9 research outputs found

    Determination of Aflatoxin Levels in Groundnuts: A Comparative Study between Domestic and Imported Seed Supplies in Libya

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    The production of high-quality seeds presents a significant challenge for small-scale farmers in Libya. These farmers often face difficulties with storing their own seeds, encountering issues such as storage fungi and aflatoxin contamination. Aflatoxins, known to cause various human and animal health problems, are prevalent contaminants in groundnut seeds during storage, primarily produced by Aspergillusflavus and Aspergillusparasiticus fungi. This study compares aflatoxin levels between locally sourced and imported groundnut seeds. Samples were procured from the local market in Tripoli, Libya, and aflatoxins were extracted and identified using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) with Silica gel. The findings reveal higher aflatoxin levels in local samples compared to imported groundnut seeds. Various factors influence aflatoxin levels, and the detected levels surpass European Union standards. To address this, regulatory measures or awareness campaigns among local farmers are recommended to ensure quality and sustainability in groundnut cultivation in Libya

    Vulvovaginal Candidiasis In Pregnant Women

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    This study aims to analyzing demographic data of patients,isolate and identify Candida species, which causes vaginal infections, and a study of its prevalence among pregnant women in Sorman city, Libya.210 specimens collected from patients admitted to the Maternity Care Center in the combined clinic. carried immediately to the Microbiology Laboratory in the National Cancer Institute, Subrata, Libya for direct microscopy, culturing, and characterization. Each participant was given an interview questionnaire and asked about their age, educational level, employment position, and history of recurrent vaginal yeast infection. Chronic diseases were also listed on the data collecting form.Identification of Candida species using Chrome agar: A total of 100 isolates have been recovered in this study, of which 72 isolates were obtained as pure cultures on Chrome agar medium. According to their color on Chrome agar, these 72 colonies were categorized to 5 main species namely Candida albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, and C. tropicalis. Genotypic identification of Candida species in this investigation was validated by the ITS tree. Eight strains from this investigation were found in the Candida albicans clade, which had a high bootstrap value of 99 percent ML/99 percent MP. These were therefore identified as Candida albicans., Within the Candida glabrata clade, three isolates were grouped together, demonstrating a strong support value of 99% ML/99%MP. These strains were recognized as belonging to the C. glabrata species, while one isolate was recognized as belonging to the C. tropicalis species, with a high support value of 99% ML/99%MP


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    There is a direct relationship between climate change and carob seed germination, particularly in areas where carob is native, such as Libya. It is important to study the germination process and response of carob seeds to the anticipated temperature increase. Information regarding the general effects of rising global temperatures on seed germination is currently scarce. By investigating the ecophysiology of germination performance in carob, a sclerophyllous Mediterranean species, this work seeks to close this information gap. The study concentrated on a wild carob genotype that was cultivated in Balagrae, Al-Bayda, in the Libyan region of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar. The primary goals were to examine the germination responses of seeds from various individual trees at the same site and evaluate the impact of anticipated temperature change on carob seed germination characteristics. This study is the first to document the relationship between temperature rise in the Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar region and carob seed germination. However, given the eco-physiological features, more investigation is required to completely comprehend how carob seed germination reacts to projected temperature rise on a bigger scale. The consequences of rising global temperatures on seed germination in general are not well understood. We can forecast potential changes in flora as a result of climate change and improve our understanding of C. siliqua's distribution by gathering data on the factors influencing carob seed germination. It is acknowledged that carob is a natural species in the Mediterranean area. It is clear that several tree species with a broad regional distribution, such as carob, have evolved unique geographic variants. These differences correlate with physiological characteristics such growth season duration, photoperiod requirements, and resistance to cold, drought, and illnesses. These mutations have adapted to certain habitats through natural selection throughout time, which makes them less successful when transferred to other ecosystems. Via the seeds, these genetic variations are inherited. In the event that local seeds are unavailable, it is therefore advantageous to use seeds from a source close by or from a region with a comparable climate and latitude. Furthermore, three different trees' seeds from the same site were the subject of our investigation. Expanding the study to include more trees from both the same and different places might be beneficial. As seen by variations in growth rate, wood density, turpentine yield, and other characteristics, even trees of the same species growing near to one another can differ genetically and physiologically. The fact that these characteristics are frequently passed down through seeds to progeny highlights how crucial it is to choose seed trees for nursery planting with care. Superior trees usually produce heterozygous offspring with a variety of advantageous features

    Examining the Health Benefits of Olive Oil: A Review Tailored to the Libyan Setting

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    The health benefits from olive oil are now a fact backed via laboratory experiments rather than a scientific hypothesis, epidemiological and clinical evidence. Plenty of epidemiological studies have correlatedthat the consumption of olive oil was associated with better overall health. In recent years, remarkable studies have been carried out to show the possible use of olive oil and derivatives for improvement of both animal performance and product quality. More Olive oils are produced and consumed in Libya. This review highlighted the most recent advances of medicinal value of olive oil', furthermore; this review explores the most significant attributes of olive oil in health and pharmaceutical applications. For instance, reduced pure olive oil considerably lowers the risk of cholesterol- related and other vascular diseases. Also exhibits excellent pharmaceutical properties for curingoxidative damage linked to cancerand neurodegenerativediseases. Invivo application of olive oil and its derived products has shown to maintain oxidative balance owing to its polyphenolic content. In addition, this review highlights the medicinal, nutritional and food benefit of olive oil