483 research outputs found

    Intercalation-enhanced electric polarization and chain formation of nano-layered particles

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    Microscopy observations show that suspensions of synthetic and natural nano-layered smectite clay particles submitted to a strong external electric field undergo a fast and extended structuring. This structuring results from the interaction between induced electric dipoles, and is only possible for particles with suitable polarization properties. Smectite clay colloids are observed to be particularly suitable, in contrast to similar suspensions of a non-swelling clay. Synchrotron X-ray scattering experiments provide the orientation distributions for the particles. These distributions are understood in terms of competing (i) homogenizing entropy and (ii) interaction between the particles and the local electric field; they show that clay particles polarize along their silica sheet. Furthermore, a change in the platelet separation inside nano-layered particles occurs under application of the electric field, indicating that intercalated ions and water molecules play a role in their electric polarization. The resulting induced dipole is structurally attached to the particle, and this causes particles to reorient and interact, resulting in the observed macroscopic structuring. The macroscopic properties of these electro-rheological smectite suspensions may be tuned by controlling the nature and quantity of the intercalated species, at the nanoscale.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Kinetic Inductance of Josephson Junction Arrays: Dynamic and Equilibrium Calculations

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    We show analytically that the inverse kinetic inductance L1L^{-1} of an overdamped junction array at low frequencies is proportional to the admittance of an inhomogeneous equivalent impedance network. The ijthij^{th} bond in this equivalent network has an inverse inductance Jijcos(θi0θj0Aij)J_{ij}\cos(\theta_i^0-\theta_j^0-A_{ij}), where JijJ_{ij} is the Josephson coupling energy of the ijthij^{th} bond, θi0\theta_i^0 is the ground-state phase of the grain ii, and AijA_{ij} is the usual magnetic phase factor. We use this theorem to calculate L1L^{-1} for square arrays as large as 180×180180\times 180. The calculated L1L^{-1} is in very good agreement with the low-temperature limit of the helicity modulus γ\gamma calculated by conventional equilibrium Monte Carlo techniques. However, the finite temperature structure of γ\gamma, as a function of magnetic field, is \underline{sharper} than the zero-temperature L1L^{-1}, which shows surprisingly weak structure. In triangular arrays, the equilibrium calculation of γ\gamma yields a series of peaks at frustrations f=12(11/N)f = \frac{1}{2}(1-1/N), where NN is an integer 2\geq 2, consistent with experiment.Comment: 14 pages + 6 postscript figures, 3.0 REVTe

    Tip-splitting evolution in the idealized Saffman-Taylor problem

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    We derive a formula describing the evolution of tip-splittings of Saffman-Taylor fingers in a Hele-Shaw cell, at zero surface tension

    Quantum Group, Bethe Ansatz and Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field

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    The wave functions for two dimensional Bloch electrons in a uniform magnetic field at the mid-band points are studied with the help of the algebraic structure of the quantum group Uq(sl2)U_q(sl_2). A linear combination of its generators gives the Hamiltonian. We obtain analytical and numerical solutions for the wave functions by solving the Bethe Ansatz equations, proposed by Wiegmann and Zabrodin on the basis of above observation. The semi-classical case with the flux per plaquette ϕ=1/Q\phi=1/Q is analyzed in detail, by exploring a structure of the Bethe Ansatz equations. We also reveal the multifractal structure of the Bethe Ansatz solutions and corresponding wave functions when ϕ\phi is irrational, such as the golden or silver mean.Comment: 30 pages, 11 GIF figures(use xv, or WWW browser

    Quasiperiodic Modulated-Spring Model

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    We study the classical vibration problem of a chain with spring constants which are modulated in a quasiperiodic manner, {\it i. e.}, a model in which the elastic energy is jkj(uj1uj)2\sum_j k_j( u_{j-1}-{u_j})^2, where kj=1+Δcos[2πσ(j1/2)+θ]k_j=1+\Delta cos[2\pi\sigma(j-1/2)+\theta] and σ\sigma is an irrational number. For Δ<1\Delta < 1, it is shown analytically that the spectrum is absolutely continuous, {\it i.e.}, all the eigen modes are extended. For Δ=1\Delta=1, numerical scaling analysis shows that the spectrum is purely singular continuous, {\it i.e.}, all the modes are critical.Comment: REV TeX fil

    Nature of Phase Transitions of Superconducting Wire Networks in a Magnetic Field

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    We study II-VV characteristics of periodic square Nb wire networks as a function of temperature in a transverse magnetic field, with a focus on three fillings 2/5, 1/2, and 0.618 that represent very different levels of incommensurability. For all three fillings, a scaling behavior of II-VV characteristics is found, suggesting a finite temperature continuous superconducting phase transition. The low-temperature II-VV characteristics are found to have an exponential form, indicative of the domain-wall excitations.Comment: 5 pages, also available at http://www.neci.nj.nec.com/homepages/tang.htm

    Current-voltage scaling of a Josephson-junction array at irrational frustration

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    Numerical simulations of the current-voltage characteristics of an ordered two-dimensional Josephson junction array at an irrational flux quantum per plaquette are presented. The results are consistent with an scaling analysis which assumes a zero temperature vortex glass transition. The thermal correlation length exponent characterizing this transition is found to be significantly different from the corresponding value for vortex-glass models in disordered two-dimensional superconductors. This leads to a current scale where nonlinearities appear in the current-voltage characteristics decreasing with temperature TT roughly as T2T^2 in contrast with the T3T^3 behavior expected for disordered models.Comment: RevTex 3.0, 12 pages with Latex figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B 54, Rapid. Com

    Structural Relaxation, Self Diffusion and Kinetic Heterogeneity in the Two Dimensional Lattice Coulomb Gas

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    We present Monte Carlo simulation results on the equilibrium relaxation dynamics in the two dimensional lattice Coulomb gas, where finite fraction ff of the lattice sites are occupied by positive charges. In the case of high order rational values of ff close to the irrational number 1g1-g (g(51)/2g\equiv(\sqrt{5} -1)/2 is the golden mean), we find that the system exhibits, for wide range of temperatures above the first-order transition, a glassy behavior resembling the primary relaxation of supercooled liquids. Single particle diffusion and structural relaxation show that there exists a breakdown of proportionality between the time scale of diffusion and that of structural relaxation analogous to the violation of the Stokes-Einstein relation in supercooled liquids. Suitably defined dynamic cooperativity is calculated to exhibit the characteristic nature of dynamic heterogeneity present in the system.Comment: 12 pages, 20 figure

    Phase Coexistence of a Stockmayer Fluid in an Applied Field

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    We examine two aspects of Stockmayer fluids which consists of point dipoles that additionally interact via an attractive Lennard-Jones potential. We perform Monte Carlo simulations to examine the effect of an applied field on the liquid-gas phase coexistence and show that a magnetic fluid phase does exist in the absence of an applied field. As part of the search for the magnetic fluid phase, we perform Gibbs ensemble simulations to determine phase coexistence curves at large dipole moments, μ\mu. The critical temperature is found to depend linearly on μ2\mu^2 for intermediate values of μ\mu beyond the initial nonlinear behavior near μ=0\mu=0 and less than the μ\mu where no liquid-gas phase coexistence has been found. For phase coexistence in an applied field, the critical temperatures as a function of the applied field for two different μ\mu are mapped onto a single curve. The critical densities hardly change as a function of applied field. We also verify that in an applied field the liquid droplets within the two phase coexistence region become elongated in the direction of the field.Comment: 23 pages, ReVTeX, 7 figure

    Current Distribution in the Three-Dimensional Random Resistor Network at the Percolation Threshold

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    We study the multifractal properties of the current distribution of the three-dimensional random resistor network at the percolation threshold. For lattices ranging in size from 838^3 to 80380^3 we measure the second, fourth and sixth moments of the current distribution, finding {\it e.g.\/} that t/ν=2.282(5)t/\nu=2.282(5) where tt is the conductivity exponent and ν\nu is the correlation length exponent.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 8 figures in separate uuencoded fil