15 research outputs found

    Qiṣṣat Yūsuf

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    The Táríkh-i-jadíd : or, New history of Mírzá ʻAlí Muhammad the Báb /

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    "Persian text of Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel's narrative": 26 p. at end.Appendices: Abridgement of omitted digressions. II. Hájí Mírzá Jání's history. III. Translation of Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel's narrative. IV. Texts and translations of original documents.Mode of access: Internet

    [Dīvān-i Zakī Hamadānī, 1240?, i.e. 1825?].

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    Worn, acephalous copy of a selection of poetry, possibly from the Dīvān of Zakī Hamadānī (see Āghā Buzurg al-Ṭihrānī, no.2352). Contribution to the cataloguing from Hossein Mottaghi.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 366Origin: As appears in colophon at close, copied by ("nammaqahu [?]...") one ʻAbd al-Rashīd ...[?] with transcription completed in Ramaḍān 1240 [?] [April-May 1825, or April-May 1140, 1725 ?].Accompanying materials: Folded slip of paper with notes in blue ink in hand of G. Meredith-Owens "366 A Dīvān, probably that of Amīr Khusraw of Delhi (but I should need rapid copies of some folios to verify this). 19th century - the paper suggests India."Former shelfmark: "426 T. De M. [i.e. Tammaro De Marinis]" inscribed in pencil on interior of upper cover.Binding: Red-brown (see turn-ins) coarse-grained leather lined in untinted laid paper (limp binding) ; Type III binding (without flap), two piece binding (seam of overlapping flanges visible at spine) ; upper and lower covers carry blind-tooled border in a series of s-shaped stamps ; sewn in lime green thread, two stations ; endbands virtually gone, though core of headband remains ; overall in somewhat poor condition with abrasion, moisture damage, staining, spine curved and fore edge protruding, etc.Support: non-European laid (likely Indian or Persian) paper with 9 laid lines per cm. (vertical, quite distinct) and no chain lines clearly visible, well-burnished, sturdy, and fairly transluscent though stained a dark brown.Decoration: Keywords (mainly in margins at end of each line) and section headings rubricated ; races of once "gold" (now gone to green) cloud-bands on opening leaf (facing now lost incipit page) ; written area surrounded by frame consisting of "gold" band defined by black fillets with outermost light blue fillet, columns within and margin defined by narrow "gold" bands outlined by black fillets.Script: Shikastah (shikastah-nastaʻlīq / شكسته نستعليق ) ; elegant hand ; serifless, with effect of words descending to baseline, closed counters, and elongated 'horizontal' strokes.Layout: Written in 14 lines per page, mainly divided to two columns; frame-ruled.Collation: VI-1 (7), 7 IV(63), III (69), 4 IV(101), III (107) ; almost exclusively quaternions with two ternions ; final leaf left blank ; catchwords present.Colophon: "Scribal," reads "نمقه الاقل [؟] العبد عبد الرشيد ... في شهر رمضان المبارك سنه ۱۲۴۰ [?] ..."Incipit: "بسوی مصر نیامد نسیمی از کنعان که دامنی نزند آتش زلیخا را ..."Title supplied by cataloguer.Ms. codex.Āghā Buzurg al-Ṭihrānī. al-Dharīʻah ilá taṣānīf al-Shīʻah,Worn, acephalous copy of a selection of poetry, possibly from the Dīvān of Zakī Hamadānī (see Āghā Buzurg al-Ṭihrānī, no.2352). Contribution to the cataloguing from Hossein Mottaghi.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired by purchase (funds donated by Horace Rackham).Teardrop-shaped seal impression by colophon at close ; partially effaced inscriptions on final leaf and interior of lower cover

    Zubdat al-muntakhibīn, [mid 19th century].

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    Fine copy of a work of selections from the works of various Persian poets, referred to as a taz̲kirah but more in the style of a jung, compiled under the patronage and direction of Mīrzā Naṣr Allāh Ardabīlī (d. 1854 or 5) by ʻAlī Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Hamadānī. Opens with selections from Anvarī (d. 1189 or 90).Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Library, Isl. Ms. 284Origin: Lacks dated colophon ; paper, decoration, patronage, etc. would suggest mid 19th century. Inscription on front flyleaf and preface (fol.1a-1b/p.1-2) indicates that the composition was completed in the era of Muḥammad Shāh Qājār (r.1834-1848) under the patronage and direction of Ṣadr al-Mamālik Mīrzā Naṣr Allāh Ardabīlī (d.1854 or 5 ?).Accompanying materials: Slip of wove paper with inscription in pencil "284 | Intikhāb az Dīvan | Ḳaṣā'id Anvari. | Selections from | kasidahs of Anvari | early 19th cent."Binding: Pasteboards covered in dark brown leather (sheep) ; Type III binding (without flap) ; board linings in untinted paper ; upper and lower covers bear blind-tooled border consisting of a series of s-shaped stamps ; resewn making it difficult to assess the original sewing ; very fine chevron endbands in magenta and green ; in fair condition with much abrasion, even gashes, on covers ; spine leather is abraded, dry and cracking ; moisture damage ; much staining and general wear ; cover is beginning to detach from textblock at spine.Support: European laid papers of a few types ; table of contents in European laid paper with chain lines running vertically spaced roughly 23 mm. apart, laid lines running horizontally spaced roughly 11-12 laid lines per cm., watermark circle with "IP" inside, orb and eagle above, in final folio of table of contents, watermark partially visible "...RTTI [?]" ; early through mid quires in European machine 'laid' paper, chain lines running vertically spaced roughly 28 mm. apart, watermark "ALMASSO" and "GIOR MAGNANI" with scrollwork with eagle above tower (compare Heawood 3748) ; roughly last ten quires (from p.805) in European machine 'laid' paper, chain lines running vertically spaced roughly 27mm. apart, watermark "POLLERI" and stag leaping above pond (stag springing or salient, or even courant), antlers in two lines.Decoration: Magnificent illuminated headpiece (ʻunwān) on incipit page consisting of rectangular panel with gold cartouche carrying the section title "انتخاب از دیوان قصاید انوری" bordered by an extremely elaborate frame forming a well filled with row upon row of semi-circular (dome) motifs accented by floral decoration (in red, orange, pink, blue, and white) and arabesque on fields of lapis lazuli and gold ; simple but compound frame consisting of various gold bands outlined by black fillets, second (bordering the margins) and third rules at some distance from the first ; on incipit and facing page, decorative vegetal border (arabesque) in gold surrounding columns of text ; cloud-bands in gold on incipit and facing page ; a few textual dividers looking like numeral khamsah ; floral decoration in ruled margin of incipit and facing page ; now illustrated with four miniature paintings, likely added later and obscuring text beneath, including: on fol.141a (p.281) scene showing pig herder with dog and pigs, in background church and astonished onlookers [2] on fol.211b (p.422) a hunting scene [3] on fol.276b (p.552) white-bearded man in the mountains with lion or leopard [4] on fol.320b (p.640) two men engaged in discourse ; section headings, keywords, and entries in table of contents rubricated. ; overlining and textual dividers in red.Script: Nastaʻlīq ; bold clear Persian hand ; characteristic descent of words to baseline though not heavily exaggerated ; contrast in thick and thin strokes, horizontal strokes quite heavy ; sans serif ; characteristic letterforms ; text of fol.473b-474a (p.946-47) in Arabic, supplied in a fine ىaskh, mainly serifless except for occasional alif of lam alif ligature, quite vertical, occasional sweeping descenders, fully vocalized.Layout: Written in 18 lines per page in the central column, 25-28 lines on the diagonal in the ruled margins ; single column often divided to two columns for setting off poetry, surrounded by margin ruled decoratively on the diagonal ; frame-ruled.Collation: iii, I(2), 17 IV(138), III (144), 12 IV(240), IV+2(250), 29 IV(482), iii ; chiefly quaternions ; catchwords present in the lower left of the lower ruled margin, rarely slanting down ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during cataloguing.Dedication: As attested in inscription on front flyleaf and in preface appearing before table of contents, composed under the patronage and direction of Mīrzā Naṣr Allāh Ardabīlī (d.1271 or 2 / 1854 or 5 ?), a Niʻmatallāhī dervish who also bore the title Nuṣratʻalī and was appointed to the office of Ṣadr al-Mamālik in 1259 [1843] (see Sefatgol, "The Safavid Model of State-Religious Administration," 78-79).Explicit: " کای عمر تباه کتا پیشه تا چند زنی تو بپا تیشه شد عمر تو شصت و همان پستی وز باده ی لهو و لعب مستی "Incipit: "حمد و سپاس و لغات لحنات [؟] ستایش بیقیاس شایسته اوراق مدایح خداوند یکانه و سزادار صحایف اوصاف معبود یست ... ای قاعده تازه ز دست تو کرم را دیمرتبه تو زبان تو قلم را"Title from inscription on front flyleaf and preface on fol.1a-1b (p.1-2).Ms. codex.Kitābkhānah-i Majlis-i Shūrā-yi Millī, ms. no. ۱۳۵۷۸Sefatgol, Mansur. "The Safavid Model of State-Religious Administration." In Religion and Society in Qajar Iran, ed. Robert Gleave (London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005), pp.78-79, 83Fine copy of a work of selections from the works of various Persian poets, referred to as a taz̲kirah but more in the style of a jung, compiled under the patronage and direction of Mīrzā Naṣr Allāh Ardabīlī (d. 1854 or 5) by ʻAlī Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Hamadānī. Opens with selections from Anvarī (d. 1189 or 90).Mode of access: Internet.Acquired by purchase (funds donated by Horace Rackham).Possible former owner's mark on front flyleaf "178 T. De M [i.e. Tammaro De Marinis]" ; a few marginal corrections and glosses

    Arabe 2147

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    Contient : النكت العصريّة فى اخبار الوزراء المصريّة « Anecdotes au sujet des vizirs égyptiens, mes contemporains » ; Le divan d'Aboû ʾl-Fadhl Badîʿ al-Zamân al-Hamdânî, l'auteur des مقاماتNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution

    Kitāb al-Mas̲navī al-Mawlavī al-maʻnavī, [1316, i.e. 1899].

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    Elegant copy of Mawlānā Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī’s celebrated didactic poetical work in double verses.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 861Origin: As appears in colophon at the close of each book, copied by ʻAṭāʼ Allāh al-Ḥusaynī al-Hamadānī (عطاء الله الحسینی الهمدانی). As appears in colophon on p.108, transcription of first book (المجلد الاول) completed 14 Shaʻbān 1314 [ca. 18 January 1897]. As appears in colophon on p.205, transcription of the second book (المجلد الثانى) completed Rajab 1315 [November-December 1897]. As appears in colophon on p.332, transcription of the third book (المجلد الثالث) completed 25 Ramaḍān 1315 [ca. 17 February 1898]. As appears in colophon on p.435, transcription of the fourth book (المجلد الرابع) completed in Jumādá I 1316 [September-October 1898]. As appears in colophon on p.548, transcription of the fifth book (المجلد الخامس) completed 19 Shaʻbān 1316 [ca. 2 January 1899]. As appears in final colophon on p.670, transcription of sixth book (المجلد السادس), Khātimah and entire work completed Shawwāl 1316 [February-March 1899].Accompanying materials: a. Slip with note "Persian MSS (Heyworth-Dunne?) with Meredith-Owens notes" -- b. Slip with note "Counted for 1968/69 Annual Report" -- c. Slip with notes in hand of G. Meredith-Owens "MO. 5. Mas̲navī of Rūmī copied by ʻAṭāʼullāh al-Ḥusainī al-Hamadānī in 1316"Former shelfmark: Mich. Isl. Ms. temp. no. 10Binding: Boards covered in black leather with straight grain appearance (appears to have been grained by boarding) ; reminiscent of Type II binding with flap, though flap extends from upper cover and rests outside the lower cover where it is fixed with a metal clasp with pin catch closure ; board linings and hinges in shell marbled paper (mainly in pink, blue and yellow) ; upper and lower covers carry blind-tooled rule-borders ; fore edge of text block purple-flecked ; sewn in dark red and bright green thread, four stations ; stuck-on endbands in red leather ; overall in fairly good condition with minor abrasion and staining.Support: European wove paper, beige in color, highly burnished.Decoration: Elegant illuminated headpiece (ʻunwān / sarlawḥ) at opening of each book (mujallad / daftar) following the dībāchah (see pp.4, 112, 210, "438" [338], 438, 550) ; pieces vary in shape (though mainly large w-shaped pieces) but are similar in coloration, for example at opening on p.4, headpiece consists of a vertically elongated w-shaped piece filled with swirling floral vegetal decoration in lavender, orange-red and blue on a gold ground with white, blue and turquoise accents, set in an elaborate well of gold, blue, turquoise, red and black bands (others include rectangular piece setting off the basmalah) ; written area surrounded by frame consisting of a heavy gold band defined by black fillets with innermost red rule and outermost blue rule, divisions within (and outer margin) defined by narrow gold bands outlined in black fillets ; section headings rubricated or in blue ink.Script: Naskh ; exquisite Persianate hand ; partially but irregularly seriffed with curvilinear descenders (some swooping), pointing in distinct dots, superscripting of final words and letters, mainly open counters, partially vocalized ; headings in seriffed tawqīʻ, fully vocalized.Layout: Written mainly in 24 lines per page, with written area divided to four columns ; frame-ruled.Collation: i, IV (8), 2 III+1(22), 10 IV(102), IV+1 (111), 6 IV(159), III (165), IV+2 (175), 5 IV(215), IV+2 (225), 6 IV(273), 2 IV+1(291), 4 IV(323), V (333), I (335), i ; chiefly quaternions ; catch title (المجلد الاول, المجلد الثانى, الخ) at the head of each page ; some leaves left blank between the close of one book and dībāchah of the next book ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes flyleaves).Colophon: "Scribal," triangular, reads "الحمد لله الذى وفقنى بتسويد وتحرير هذه النسخة الشريفة فى يوم السبت من شهر شوال المكرم في سنه ۱۳۱۶ وانا العبد المذنب عطاء الله الحسينى الهمدانى غفر الله له ولوالديه امين"Explicit: "قصه کوته کن که رفتم در حجاب هین خمش و الله اعلم بالصواب ... کرد شش باشد همیشه زان هوا"Incipit: "بشنو از نی چون حکایت میکند از جداییها شکایت میکند ..."Title from colophons on pp. 205, 332, and 548.Ms. codex.Cat. Pers. MSS. Brit. Mus.,Elegant copy of Mawlānā Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī’s celebrated didactic poetical work in double verses.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired from Frank E. Nuttall (1875-1943) ;Possible former inventory marks on front flyleaf (p.1) and 'title page' (p.3) "۲۸" etc. ; note on flyleaf refers to declaration of independence by Azerbaijan on 28 May 1918 "٢٨ مايس ١٩١٨ اذربايجان جمهورتنك اعلان استقلالى" ; on final leaf (p.671, left blank) accession details in pencil "Rare Book Room | Gift | Source Unknown | 12-11-54" ; notabilia (side-heads) clarifying difficult terms

    Tashīl al-fawāʼid wa-takmīl al-maqāṣid, [733, i.e. 1333].

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    Fine early copy of Ibn Mālik's renowned treatise on grammar.Origin: As appears in colophon at close (p.325), transcription completed mid-Shawwāl 733 [ca. June 1333] by Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad al-Kūfī al-Hamadānī, likely the scholar who reportedly was born in 1281 in Kūfah, became an established scholar in Iraq, and eventually traveled to Damascus where he also taught in several madrasas before he died in 1354 (cf. GAL S II 211 / 2a, also father of Ibn al-Faṣīḥ al-Kūfī, d. 1344).Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 1059Binding: Pasteboards faced in a mottled paper (cream and dark red) with spine and trace of fore edge flap in brown leather ; Type II binding (with flap, now lost) ; pastedowns and flyleaves in pale yellow paper ; sewn in cream threads, two stations ; traces of worked chevron endbands in light pink and pale yellow, warp threads (primaries) apparently stitched through leather spine lining ; overall in fair condition with strong attachment, some losses of leather and paper, abrasion, etc.Support: non-European laid paper, mainly with 7-8 laid lines per cm. (horizontal, see p.12, 284 etc.) and chain lines difficult to observe but occasionally visible in pairs (see p.264, 12-14 mm. between chains), sturdy, dense and somewhat thick, furnish fairly cloudy, some knots and clumps of fiber visible, only lightly burnished ; flyleaves in European laid paper with six-pointed star watermark visible (perhaps over anchor).Decoration: Keywords and headings rubricated.Script: Naskh ; careful and delicate hand in a thin line ; virtually serifless with tall, straight ascenders and mainly curvilinear descenders (some sweeping), tail of rāʼ and wāw quite short, foot of lām flattened and parallel to baseline, kāf mashqūqah preferred with often long shaqq on even final kāf, bowl of nūn occasionally tall and narrow occasionally broad and shallow, final hāh often as short stroke (closed counter), pointing in distinct dots, occasionally positioned on the diagonal ; rubricated headings in a larger hand reminiscent of tawqīʻ, seriffed with sharp right-sloping strokes on lām, free-standing alif, etc.Layout: Written in 13 lines per page (single column) ; frame-ruled (impression of ruling board quite evident).Collation: i, III (6), IV+1 (15), 18 IV(159), II (163), i ; almost exclusively quaternions ; catchwords present ; foliation in pencil, Hindu-Arabic numerals, lower outer corner of recto ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during cataloguing.Colophon: "Scribal," rectangular, reads: "تم كتاب تسهيل الفوائد وتكميل المقاصد في منتصف شوال من سنه ثلاث وثلثين وسبعمائة كتبه احمد بن على بن احمد الكوفى الهمدانى حامدا مصليا مسلما متع الله من كتبه له به وبسائر العلوم وبلغه اماله ويقبل اعماله وجمع شمله وليسبغ عليه فضله"Explicit: "وزيدت ياء في بأييد ومن نباي المرسلين وملايه وملايهم وهذا مما ينقاد اليه ولا يقاس عليه "Incipit: "قال الشيخ الامام العلامة الأوحد شيخ النحاة والادباء جمال الدين ابو عبد الله محمد بن عبد الله بن مالك الطاءى الاندلسى الجياني رحمه الله حامدا لله رب العالمين ومصليا على محمد خاتم النبيين وعلى آله وصحابته اجمعين هذا كتاب فى النحو جعلته بعون الله مستوفيا لاصوله مستوليا على ابوابه وفصوله فسميته لذلك تسهيل الفوائد وتكميل المقاصد ..."Title from opening matter on p.2.Ms. codex.al-Ziriklī, Khayr al-Dīn. al-Aʻlām (Beirut, 1980 ed.), v.1 p.181Brockelmann, C. GAL,Ibn Mālik, Tashīl al-fawāʼid wa-takmīl al-maqāṣid, Ed. Muḥammad Kāmil Barakāt (al-Qāhirah : Dār al-Kātib al-ʻArabī, [cover 1968] 1967),Brockelmann, C. GAL,In the Scribes Hand: A Selection of Islamic Manuscripts, Bernard Quaritch Ltd Catalogue 1428, (London: Bernard Quaritch Ltd, 2014),Fine early copy of Ibn Mālik's renowned treatise on grammar.Mode of access: Internet.Quaritch ;Several former owners' marks on front flyleaf, including ownership statement in name of Aḥmad ibn ʻAlī al-Manīnī (likely the Damascene scholar who lived ca. 1678-1759 cf. al-Ziriklī, Beirut 1980, v.1, p.181), "من منن الله تعالى على عبده الحقير احمد بن على المنيني غفر لهما" and ownership statement in name of Aḥmad ibn LuṭfʹʻAlī al-Tabrīzī [?] "من عوادي الدهر لدى [؟] وانا ... احمد ابن لطفعلى التبريزى" ; on verso of front flyleaf, inscribed by the Library “SPEC / ISLM | 500591042 / SPAUL-2014 | QUARITCH 4-17-14” ; occasional marginal corrections and glosses (cf. pp.66-67), some effaced (see p.113, 200-201) ; in outer margins of p.154, 158, and 192 in a large script reminiscent of thuluth, sayings attributed to Imam ʻAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib ("لو كشف الغطاء ما ازددت يقين") and the Prophet Muḥammad ("ان مدينة العلم وعلى بابها" and "طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم") ; further glosses in taʻlīq on pp.268-269