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    Diplomska naloga z naslovom Preference predšolskega otroka do umetniških del v obdobju impresionizma in kubizma je sestavljena iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Glavni namen praktičnega dela je bil predstaviti reprodukcije umetniških del impresionizma in kubizma otrokom starim od 5–6 let in s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika pridobiti povratne informacije o obeh obdobij v umetnosti. Zanimalo nas je, kateremu obdobju dajejo otroci prednost (preferenco) in če obstajajo razlike glede na spol otrok. V teoretičnem delu smo govorili o likovnem izražanju ter razvoju likovnega izražanja. Predstavili smo tudi načela likovne vzgoje, likovno vrednotenje ter kriterij izbire avtorjev in njihovih del. V nadaljevanju smo podrobneje govorili o obdobju impresionizma in kubizma, ki sta pomembna za našo raziskavo. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava o odnosu predšolskega otroka do umetniških del v obdobju impresionizma in kubizma. Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik in šest slik, in sicer tri iz obdobja kubizma in tri iz impresionizma. Podatke, ki smo jih dobili s pomočjo ankete, smo analizirali in statistično obdelali. Rezultate smo prikazali v obliki tabel in grafov. Rezultate in mnenja, ki smo jih pridobili, smo izpostavili v sklepu. Raziskava je pokazala, da je bilo otrokom najbolj všeč obdobje impresionizma. Predvsem zaradi samega motiva slike, pa tudi zaradi barv, ki so značilne za to obdobje.This diploma thesis titled The Preferences of Preschool Children Towards Works of Art in the Impressionism and Cubism Era, consists of an empirical and theoretical part. The main objective of the practical part was to present reproductions of impressionistic and cubistic art to children aged between 5 and 6 years and to acquire feedback on both eras using a questionnaire. We wanted to find out if they prefer one era more than the other and if there is any difference in preference considering their gender. In the theoretical part, we discussed artistic expression and its development. We also presented the principles of art education, art evaluation and explained the criteria used to select artists and their works. Furthermore, we presented both art movementsimpressionism and cubism, in detail. In the empirical part, we present our research about the relationship preschool children have towards works of art from the impressionism and cubism eras. We used a questionnaire which asked participants about 6 paintings, 3 from the cubism era and 3 from the impressionism era. The information acquired was analyzed and statistically deconstructed. The results were presented in forms of charts and graphs. The results and opinions about them were also highlighted in the conclusion. The research showed that preschool children preferred the impressionism era, because of the motif of the painting and the colors typical for that era