2 research outputs found

    Taras Shevchenko’s Neologism Снігоквіт (Snihokvit): Psycholinguistic, Lexico-Semantic and Cultural Aspects

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    The article focuses on the study of Taras Shevchenko’s linguistic identity throughthe freeword association test results. The psycholinguistic experiment, “Author Neologisms of Taras Shevchenko,” held in 2019, involved four hundred forty-eight participants aged 14 to 61 y.o. Among them were professors, undergraduate and graduate students from Rivne State Humanitarian University, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Sarny Pedagogical College, National University of “Ostroh Academy”, Rivne Economic Technological College, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,and M. Ocheret Zhytomyr City Humanitarian Gymnasium #23 (Ukraine). The responses of the recipients to the stimulus word снігоквіт/snihokvit (“snow blossom”), Shevchenko’s neologism, have been characterized based on grammatical (paradigmatic, syntagmatic,word-building), meaningful (thematic, reminiscent, reactions-personalities), and formal connections. The following semantic spheres to which the verbal responses belong have been defined: “Names of Flora”, “Natural Phenomena”, “Names of Actions”, “Colour Features”, “Haptic Features”, “Temporal Features”, “Abstract Notions”, aswell as types of responses within the boundaries of associative fields. The specificity of a modern Ukrainian speaker’s perception of the meaningof a neologism taken out of the literary context has also been discovered. The authors have come to the conclusion that the poet created a highly artistic lexical neologism with the help of which he tried to communicate to the reader not only the primary meaningof the word лілея/lileya “white lily” (a flower) but also to provoke aesthetic feelings, and actualizethe imagination about this special flower that is empowered with magic properties in the national linguistic map of the world. All the responses of the considered semantic spheres that belong to the associative fields of the author’s neologism снігоквіт/snihokvit give a better understanding of the lexicon of modern Ukrainian, the psycholinguistic peculiarities of the perception of Shevchenko’s figurative word. They also make it possible to trace specific changes in the conceptual map of the world and its perception

    Semantic and Stylistic Peculiarities of Compound Words in Lesia Ukrainka’s Poetry

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    У статті досліджено особливості традиційних та індивідуально-авторських складених найменувань у поезії Лесі Українки. Розглянуто критерії, згідно з якими юкстапозити, уживані в художніх текстах, кваліфікуються як авторські лексичні новотвори. Подано результати статистичного дослідження корпусу поетичних текстів письменниці в аспекті встановлення частотності вживання юкстапозитів. Виявлено найуживаніші в творах Лесі Українки традиційні прикладки, що характеризують різні за семантикою об’єкти, описано одиниці фольклорного походження, які поетеса використовує як стилетворчі засоби. Проаналізовано семантику авторських юкстапозитів у зіставленні зі складеними найменуваннями, засвідченими в поезії Т. Г. Шевченка. Доведено, що Леся Українка продовжувала й розвивала започатковану Т. Г. Шевченком традицію стилістичного використання юкстапозитів у художніх текстах. Зроблено висновок, що складені найменування виконували функції оригінальних рим, слугували емоційно-експресивним засобом образної словесної номінації. The article is devoted to the analysis of traditional and individually- author compound words in Lesia Ukrainka’s poetry. The criteria that qualify used in the artistic texts compound words as author lexical neologisms have been given. The results of statistic research of writer’s poetic texts for ascertainment of frequency of compound words have been given. The most used traditional compound words characterizing different semantic objects in Lesia Ukrainka’s texts have been researched; the folklore units that poetess use as the style created means have been described. The semantics of author compound words that fixed in Lesia Ukrainka’s and Taras Shevchenko’s poetries has been compared. Proved, that Lesia Ukrainka continues and develops beginning by T. Shevchenko tradition of stylistic using of compound words in the artistic texts. Concluded, that compound nominations functionate as original rhymes, emotion and expressive means of figurative word nomination