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    Pulau Kaget merupakan sebuah delta yang terletak di muara Sungai Barito Kabupaten Barito Kuala. Pulau ini masih dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut dengan bentuk geomorfologi pulau yang landai sehingga memungkinkan Pulau Kaget menjadi habitat tempat tumbuhnya vegetasi mangrove. Aktivitas Sungai Barito sebagai jalur tranportasi laut, pembuangan limbah alami partikel biotik maupun non-biotik serta faktor lingkungan lainnya seperti sedimentasi dapat mengancam pertumbuhan vegetasi mangrove di sekitarnya sehingga dapat berdampak pada kesehatan vegetasi mangrove di Pulau Kaget. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk melihat kondisi kesehatan mangrove melalui penutupan kanopi atau kerapatan tajuk menggunakan metode Hemispherical Photography dan Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Analisis kesehatan vegetasi mangrove mengacu pada Estimasi Kerapatan Tajuk oleh Badan Informasi Geospasial 2014 dan Pedoman Inventarisasi dan Identifikasi Lahan Kritis Mangrove oleh Departemen Kehutanan tahun 2005 yang diolah menggunakan metode Sistem Inormasi Geografis (SIG). Berdasarkan hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa vegetasi mangrove dengan kelas lebat sebesar 26,703 Ha pada HP dan 29,453 pada NDVI, vegetasi mangrove kelas sedang sebesar 4,133 Ha pada HP dan 1,383 Ha pada NDVI dengan total luas kajian 30,836 Ha dengan nilai akurasi keseluruhan 83,33% dan akurasi kappa 65,38%. Secara keseluruhan kesehatan mangrove di Pulau Kaget memiliki status lebat atau baik. Kaget Island is a delta located at the mouth of the Barito River, Barito Kuala Regency. This island is still influenced by the tides and the sloping geomorphology of the island allows Kaget Island to become a habitat for mangrove vegetation to grow. The activity of the Barito River as a sea transportation route, disposal of natural waste, biotic and non-biotic particles and other environmental factors such as sedimentation can threaten the growth of mangrove vegetation in the vicinity so that it can have an impact on the health of mangrove vegetation on Pulau Kaget. This research was conducted to determine the health condition of mangroves through canopy closure or canopy density using Hemispherical Photography and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) methods. The analysis of the health of mangrove vegetation refers to the Head Density Estimation by the Geospatial Information Agency 2014 and the Guidelines for Inventory and Identification of Critical Mangrove Land by the Ministry of Forestry in 2005 which were processed using the Geographic Information System (GIS) method. Based on the results of the analysis showed that mangrove vegetation with dense class was 26,703 Ha on HP and 29,453 on NDVI, medium class mangrove vegetation was 4,133 Ha on HP and 1,383 Ha on NDVI with a total study area of ​​30.836 Ha with an overall accuracy value of 83.33% and accuracy kappa 65.38%. Overall, the health of the mangroves on Pulau Kaget has a dense or good status. &nbsp

    Pengembangan Kompetensi Komunikasi dan Pemahaman Konseptual Matematis Siswa melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah di SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan kompetensi komunikasi dan pemahaman konseptual matematis siswa dalam materi fungsi komposisi melalui pembelajaran berbasis masalah (PBM). Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif analitis yang berorientasi pada pemecahan masalah. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh: (1) kompetensi komunikasi matematis siswa dalam materi fungsi komposisi sebelum diberikan pembelajaran berbasis masalah tergolong rendah yaitu 24,7%; (2) pemahaman konseptual matematis siswa dalam materi fungsi komposisi sebelum diberikan pembelajaran berbasis masalah tergolong rendah yaitu 58%; (3) kompetensi komunikasi matematis siswa dalam materi fungsi komposisi setelah diberikan pembelajaran berbasis masalah tergolong sedang yaitu 68,3% dengan kriteria siswa dapat: (a) menyatakan ide matematika dalam bentuk gambar; (b) menyatakan ide matematika dalam bentuk simbol; dan (c) menyatakan ide matematika dalam bentuk verbal; dan (4) pemahaman konseptual matematis siswa dalam materi fungsi komposisi setelah diberikan pembelajaran berbasis masalah tergolong sedang yaitu 78,3%, dengan kriteria siswa dapat: (a) menunjukkan sebuah contoh dan non contoh suatu konsep fungsi; (b) mengembangkan syarat perlu dan syarat cukup dari suatu konsep; dan (c) menerapkan prinsip-prinsip yang dibangun dari hubungan antar konsep. Kata Kunci: PBM, Kompetensi Komunikasi, Pemahaman Konseptual Abctract: The purpose of this study is to develop communication competence and mathematical conceptual understanding of students in the material of composition functions through problem-based learning (PBL). The method used are descriptive analytical research oriented on problem solving. The results obtained are: (1) the students's mathematical communications competence in the material of composition function before being given a problem-based learning is still relatively low about 24,7%; (2) students' mathematical conceptual understanding in the material of composition function before being given a problem-based learning is still relatively low about 58%; (3) the students' mathematical communication competence in the material composition functions after being given the problem-based learning relatively average about 68,3% with student criteria: (a) can express mathematical idea in the form of an image; (b) can express mathematical idea in the form of symbols; and (c) can express mathematical idea into verbal form; and (4) students' mathematical conceptual understanding in the material of composition function after being given mathematical problem-based learning is relatively average about 78,3% and students may: (a) show an example and non-example of a concept of function; (b) develop the necessary and sufficient condition of a concept; and (c) apply the principles that are built on the relationship between concepts

    Penerapan Conceptual Change Text Berbantuan Phet Simulation Untuk Meremediasi Miskonsepsi Fluida Dinamis Di SMA

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    In this study, the effect of conceptual change text (CCT) with PhET simulation to remediate students' misconceptions of fluid dynamic at SMA was investigated. Quasi-experimental with non-equivalent control group design was used which involved 62 eleventh grade students. This study was made of into two groups. Experimental group (N=29) were given CCT with PhET simulation, whereas the control group (N=33) were given re-test. Nine open-ended multiple-choice questions concerning fluid dynamic were used as data collection tool. The results showed experimental group's average of decreasing students' misconceptions (59,58%) were higher than control group (15,57%), and caused differences between both of groups that were proved by two-sample proportions test, Zscore (2,08) > Ztable (1,96). In the other hand, decreasing quantity of that misconception (DQM) value showed CCT with PhET simulation more effective than re-test to remediate students' misconceptions about fluid dynamic. It determined that CCT with PhET simulation could be alternative to remediate students' misconceptions

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Sfe untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Aktivitas Fisika Siswa di SMA

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    This research aimed to: find out the increase of learning outcomes and student activities by applying the learning model of SFE (Student Facilitator and Explaining) on the ideal gas in the grade XI of Natural Science major of State Senior High School 1 Sungai Ambawang. This research was a classroom action research which consisted of two cycles with the the stages as follows: planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects of this research were 28 students. The data were collected through observations and description tests. The results of observations showed that the student learning activities increased from the first to the second cycle, i.e. in the form of asking questions from 14.29% to 21.43%, answering questions from 17.86% to 21.43%, expressing opinions from 28.57% to 35.71%, and taking note/summarizing the teaching material from 96.43% to 100%. The results of the research indicated an average improvement of learning outcomes in the first cycle by 36.39 with a completeness of 78.57%, and in the second cycle by 58.53 with a completeness of 85.71%

    Remediasi Miskonsepsi Peserta Didik SMP Tentang Cermin Datar Menggunakan Strategi Prediction,observation, And Explanation

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    This research aimed to know the effect of remediating the student's misconceptions about the light reflection on flat mirror using Prediction, Observation, and Explanation (POE) strategy in class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Rasau Jaya. It uses pre-experimental design which formed one group-pretest posttest design. The research involved 31 students. Base on the remediation profile of misconception obtained the difference between pre-test and post-test (46,8%). The average of misconception change for the whole items base on McNemar test that obtained its result is that x2hitung (10,86) > x2tabel (3,84). Besides, the remediation effectiveness uses the obtained POE strategy of Cohen's Efffect size (2,5). So that it is obtained the conclusion that the remediation using POE strategy influenced on solving the students misconceptions on flat mirror. The result is expected to be an alternative in efforts to remediate misconceptions who get by the students

    Strategi Scaffolding Berbasis Multirepresentasi untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Pemahaman Konseptual Siswa dalam Operasi Pecahan di SMP

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    This research aims to overcome the students' difficulties of conceptual understanding of mathematics by using scaffolding strategy based-multi representation in addition and substraction of fractions at seventh grade students of SMPN 13 school year 2014/2015. This research method used is descriptive analysis which is oriented on students problem solving in learning addition and substraction of fractions. The subjects of this research are 3 students at grade VII F of SMPN 13 Pontianak that represent in each ZPD (high, medium, low). The result of data analysis showedthatafterthe implementation ofscaffoldingstrategiesbased-multirepresentation, eachresearch subjectcouldget through theZPDandthe mistakesmade incompletingthe pre-test can beminimized(Viewedfrompost-test)
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