126 research outputs found

    Modified gravity with negative and positive powers of the curvature: unification of the inflation and of the cosmic acceleration

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    The modified gravity, which eliminates the need for dark energy and which seems to be stable, is considered. The terms with positive powers of the curvature support the inflationary epoch while the terms with negative powers of the curvature serve as effective dark energy, supporting current cosmic acceleration. The equivalent scalar-tensor gravity may be compatible with the simplest solar system experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, discussion is extended, references added, version to appear in PR

    The nearly Newtonian regime in Non-Linear Theories of Gravity

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    The present paper reconsiders the Newtonian limit of models of modified gravity including higher order terms in the scalar curvature in the gravitational action. This was studied using the Palatini variational principle in [Meng X. and Wang P.: Gen. Rel. Grav. {\bf 36}, 1947 (2004)] and [Dom\'inguez A. E. and Barraco D. E.: Phys. Rev. D {\bf 70}, 043505 (2004)] with contradicting results. Here a different approach is used, and problems in the previous attempts are pointed out. It is shown that models with negative powers of the scalar curvature, like the ones used to explain the present accelerated expansion, as well as their generalization which include positive powers, can give the correct Newtonian limit, as long as the coefficients of these powers are reasonably small. Some consequences of the performed analysis seem to raise doubts for the way the Newtonian limit was derived in the purely metric approach of fourth order gravity [Dick R.: Gen. Rel. Grav. {\bf 36}, 217 (2004)]. Finally, we comment on a recent paper [Olmo G. J.: Phys. Rev. D {\bf 72}, 083505 (2005)] in which the problem of the Newtonian limit of both the purely metric and the Palatini formalism is discussed, using the equivalent Brans--Dicke theory, and with which our results partly disagree.Comment: typos corrected, replaced to match published versio

    Fluid Interpretation of Cardassian Expansion

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    A fluid interpretation of Cardassian expansion is developed. Here, the Friedmann equation takes the form H2=g(ρM)H^2 = g(\rho_M) where ρM\rho_M contains only matter and radiation (no vacuum). The function g(\rhom) returns to the usual 8\pi\rhom/(3 m_{pl}^2) during the early history of the universe, but takes a different form that drives an accelerated expansion after a redshift z1z \sim 1. One possible interpretation of this function (and of the right hand side of Einstein's equations) is that it describes a fluid with total energy density \rho_{tot} = {3 m_{pl}^2 \over 8 \pi} g(\rhom) = \rhom + \rho_K containing not only matter density (mass times number density) but also interaction terms ρK\rho_K. These interaction terms give rise to an effective negative pressure which drives cosmological acceleration. These interactions may be due to interacting dark matter, e.g. with a fifth force between particles Frα1F \sim r^{\alpha -1}. Such interactions may be intrinsically four dimensional or may result from higher dimensional physics. A fully relativistic fluid model is developed here, with conservation of energy, momentum, and particle number. A modified Poisson's equation is derived. A study of fluctuations in the early universe is presented, although a fully relativistic treatment of the perturbations including gauge choice is as yet incomplete.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure. Replaced with published version. Title changed in journa

    Massive Charged Scalar Quasinormal Modes of Reissner-N\"ordstrom Black Hole Surrounded by Quintessence

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    We evaluate the complex frequencies of the normal modes for the massive charged scalar field perturbations around a Reissner-N\"ordstrom black hole surrounded by a static and spherically symmetric quintessence using third order WKB approximation approach. Due to the presence of quintessence, quasinormal frequencies damp more slowly. We studied the variation of quasinormal frequencies with charge of the black bole, mass and charge of perturbating scalar field and the quintessential state parameter.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures and one tabl

    The Void Abundance with Non-Gaussian Primordial Perturbations

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    We use a Press-Schechter-like calculation to study how the abundance of voids changes in models with non-Gaussian initial conditions. While a positive skewness increases the cluster abundance, a negative skewness does the same for the void abundance. We determine the dependence of the void abundance on the non-Gaussianity parameter fnl for the local-model bispectrum-which approximates the bispectrum in some multi-field inflation models-and for the equilateral bispectrum, which approximates the bispectrum in e.g. string-inspired DBI models of inflation. We show that the void abundance in large-scale-structure surveys currently being considered should probe values as small as fnl < 10 and fnl^eq < 30, over distance scales ~10 Mpc.Comment: Submitted to JCA

    Predicted modulated differential rates for direct WIMP searches at low energy transfers

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    The differential event rate for direct detection of dark matter, both the time averaged and the modulated one due to the motion of the Earth, are discussed. The calculations focus on relatively light cold dark matter candidates (WIMP) and low energy transfers. It is shown that for sufficiently light WIMPs the extraction of relatively large nucleon cross sections is possible. Furthermore for some WIMP masses the modulation amplitude may change sign, meaning that, in such a case, the maximum rate may occur six months later than naively expected. This effect can be exploited to yield information about the mass of the dark matter candidate, if and when the observation of the modulation of the event rate is established.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures; references adde

    Bulk scalar field in brane-worlds with induced gravity inspired by the L(R){\cal L}(R) term

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    We obtain the effective field equations in a brane-world scenario within the framework of a DGP model where the action on the brane is an arbitrary function of the Ricci scalar, L(R){\cal L}(R), and the bulk action includes a scalar field in the matter Lagrangian. We obtain the Friedmann equations and acceleration conditions in the presence of the bulk scalar field for the RnR^n term in four-dimensional gravity.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in JCA

    Gravitational Lensing and f(R) theories in the Palatini approach

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    We investigate gravitational lensing in the Palatini approach to the f(R) extended theories of gravity. Starting from an exact solution of the f(R) field equations, which corresponds to the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric and, on the basis of recent studies on this metric, we focus on some lensing observables, in order to evaluate the effects of the non linearity of the gravity Lagrangian. We give estimates for some astrophysical events, and show that these effects are tiny for galactic lenses, but become interesting for extragalactic ones.Comment: 7 Pages, RevTex, 1 eps figure; references added; revised to match the version accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Precision Primordial 4^4He Measurement with CMB Experiments

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    Big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are two major pillars of cosmology. Standard BBN accurately predicts the primordial light element abundances (4^4He, D, 3^3He and 7^7Li), depending on one parameter, the baryon density. Light element observations are used as a baryometers. The CMB anisotropies also contain information about the content of the universe which allows an important consistency check on the Big Bang model. In addition CMB observations now have sufficient accuracy to not only determine the total baryon density, but also resolve its principal constituents, H and 4^4He. We present a global analysis of all recent CMB data, with special emphasis on the concordance with BBN theory and light element observations. We find ΩBh2=0.025+0.00190.0026\Omega_{B}h^{2}=0.025+0.0019-0.0026 and Yp=0.250+0.0100.014Y_{p}=0.250+0.010-0.014 (fraction of baryon mass as 4^4He) using CMB data alone, in agreement with 4^4He abundance observations. With this concordance established we show that the inclusion of BBN theory priors significantly reduces the volume of parameter space. In this case, we find ΩBh2=0.0244+0.001370.00284\Omega_{B}h^2=0.0244+0.00137-0.00284 and Yp=0.2493+0.00060.001Y_p = 0.2493+0.0006-0.001. We also find that the inclusion of deuterium abundance observations reduces the YpY_p and ΩBh2\Omega_{B}h^2 ranges by a factor of \sim 2. Further light element observations and CMB anisotropy experiments will refine this concordance and sharpen BBN and the CMB as tools for precision cosmology.Comment: 7 pages, 3 color figures made minor changes to bring inline with journal versio

    Cosmic Density Perturbations from Late-Decaying Scalar Condensations

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    We study the cosmic density perturbations induced from fluctuation of the amplitude of late-decaying scalar condensations (called \phi) in the scenario where the scalar field \phi once dominates the universe. In such a scenario, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation originates to decay products of the scalar condensation and hence its anisotropy is affected by the fluctuation of \phi. It is shown that the present cosmic density perturbations can be dominantly induced from the primordial fluctuation of \phi, not from the fluctuation of the inflaton field. This scenario may change constraints on the source of the density perturbations, like inflation. In addition, a correlated mixture of adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations may arise in such a scenario; possible signals in the CMB power spectrum are discussed. We also show that the simplest scenario of generating the cosmic density perturbations only from the primordial fluctuation of \phi (i.e., so-called ``curvaton'' scenario) is severely constrained by the current measurements of the CMB angular power spectrum if correlated mixture of the adiabatic and isocurvature perturbations are generated.Comment: 31pages, 14figure