15 research outputs found

    Humanizing Pedagogy: Minimizing Negative Teacher Talking Time on the Teaching of English Language as a Foreign Language

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    The study aims at studying minimizing negative teacher talking time as a tool of humanizing teaching English language as foreign language in Saudi Arabia context. The study accentuates the variety conceptual perspective of teaching talking time and its main causes. The study is based on quasi-experiment method and 50 students were divided into two groups; one group taught through minimizing teacher talking time and maximizing student teacher talking time interactively, whereas, the other group is taught deductively. The study found out that minimizing teacher talking time and maximizing student’s time talking time enhance humanization sense of learning English language among Saudi learners and it promotes interactive motivational sense among the learners. The experimental group students’ outcomes revealed positive gains through maximizing student talking time and positive interactive English practice in English classroom. This study is one of the forerunner studies which play a salient role in shed lighting on the importance of humanizing teaching English in Saudi Arabia context through minimizing teacher talking time. The study recommends that teaching English language should be based on learner centeredness relying on minimizing negative teacher talking time and maximizing student talking time through using pedagogic techniques and strategies. Keywords: Teacher talking time, negative teacher talking time, positive  teacher talking time efficiency, humanization . DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/77-07 Publication date:March 31st 2021

    Scaffolding Strategy and Customized Instruction Efficiency in Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Context of Saudi Arabia

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    This study investigates how to teach English in optimal way using scaffolding, consideration of the learners’ needs and preference in the context of Saudi Arabia. The study entails the role of scaffolding strategy, personification, differentiation, individualization and customization in maximizing teaching English’s quality and facilitation of learning process. The study is based on descriptive approach and the researchers use a questionnaire as an instrument of data collection. The findings of the study have revealed that using scaffolding and implementing customized instructions in teaching English in Saudi Arabia context maximizes teaching’s quality, grasp learners’ awareness and interactivity. The study recommends that customized instruction and customized syllabus should be implemented in English class in Saudi Arabia, Keywords: customization, differentiation, personification, individualization, scaffolding, efficiency DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/77-05 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Customization and Contextual Teaching Approach Efficiency in Promoting English Proficiency among Saudi EFL Learners

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    This study investigated the proper implementation of customization and contextual teaching approach in fostering English proficiency among King Khalid University’s students studying English as an intensive course. The study aims to implement customization and contextual teaching approach in teaching the English language as an intensive course at King Khalid University and inculcate the tendency to activate updated teaching approaches to assimilate Saudi learners’ attention in English class. To achieve the aim of the study, the researcher employed the descriptive analytic method. The subjects of the study consisted of 50 EFL teachers drawn from King Khalid University. The study showed that customization and contextual teaching approach grasp Saudi students’ attention, satisfy their needs and preferences, and consider their learning styles.  Moreover, the study has concluded that the students’ needs, preferences, and learning styles are the milestone of the learning process's success. The study concluded that consideration of students’ needs, preferences, learning styles and correlating them to social life setting play a crucial role in facilitating learning the English language

    Evaluation of English Textbook Taught as an Intensive English Course at King Khalid University from Communicative Competence Perspective

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    The study investigates the communicative proficiency skills and content's suitability in Unlock textbook. The study adopts a descriptive analytic method, student questionnaire, and teacher interview as an instrument of data collection. The findings of the study have revealed that Unlock textbook is a well-designed textbook activating the basic interpersonal communicative skills and cognitive proficiency aspect in terms of academic English language, applying critical thinking skills, and providing students with suitable communicative proficiency and academic skills. Nonetheless, it consumes lots of time in using video exercises as warming ups and it is based on problem solving approach which contrasts students' learning process' familiarity approach which is based on rote learning. The study recommends that Video exercises in Unlock should be reduced to one exercise, critical thinking should be integrated with the skills as reflection, and Unlock one should be composed of phonological awareness lessons to provide students with reading remedial classes

    Nexus Analysis as a Tool for Investigation of Digital Literacy and Digital Competency in Using LMS Labeled to Unlock Textbook Taught at King Khalid University

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    This study investigates digital literacy and digital competency in using LMS among KKU students studying English as an intensive English course. The study is based on using nexus analysis. This study adopts a descriptive-analytical method, and the main instrument used for collecting data is a questionnaire for teachers to investigate how students can use LMS to do their homework and activities related to Unlock textbooks. The study's findings have revealed that most students use LMS professionally but feel bored because of lengthy tasks, exercises and activities which consume a long time. In addition, most of the activities, tasks and exercises do not match the textbook unit contents. The study recommends that Cambridge LMS should be loaded with tasks, exercises and activities matching the unit content, and they should not be lengthy

    Evaluation of Teaching English Grammar Methods from Focus on Form Instruction Perspective on Unlock Textbook

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    The study investigates the evaluation of teaching English grammar methods implemented in the teaching grammar section in Unlock textbook and investigates how frequently different types of focus on the form used in teaching grammar in an intensive English course at King Khalid University can enable students to develop linguistic accuracy. Observation is conducted as an instrument of data collection. The findings of the study have revealed that teaching English grammar in Unlock textbook using an inductive approach is pedagogically effective and applying the reactive type of focus on form raises attention to linguistic forms and maximizes accuracy in writing. The study recommends that English teachers should teach grammar using an inductive approach and learner centeredness and English teachers should give students excessive practice on focus on form with meaning

    English Language Anxiety and Stress among Saudi Students in the First Year at College of Sciences and Arts in Dharan Aljanoob

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    This study investigates English language anxiety and stress among Saudi students in the First Year in College of Sciences and Arts in Dharan Aljanoub who study an English intensive course. It demonstrates the major causes of language anxiety and stress in English class. The study is based on descriptive analytical approach. The researchers used a student questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The study aims at eradicating and reducing English language anxiety and stress among Saudi students studying an English intensive course at College of Sciences and Arts in Dharan Aljanoub. The study concludes that fresh students feel anxious of making mistakes in English class and they scare of their colleagues’ jest comments. The study recommends that making mistakes in English class is familiar and part of learning process and students are recommended to learn that all the students and the teachers are learners and colleagues’ jest comments should not affect learning process

    Spoken English Production and Speech Reception Processes from Sentence Structure Perspective

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    This study aims to accentuate spoken production and speech reception regarding sentence formation. The study demonstrates the spoken production models such as Fromkin's Five Stage Model, The Bock and Levelt Model, Fromkin's Five Stage Model, Parallel –Processing Models and The Dell Model. It also states communicative problems strategies and many types of errors and mistakes relatively common in normal speech production, such as spoonerisms and speech errors. The study entails speech perception and how spoken language is perceived through linearity, segmentation, speaker normalization, and the basic unit of speech perception

    Teacher Talk and Learner Involvement in EFL Classroom: The Case of Saudi Setting

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    This study investigates the maximum output of minimizing teacher talk and activating classroom interactivity in teaching English as a foreign language in light of 21st-century skills.  It focuses on the self-evaluation of teacher talk (SETT model) and classroom interactional competence (CIC) that guides the teachers to use interaction as a tool to give their learners enough learning opportunities. Teacher talking time is analyzed from a dualistic perspective, quantity and quality. The classroom interaction's analysis is based on the micro contexts and the pedagogic aspects. This research is conducted with a qualitative approach and content analysis method. The data source is the recording of ten English classes at the college of sciences and arts in Dhahran Aljanoub, King Khalid University (KKU). The study's findings have revealed that instructors dominate talking in English class and pose questions to students to minimise teacher talking time, and the most interactional features are based on displaying questions and teachers' domination of English classroom discourse

    The Effectiveness of English Club as Free Voluntary Speaking Activity Strategy in Fostering Speaking Skill in Saudi Arabia Context

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    This study investigates the significance of English club in fostering speaking skill in Saudi Arabia context. It hypothesizes that Saudi university students are enthusiastic to learn authentic English and English club as free voluntary speaking activity with low anxiety assists Saudi university students practice English joyfully. This study aims at identifying the advantages of activating English club in promoting speaking skill and raising university English teachers’ awareness of the importance of using it. The study method used was the descriptive analytic method. The study concludes that English club assists Saudi students be free from language anxiety and traditional boring routine classroom activities , it helps them practice speaking English joyfully and English club fosters critical thinking , persuasive and argumentative skills among students. It recommends that English club should be scheduled as the essential part of a course in the semester not as academic activity, English club should conduct remedial classes concerning speaking strategies and skills which assist students communicate tactfully and the native speakers should help conduct the English club in order to create realistic language context in terms of phonological aspect