the industrial wastewater, addressing environment contamination concerns.La exposición humana excesiva a los contaminantes orgánicos de los efluentes industriales requiere la implementación de técnicas efectivas de eliminación de contaminantes. Este artículo investiga la degradación fotocatalítica del colorante azul de bromofenol utilizando nanopartículas de óxido de estroncio co-dopadas con níquel y zinc. La síntesis hidrotermal produjo las nanopartículas, que luego se caracterizaron utilizando diversas técnicas analíticas. UV/Visible reveló picos de absorción a 294 nm, 306 nm, 311 nm y 318 nm, mientras que la espectroscopia FTIR identificó picos de elongación a 416 cm-1, 588 cm-1 y 856 cm-1 para Ni-O y Sr- Los títulos. Las nanopartículas tenían diámetros que oscilaban entre 30,50 nm y 36,97 nm. El análisis EDX confirmó la composición elemental, con Sr y O comprendiendo aproximadamente el 82,02 %, y Ni y Zn aproximadamente el 3,21 %. Los experimentos de degradación fotocatalítica mostraron que las nanopartículas de SrO mostraron una eficiencia de degradación del 85,42 %, mientras que las nanopartículas de SrO co-dopadas lograron una impresionante eficiencia de degradación del 97,97 %. Este trabajo destaca las posibles nanopartículas de SrO co-dopadas como una solución prometedora para la eliminación eficiente de contaminantes orgánicos de las aguas residuales industriales, abordando los problemas de contaminación ambiental.A exposição excessiva de humanos a contaminantes orgânicos de efluentes industriais exige a implementação de técnicas eficazes de remoção de poluentes. Este artigo investiga a degradação fotocatalítica do corante azul de bromofenol usando nanopartículas de óxido de Estrôncio co-dopadas com Níquel e Zinco. A síntese hidrotérmica produziu as nanopartículas, que foram posteriormente caracterizadas usando várias técnicas analíticas. UV/Visível revelou picos de absorção em 294 nm, 306 nm, 311 nm e 318 nm, enquanto a espectroscopia FTIR identificou picos de alongamento em 416 cm-1, 588 cm-1 e 856 cm-1 para Ni-O e Sr-O títulos. As nanopartículas apresentaram diâmetros variando de 30,50 nm a 36,97 nm. A análise EDX confirmou a composição elementar, com Sr e O compreendendo aproximadamente 82,02%, e Ni e Zn aproximadamente 3,21%. Experimentos de degradação fotocatalítica demonstraram que as nanopartículas de SrO apresentam 85,42% de eficiência de degradação, enquanto as nanopartículas de SrO co-dopadas alcançaram uma impressionante eficiência de degradação de 97,97%. Este trabalho destaca os potenciais nanopartículas de SrO co-dopadas como uma solução promissora para a remoção eficiente de poluentes orgânicos de águas residuais industriais, abordando as preocupações de contaminação do meio ambiente


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    In the title compound, C10H9FN2O2, the dihedral angle between the hydantoin unit and the benzene ring is 65.55 (5)°. The atoms in the hydantoin ring are coplanar, with a mean deviation of 0.015 Å and a maximum deviation of 0.075 (2) Å for one carbonyl O atom. N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into one-dimensional chains, with one carbonyl group acting as a bifurcated acceptor and the other accepting no hydrogen bonds

    Occurrence of toxigenic fungi in maize and maize-gluten meal from Pakistan

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    The present study was designed to isolate and identify toxigenic mycoflora of maize and maize-gluten meal. A total of 82 samples of maize and 8 samples of maize-gluten meal were collected from Faisalabad district of Pakistan over a period of two years. These samples were inoculated on different culture media. Fungal contamination of maize and maize-gluten was 56% and 75% of samples, respectively. Isolation frequencies of different genera isolated from maize were Aspergillus 33%; Penicillium 28%; Fusarium 10%; and Alternaria 1%. Isolation frequency among species was maximum for P. verrucosum, followed by A. niger aggregates, A. ochraceous, A. flavus, P. chrysogenum, A. parasiticus, A. carbonarius, Fusarium spp. and Alternaria spp. Relative density of Aspergillus isolates was maximum for A. niger aggregates and A. ochraceous (30% each) followed by A. flavus (26%), A. parasiticus (11%) and A. carbonarius (3%). Percentage of toxigenic fungi among Aspergillus isolates was 52%. Aflatoxigenic isolates of A. flavus and A. parasiticus were 43 and 67% and ochratoxigenic isolates of A. carbonarius, A. ochraceous and A. niger aggregates were 100, 63 and 38%, respectively. Aspergillus parasiticus produced higher concentrations of AFB1 (maximum 1374.23 ng g-1) than A. flavus (maximum 635.50 ng g-1). Ochratoxin A production potential of A. ochraceous ranged from 1.81 to 9523.1 ng g-1, while in A. niger aggregates it was 1.30 to 1758.6 ng g-1. Isolation frequencies of fungal genera from maize-gluten meal were Aspergillus (63%) and Penicillium (50%). A. flavus was the most frequently isolated species. Percentage of toxigenic fungi among Aspergillus isolates was 40%. Aflatoxigenic isolates of A. flavus were 33% and ochratoxigenic isolates of A. ochraceous were 100%