44 research outputs found

    Squark-, Slepton- and Neutralino-Chargino coannihilation effects in the low-energy effective MSSM

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    Within the low-energy effective Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (effMSSM) we calculate the neutralino relic density taking into account slepton-neutralino, squark-neutralino and neutralino/chargino- neutralino coannihilation channels. By including squark (stop and sbottom) coannihilation channels we extend our comparative study to all allowed coannihilations and obtain the general result that all of them give sizable contributions to the reduction of the neutralino relic density. Due to these coannihilation processes some models (mostly with large neutralino masses) enter into the cosmologically interesting region for relic density, but other models leave this region. Nevertheless, in general, the predictions for direct and indirect dark matter detection rates are not strongly affected by these coannihilation channels in the effMSSM.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, corrected and to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmic Density Perturbations from Late-Decaying Scalar Condensations

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    We study the cosmic density perturbations induced from fluctuation of the amplitude of late-decaying scalar condensations (called \phi) in the scenario where the scalar field \phi once dominates the universe. In such a scenario, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation originates to decay products of the scalar condensation and hence its anisotropy is affected by the fluctuation of \phi. It is shown that the present cosmic density perturbations can be dominantly induced from the primordial fluctuation of \phi, not from the fluctuation of the inflaton field. This scenario may change constraints on the source of the density perturbations, like inflation. In addition, a correlated mixture of adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations may arise in such a scenario; possible signals in the CMB power spectrum are discussed. We also show that the simplest scenario of generating the cosmic density perturbations only from the primordial fluctuation of \phi (i.e., so-called ``curvaton'' scenario) is severely constrained by the current measurements of the CMB angular power spectrum if correlated mixture of the adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations are generated.Comment: 31pages, 14figure

    Current constraints on Cosmological Parameters from Microwave Background Anisotropies

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    We compare the latest observations of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Anisotropies with the theoretical predictions of the standard scenario of structure formation. Assuming a primordial power spectrum of adiabatic perturbations we found that the total energy density is constrained to be Ωtot=1.03±0.06\Omega_{tot}=1.03\pm0.06 while the energy density in baryon and Cold Dark Matter (CDM) are Ωbh2=0.021±0.003\Omega_bh^2=0.021\pm0.003 and Ωcdmh2=0.12±0.02\Omega_{cdm}h^2=0.12\pm0.02, (all at 68% C.L.) respectively. The primordial spectrum is consistent with scale invariance, (ns=0.97±0.04n_s=0.97\pm0.04) and the age of the universe is t0=14.6±0.9t_0=14.6\pm0.9 Gyrs. Adding informations from Large Scale Structure and Supernovae, we found a strong evidence for a cosmological constant ΩΛ=0.700.05+0.07\Omega_{\Lambda}=0.70_{-0.05}^{+0.07} and a value of the Hubble parameter h=0.69±0.07h=0.69\pm0.07. Restricting this combined analysis to flat universes, we put constraints on possible 'extensions' of the standard scenario. A gravity waves contribution to the quadrupole anisotropy is limited to be r0.42r \le 0.42 (95% c.l.). A constant equation of state for the dark energy component is bound to be wQ0.74w_Q \le -0.74 (95% c.l.). We constrain the effective relativistic degrees of freedom Nν6.2N_\nu \leq 6.2 and the neutrino chemical potential 0.01ξe0.18-0.01 \leq \xi_e \leq 0.18 and ξμ,τ2.3|\xi_{\mu,\tau}|\leq 2.3 (massless neutrinos).Comment: The status of cosmological parameters before WMAP. In press on Phys. Rev. D., Rapid Communication, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Big Bang nucleosynthesis and cosmic microwave background constraints on the time variation of the Higgs vacuum expectation value

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    We derive constraints on the time variation of the Higgs vacuum expectation value through the effects on Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In the former case, we include the (previously-neglected) effect of the change in the deuteron binding energy, which alters both the 4^4He and deuterium abundances significantly. We find that the current BBN limits on the relative change in \higgs are (0.60.7)×102/<(1.52.0)×102-(0.6 - 0.7) \times 10^{-2} / < (1.5 - 2.0) \times 10^{-2}, where the exact limits depend on the model we choose for the dependence of the deuteron binding energy on \higgs.The limits from the current CMB data are much weaker.Comment: 5 pages including 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmological parameters from SDSS and WMAP

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    We measure cosmological parameters using the three-dimensional power spectrum P(k) from over 200,000 galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) in combination with WMAP and other data. Our results are consistent with a ``vanilla'' flat adiabatic Lambda-CDM model without tilt (n=1), running tilt, tensor modes or massive neutrinos. Adding SDSS information more than halves the WMAP-only error bars on some parameters, tightening 1 sigma constraints on the Hubble parameter from h~0.74+0.18-0.07 to h~0.70+0.04-0.03, on the matter density from Omega_m~0.25+/-0.10 to Omega_m~0.30+/-0.04 (1 sigma) and on neutrino masses from <11 eV to <0.6 eV (95%). SDSS helps even more when dropping prior assumptions about curvature, neutrinos, tensor modes and the equation of state. Our results are in substantial agreement with the joint analysis of WMAP and the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, which is an impressive consistency check with independent redshift survey data and analysis techniques. In this paper, we place particular emphasis on clarifying the physical origin of the constraints, i.e., what we do and do not know when using different data sets and prior assumptions. For instance, dropping the assumption that space is perfectly flat, the WMAP-only constraint on the measured age of the Universe tightens from t0~16.3+2.3-1.8 Gyr to t0~14.1+1.0-0.9 Gyr by adding SDSS and SN Ia data. Including tensors, running tilt, neutrino mass and equation of state in the list of free parameters, many constraints are still quite weak, but future cosmological measurements from SDSS and other sources should allow these to be substantially tightened.Comment: Minor revisions to match accepted PRD version. SDSS data and ppt figures available at http://www.hep.upenn.edu/~max/sdsspars.htm

    The State of the Dark Energy Equation of State

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    By combining data from seven cosmic microwave background experiments (including the latest WMAP results) with large scale structure data, the Hubble parameter measurement from the Hubble Space Telescope and luminosity measurements of Type Ia supernovae we demonstrate the bounds on the dark energy equation of state wQw_Q to be 1.38<wQ<0.82-1.38< w_Q <-0.82 at the 95% confidence level. Although our limit on wQw_Q is improved with respect to previous analyses, cosmological data does not rule out the possibility that the equation of state parameter wQw_Q of the dark energy QQ is less than -1. We present a tracking model that ensures wQ1w_Q \le -1 at recent times and discuss the observational consequences.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, added a referenc

    Inverse Power Law Quintessence with Non-Tracking Initial Conditions

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    A common property of popular models of quintessence dark energy is the convergence to a common solution from a large range of the initial conditions. We re-examine the popular inverse power-law model of quintessence (where the common solution is dubbed as the 'tracker') with particular attention to the initial conditions for the field and their influence on the evolution. We find that previously derived limits on the parameters of the potential in this model are valid only in a range of initial conditions. A reasonably sharp boundary lies where the initial energy density of the scalar field is equal to that of the background radiation component. An initial quintessence energy density above this equipartition value lead to a solution that will not have joined the tracker solution by the present epoch. These non-tracker solutions possess the property that their present equation of state is very compatible with the observed bounds and independent of the exponent of the potential.Comment: RevTEX4, 9 figure

    Cosmological parameters from CMB and other data: a Monte-Carlo approach

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    We present a fast Markov Chain Monte-Carlo exploration of cosmological parameter space. We perform a joint analysis of results from recent CMB experiments and provide parameter constraints, including sigma_8, from the CMB independent of other data. We next combine data from the CMB, HST Key Project, 2dF galaxy redshift survey, supernovae Ia and big-bang nucleosynthesis. The Monte Carlo method allows the rapid investigation of a large number of parameters, and we present results from 6 and 9 parameter analyses of flat models, and an 11 parameter analysis of non-flat models. Our results include constraints on the neutrino mass (m_nu < 0.3eV), equation of state of the dark energy, and the tensor amplitude, as well as demonstrating the effect of additional parameters on the base parameter constraints. In a series of appendices we describe the many uses of importance sampling, including computing results from new data and accuracy correction of results generated from an approximate method. We also discuss the different ways of converting parameter samples to parameter constraints, the effect of the prior, assess the goodness of fit and consistency, and describe the use of analytic marginalization over normalization parameters.Comment: Quintessence results now include perturbations. Changes to match version accepted by PRD. MCMC code and data are available at http://cosmologist.info/cosmomc/ along with a B&W printer-friendly version of the pape

    Cosmological Constraints on Decaying Dark Matter

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    We present a complete analysis of the cosmological constraints on decaying dark matter. Previous analyses have used the cosmic microwave background and Type Ia supernova. We have updated them with the latest data as well as extended the analysis with the inclusion of Lyman-α\alpha forest, large scale structure and weak lensing observations. Astrophysical constraints are not considered in the present paper. The bounds on the lifetime of decaying dark matter are dominated by either the late-time integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect for the scenario with weak reionization, or CMB polarization observations when there is significant reionization. For the respective scenarios, the lifetimes for decaying dark matter are Γ1100\Gamma^{-1} \gtrsim 100 Gyr and (fΓ)15.3×108 (f \Gamma) ^{-1} \gtrsim 5.3 \times 10^8 Gyr (at 95.4% confidence level), where the phenomenological parameter ff is the fraction of the decay energy deposited in baryonic gas. This allows us to constrain particle physics models with dark matter candidates through investigation of dark matter decays into Standard Model particles via effective operators. For decaying dark matter of 100\sim 100 GeV mass, we found that the size of the coupling constant in the effective dimension-4 operators responsible for dark matter decay has to generically be 1022 \lesssim 10^{-22}. We have also explored the implications of our analysis for representative models in theories of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking, minimal supergravity and little Higgs.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures. Added references and corrected typos as well as grammatical oversight

    Polygenic risk scores for prediction of breast cancer risk in women of African ancestry: A cross-ancestry approach

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    Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) are useful for predicting breast cancer risk, but the prediction accuracy of existing PRSs in women of African ancestry (AA) remains relatively low. We aim to develop optimal PRSs for the prediction of overall and estrogen receptor (ER) subtype-specific breast cancer risk in AA women. The AA dataset comprised 9235 cases and 10 184 controls from four genome-wide association study (GWAS) consortia and a GWAS study in Ghana. We randomly divided samples into training and validation sets. We built PRSs using individual-level AA data by a forward stepwise logistic regression and then developed joint PRSs that combined (1) the PRSs built in the AA training dataset and (2) a 313-variant PRS previously developed in women of European ancestry. PRSs were evaluated in the AA validation set. For overall breast cancer, the odds ratio per standard deviation of the joint PRS in the validation set was 1.34 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.27-1.42] with the area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.581. Compared with women with average risk (40th-60th PRS percentile), women in the top decile of the PRS had a 1.98-fold increased risk (95% CI: 1.63-2.39). For PRSs of ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer, the AUCs were 0.608 and 0.576, respectively. Compared with existing methods, the proposed joint PRSs can improve prediction of breast cancer risk in AA women