1,965 research outputs found
A filozófia, a vallás és a tudomány viszonya az ókori Kínában, az újonnan felfedezett írásos források tükrében = The relation of ancient Chinese philosophy, religion and science as reflected in the recently discovered written sources
A 2002 és 2005 között zajló kutatás számos eredményt hozott. Ezek egy részét már publikáltuk különféle hazai és nemzetközi szakfolyóiratokban, szakkönyvekben, más részét pedig a közeljövőben kívánjuk közzétenni. Munkánk során bebizonyosodott, hogy az újonnan felfedezett írott források jelentős mennyiségű új információt nyújtanak a kínai gondolkodás különféle aspektusainak, illetve azok egymáshoz való viszonyának vizsgálatához. A kutatás feltárta az ókori kínai filozófia, vallás és tudomány számos, eddig ismeretlen régióját, és a gondolkodás e területeinek sok lényeges összefüggését. Kutatásaink egyik fontos eredménye, hogy sikerült olyan, eddig ismeretlen természetfilozófiai teóriákat rekonstruálnunk, amelyek jól kimutathatóan szoros, és intenzív kölcsönhatásban álltak a gondolkodás különféle területeivel. Ezen természetfilozófiai teóriák közé több kozmogóniai és kozmológiai elképzelés tartozik. A szóban forgó elképzelések feltárása lehetővé tette számunkra egyebek mellett a korabeli tudomány jobb megértését, megismerését. Jelentős eredménynek tekintjük, hogy sikerült minden eddiginél pontosabban meghatároznunk a korabeli gondolkodás számos fontos fogalmát, sikerült feltérképeznünk több, gondolkodástörténeti szempontból alapvető jelentőségű terminus jelentéstartalmát. Ez a munka szintén rávilágított a korabeli filozófia, vallás és tudomány számos kapcsolódási pontjára. Kutatásaink sok eredményt hoztak az ókori Kína vallási elképzeléseinek és mitológiájának tanulmányozása terén is. Sikerült rávilágítanunk a népi vallásosság (sámánizmus, exorcizmus), és a gondolkodás más területeinek több fontos összefüggésére. | Our research carried out between 2002 and 2005 has led to several conclusions. Some parts of our research results have already been published, some will be published in the near future. Our work has clearly demonstrated that the recently discovered written sources provide a huge quantity of new information for the research of various aspects of the ancient Chinese thinking and of the relationship between these aspects. The research has revealed many important and so far unknown theories and overlappings of the ancient Chinese philosophy, religion and science. One important result of our research is that we have reconstructed several previously unknown theories of natural philosophy which were in intensive interaction with several fields of the thinking of the time. Among these theories of natural philosophy there are several cosmogonical and cosmological ones. We are convinced that the reconstruction of these theories has led us to a better understanding of the ancient Chinese science. At the same time we have explored the scope of meaning of several important terms of the ancient Chinese thinking. This work has also shed light on many linkages of the philosophy, religion and science of the period. Our work has yield lots of results also in the research of the fields of mythology and religion. The team has discovered many connections between the popular religion (shamanism, exorcism etc.) and other fields of the thinking of the period
Quality of functional movement patterns and injury examination in elite-level male professional football players
The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of functional movement patterns among one of Hungary’s first league soccer clubs, where the elite male football players (N = 20) utilize the well-established Functional Movement Screen™ (FMS) system; a comprehensive functional program designed to determine and identify the quality of movement and the greatest risk factors for non-contact injuries. Furthermore, an additional purpose of this program is to examine injuries over the course of 6 competitive months. Focusing on the mechanisms of injuries and their causes in the lower extremities during this period is one of the key objectives. Over the course of 6 months we found significant differences between ankle injuries and the FMS Hurdle Step exercise (p < 0.05), and the FMS Deep Squat exercise and knee and hip injuries (p < 0.05). The FMS pre-screening system found lower limb asymmetry present in 40% of the participants. The authors believe that the importance of preventative measures and structural sport specific pre-screening cannot be overemphasized, and that there is a growing need for further transparent research in this field in order to be more effective with regard to programs dedicated to injury prevention and the enhancement players’ physical performance
Developing The Organized Village of Kasaan's Strategic Energy Plan
The overall goal of this project is to create a Tribal Energy Action Plan that will serve as the TribeâÂÂs blueprint for creating long term energy selfâÂÂsufficiency. The Plan will be developed with input from a committed group of key stakeholders and landowners in the area, will be based on sound data and research, and will address both âÂÂsupplyâÂÂsideâ options of the development of sustainable energy sources, as well as âÂÂdemand-sideâ options for reducing energy consumption. The resulting plan will include defined comprehensive energy strategies and built upon a baseline assessment of where the Tribe currently is in terms of alternative and renewable energy activities; a vision of where the Tribe wants to go; and an action plan of how the Tribe will reach its vision including the identification of viable energy options based on the long-term strategic plan of the Tribe
Photon-number distributions of twin beams generated in spontaneous parametric down-conversion and measured by an intensified CCD camera
The measurement of photon-number statistics of fields composed of photon
pairs, generated in spontaneous parametric down-conversion and detected by an
intensified CCD camera is described. Final quantum detection efficiencies,
electronic noises, finite numbers of detector pixels, transverse intensity
spatial profiles of the detected beams as well as losses of single photons from
a pair are taken into account in a developed general theory of photon-number
detection. The measured data provided by an iCCD camera with single-photon
detection sensitivity are analyzed along the developed theory. Joint
signal-idler photon-number distributions are recovered using the reconstruction
method based on the principle of maximum likelihood. The range of applicability
of the method is discussed. The reconstructed joint signal-idler photon-number
distribution is compared with that obtained by a method that uses superposition
of signal and noise and minimizes photoelectron entropy. Statistics of the
reconstructed fields are identified to be multi-mode Gaussian. Elements of the
measured as well as the reconstructed joint signal-idler photon-number
distributions violate classical inequalities. Sub-shot-noise correlations in
the difference of the signal and idler photon numbers as well as partial
suppression of odd elements in the distribution of the sum of signal and idler
photon numbers are observed.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure
Production Technology and Competitiveness In the Hungarian Manufacturing Industry
Following the big transformations of the 1990s, enterprise structure and technological level seem to
have become stabilised in Hungary. Under these circumstances it is especially interesting to identify
the elements responsible for competitiveness in general, and the role technology plays in development
in particular, according to managers experienced in production and marketing. This empirical
study – based on in-depth interviews and field research – summarises characteristics of the technological
level in the sectors examined, role of technology and labour in production, effects of foreign
direct investment, relations between competition and firm-level factors determining competitiveness,
and concludes by summing up those most frequently mentioned proposals that should be incorporated
into economic policy according to managers. Main findings indicate that more qualified,
more intensive and cheaper labour can be substituted for high technology. The competitiveness of an
enterprise is not determined by technology alone, but rather by a combination of technology, the parameters
of available labour and the costs of investment increasing productivity. The insufficiency
of inter-company relations, together with a shortage of available assets necessary for investment
constitute the major threat undermining the competitiveness of enterprises in present-day Hungary
Pre-Excitation Studies for Rubidium-Plasma Generation
The key element in the Proton-Driven-Plasma-Wake-Field-Accelerator (AWAKE)
project is the generation of highly uniform plasma from Rubidium vapor. The
standard way to achieve full ionization is to use high power laser which can
assure the over-barrier-ionization (OBI) along the 10 meters long active
region. The Wigner-team in Budapest is investigating an alternative way of
uniform plasma generation. The proposed Resonance Enhanced Multi Photon
Ionization (REMPI) scheme probably can be realized by much less laser power. In
the following the resonant pre-excitations of the Rb atoms are investigated,
theoretically and the status report about the preparatory work on the
experiment are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res.
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