6,278 research outputs found

    The heavy top quark and supersymmetry

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    Three aspects of supersymmetric theories are discussed: electroweak symmetry breaking, the issues of flavor, and gauge unification. The heavy top quark plays an important, sometimes dominant, role in each case. Additional symmetries lead to extensions of the standard model which can provide an understanding for many of the outstanding problems of particle physics. A broken supersymmetric extension of spacetime allows electroweak symmetry breaking to follow from the dynamics of the heavy top quark; an extension of isospin provides a constrained framework for understanding the pattern of quark and lepton masses; and a grand unified extension of the standard model gauge group provides an elegant understanding of the gauge quantum numbers of the components of a generation. Experimental signatures for each of these additional symmetries are discussed.Comment: 60 pages, 1 ps file; lectures delivered at the 1995 SLAC Summer Institut

    Higgs Parity Grand Unification

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    The vanishing of the Higgs quartic coupling of the Standard Model at high energies may be explained by spontaneous breaking of Higgs Parity. Taking Higgs Parity to originate from the Left-Right symmetry of the SO(10)SO(10) gauge group, leads to a new scheme for precision gauge coupling unification that is consistent with proton decay. We compute the relevant running of couplings and threshold corrections to allow a precise correlation among Standard Model parameters. The scheme has a built-in solution for obtaining a realistic value for mb/mτm_b/m_\tau, which further improves the precision from gauge coupling unification, allowing the QCD coupling constant to be predicted to the level of 1 % or, alternatively, the top quark mass to 0.2 %. Future measurements of these parameters may significantly constrain the detailed structure of the theory. We also study an SO(10)SO(10) embedding of quark and lepton masses, showing how large neutrino mixing is compatible with small quark mixing, and predict a normal neutrino mass hierarchy. The strong CP problem may be explained by combining Higgs Parity with space-time parity.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figure

    Why Are Neutrinos Light? -- An Alternative

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    We review the recent proposal that neutrinos are light because their masses are proportional to a low scale, f, of lepton flavor symmetry breaking. This mechanism is testable because the resulting pseudo-Goldstone bosons, of mass m_G, couple strongly with the neutrinos, affecting the acoustic oscillations during the eV era of the early universe that generate the peaks in the CMB radiation. Characteristic signals result over a very wide range of (f, m_G) because of a change in the total relativistic energy density and because the neutrinos scatter rather than free-stream. Thermodynamics allows a precise calculation of the signal, so that observations would not only confirm the late-time neutrino mass mechanism, but could also determine whether the neutrino spectrum is degenerate, inverted or hierarchical and whether the neutrinos are Dirac or Majorana. The flavor symmetries could also give light sterile states. If the masses of the sterile neutrinos turn on after the MeV era, the LSND oscillations can be explained without upsetting big bang nucleosynthesis, and, since the sterile states decay to lighter neutrinos and pseudo-Goldstones, without giving too much hot dark matter.Comment: Talk given by LJH at the Fujihara Seminar on Neutrino Mass and Seesaw Mechanism held at KEK, Japan, February 2004. 11 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Unification of Weak and Hypercharge Interactions at the TeV Scale

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    A realistic SU(3)_C x SU(3)_W unified theory is constructed with a TeV sized extra dimension compactified on the orbifold S_1/Z_2, leaving only the standard model gauge group SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y unbroken in the low energy 4D theory. The Higgs doublets are zero modes of bulk SU(3)_W triplets and serve to normalize the hypercharge generator, apparently giving a tree-level prediction for the weak mixing angle: \sin^2\theta = 1/4. The orbifold boundary conditions imply a restricted set of SU(3)_W gauge transformations: at an orbifold fixed point only the transformations of SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y are operative. This allows quarks to be located at this fixed point, overcoming the longstanding problem of how to incorporate matter in a unified SU(3)_W theory. However, in general this local, explicit breaking of SU(3)_W symmetry, necessary for including quarks into the theory, destroys the tree-level prediction for the weak mixing angle. This apparent contradiction is reconciled by making the volume of the extra dimension large, diluting the effects of the local SU(3)_W violation. In the case that the electroweak theory is strongly coupled at the cutoff scale of the effective theory, radiative corrections to the weak mixing angle can be reliably computed, and used to predict the scale of compactification: 1 - 2 TeV without supersymmetry, and in the region of 3 - 6 TeV for a supersymmetric theory. The experimental signature of electroweak unification into SU(3)_W is a set of ``weak partners'' of mass 1/2R, which are all electrically charged and are expected to be accessible at LHC. These include weak doublets of gauge particles of electric charge (++,+), and a charged scalar. When pair produced, they yield events containing multiple charged leptons, missing large transverse energy and possibly Higgs and electroweak gauge bosons.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, note added on charge quantizatio

    Grand Unification and Intermediate Scale Supersymmetry

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    With minimal field content and for an interesting range of the supersymmetric Higgs mixing parameter, 0.5 < tan^2 \beta < 2, the superpartner mass scale, \tilde{m}, is found to be at the intermediate scale, ~ 10^{10 \pm 1} GeV, near where the Standard Model Higgs quartic coupling passes through zero. For any 4d supersymmetric grand unified symmetry spontaneously broken by a vacuum expectation value , if superpotential interactions for \Sigma are forbidden e.g. by R symmetries, the uneaten color octet, \Sigma_8, and weak triplet, \Sigma_3, have masses of order \tilde{m}. The combination of superpartner and \Sigma_{8,3} states leads to successful gauge coupling unification, removing the disastrously high proton decay rate of minimal Standard Model unification. Proton decay could be seen in future experiments if \tilde{m} ~ 10^{11} GeV, but not if it is lower. If the reheating temperature after inflation, T_R, is less than \tilde{m} dark matter may be axions. If T_R > \tilde{m}, thermal LSP dark matter may lead to the environmental selection of a TeV-scale LSP, either wino or Higgsino, which could comprise all or just one component of dark matter. In the Higgsino case, the dark matter is found to behave inelastically in direct detection experiments, and gauge coupling unification occurs accurately without the need of any threshold corrections.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; version to appear in JHE

    Implications of Higgs Discovery for the Strong CP Problem and Unification

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    A Z2Z_2 symmetry that extends the weak interaction, SU(2)L→SU(2)L×SU(2)â€ČSU(2)_L \rightarrow SU(2)_L \times SU(2)', and the Higgs sector, H(2)→H(2,1)+Hâ€Č(1,2)H(2) \rightarrow H(2,1) + H'(1,2), yields a Standard Model quartic coupling that vanishes at scale vâ€Č= ≫ v' = ~\gg~. Near vâ€Čv', theories either have a "prime" sector, or possess "Left-Right" (LR) symmetry with SU(2)â€Č=SU(2)RSU(2)' = SU(2)_R. If the Z2Z_2 symmetry incorporates spacetime parity, these theories can solve the strong CP problem. The LR theories have all quark and lepton masses arising from operators of dimension 5 or more, requiring Froggatt-Nielsen structures. Two-loop contributions to ξˉ\bar{\theta} are estimated and typically lead to a neutron electric dipole moment of order 10−2710^{-27}e cm that can be observed in future experiments. Minimal models, with gauge group SU(3)×SU(2)L×SU(2)L×U(1)B−LSU(3) \times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_{B-L}, have precise gauge coupling unification for vâ€Č=1010±1v' = 10^{10\pm1} GeV, successfully correlating gauge unification with the observed Higgs mass of 125125 GeV. With SU(3)×U(1)B−LSU(3) \times U(1)_{B-L} embedded in SU(4)SU(4), the central value of the unification scale is reduced from 1016−1710^{16-17} GeV to below 101610^{16} GeV, improving the likelihood of proton decay discovery. Unified theories based on SO(10)×CPSO(10) \times CP are constructed that have H+Hâ€ČH+H' in a 16{\bf 16} or 144{\bf 144} and generate higher-dimensional flavor operators, while maintaining perturbative gauge couplings.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figure

    Study of Inclusive Multi-Ring Events from Atmospheric Neutrinos

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    The current analysis of atmospheric neutrinos by the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration is based only on fully-contained one-ring events and partially contained events. We show that the up-down ratio of fully-contained, inclusive, multi-ring events gives an independent test of the atmospheric neutrino anomaly, without the need for particle identification. Moreover, this class of events is rich in neutral current events and hence gives crucial information for discriminating between oscillations of \nu_\mu into \nu_{e, \tau} and \nu_s.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX2e, psfig.st

    Squarks in Tevatron Dilepton Events ?

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    We consider unusual events in the CDF and D0 dilepton+jets sample with very high ET(lepton) and ET(missing). It is possible, but very unlikely, that these events originate from top quark pair production; however, they have characteristics that are better accounted for by decays of supersymmetric quarks with mass in the region of 300 GeV.Comment: 5 pages, 2 postscript (eps) figures, uses sprocl.sty (included

    Radiative PQ Breaking and the Higgs Boson Mass

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    The small and negative value of the Standard Model Higgs quartic coupling at high scales can be understood in terms of anthropic selection on a landscape where large and negative values are favored: most universes have a very short-lived electroweak vacuum and typical observers are in universes close to the corresponding metastability boundary. We provide a simple example of such a landscape with a Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking scale generated through dimensional transmutation and supersymmetry softly broken at an intermediate scale. Large and negative contributions to the Higgs quartic are typically generated on integrating out the saxion field. Cancellations among these contributions are forced by the anthropic requirement of a sufficiently long-lived electroweak vacuum, determining the multiverse distribution for the Higgs quartic in a similar way to that of the cosmological constant. This leads to a statistical prediction of the Higgs boson mass that, for a wide range of parameters, yields the observed value within the 1σ\sigma statistical uncertainty of ∌\sim 5 GeV originating from the multiverse distribution. The strong CP problem is solved and single-component axion dark matter is predicted, with an abundance that can be understood from environmental selection. A more general setting for the Higgs mass prediction is discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures; v2, JHEP versio

    Minimal Mirror Twin Higgs

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    In a Mirror Twin World with a maximally symmetric Higgs sector the little hierarchy of the Standard Model can be significantly mitigated, perhaps displacing the cutoff scale above the LHC reach. We show that consistency with observations requires that the Z2 parity exchanging the Standard Model with its mirror be broken in the Yukawa couplings. A minimal such effective field theory, with this sole Z2 breaking, can generate the Z2 breaking in the Higgs sector necessary for the Twin Higgs mechanism. The theory has constrained and correlated signals in Higgs decays, direct Dark Matter Detection and Dark Radiation, all within reach of foreseen experiments, over a region of parameter space where the fine-tuning for the electroweak scale is 10-50%. For dark matter, both mirror neutrons and a variety of self-interacting mirror atoms are considered. Neutrino mass signals and the effects of a possible additional Z2 breaking from the vacuum expectation values of B-L breaking fields are also discussed.Comment: 42 pages, 8 figures; additional references and discussion on higgs physics and dark matte
